Justice League MOVIE Discussion (The SynderCut Drops 3/18/2021)


Sleeping Deity.
BGOL Investor
IMO perfect follow up to JL would be to do a kingdom come adaption!

Perfect finish for Afflecks old man batman.

Man that would be a dream come true but hugely expensive. Anyway saw the flick earlier today, I really enjoyed it but, I see what people were talking about it felt rushed and WB really just needs to slow it down and figure out what direction they want to take. I dug the team and I will actually miss Ben when he leaves but damn Batman stayed getting his ass kicked the whole flick since he was the only fully human member. Glad to see Supes back also who will be the Green Lantern needs to answered soon. A solid 3 stars from me everything that needed to be said has been said already oh and I'm glad I watched the YT vids on ComicsExplained dude was on the money with the JL movie plot before it even dropped.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A Flash movie would be the shit. I seen Green Lantern and I thought it wasn’t as bad as some people say. It could have been more action but I’d give the movie a 7.5

Was is better than Suicide Squad?

You a lie.

Correct that was the problem.. Man of Steel wasn’t built to start a Universe and Batman VS Superman came to soon. The Universe continues to feel like it’s rushed together.

My boy said it best after the film... Marvel films have a set path to an ending and DC films are just reacting to the moment.

Man, way too soon. No build up; no suspense. It's the fucking kraft services table on set. All on display.

I thought I could make it through this thread. I can't do it. I might watch it...we'll see how long that takes.

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
You a lie.

Man, way too soon. No build up; no suspense. It's the fucking kraft services table on set. All on display.

I thought I could make it through this thread. I can't do it. I might watch it...we'll see how long that takes.

What was bad about the movie?


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
just got back from seeing. Sigh..It wasn't bad, better than BVS but that's not saying much. I loved how Steppenwolf looked, but like OP said, what was his plan? He even mentioned Darkseid at one point....but nothing came of it. So Batman is recruiting people, and he doesnt even know what their powers are? All the background stories were rushed. Flash and Cyborg mentioning how they got their powers in an "oh by the way" fashion. No depth whatsoever. The fight scenes were excellent. Superman v. the League on the steps was cool. Flash was funny, but some jokes fell flat.

Good touch showing Green Lantern and Hercules. I'm sure i would watch again for the action, but the story sucked.


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
oh yeah, this is just my pet peeve, but i dont like to be spoon fed stuff. Why did Wonder Woman have to announce that her lasso would make the guy tell the truth AFTER she asked him a question. She asked a question, he didnt answer, then she goes on tell him what the lasso is capable of. See, that's the problem with DC, they treat the audience like idiots. Having her announce what the lasso can do is similar to showing us how Bruce's parents died. And now guess what, if Flash and Cyborg do get their own movies, we're gonna have to hear again about how they got their powers.

Again, the movie itself was not bad at all. I'm glad i enjoyed it and i hope DC movies get better in time


Rising Star
OG Investor
Did Ben Affleck just not work out for the fucking movie? Was it just me or was he wearing a girdle which wasn't doing much to hide his belly (his vest was desperately trying to cover that shit up)

I give it a solid 6, but they copied how Spiderman was acting in Civil War With The Flash. Very unoriginal DC.

The race between the Flash and Superman? Come on

Oh, and moviepass again Saved the Day. Me and my date and my movie pass cost me $4.75

Lol glad im not the only one who noticed!

Movie was ok. I liked better than Thor but Wonder Woman movie was much better.

The jokes seemed forced and unfunny!

That's probably why they had wonder woman punch him in the gut. He should've had MASSIVE internal damage but was probably wearing some sort of bat vest/ affleck girdle.


Rising Star
Ok just left the screening and I’m sitting in the parking lot. It’s cold as a bitch and I finished 2 beers inside so here goes.

As a movie I really really enjoyed this flix, but it does have its issues.

So here is a quick good and bad rundown.

The Good
1. It was legit funny. There were Joss Whedon-isms all over this bitch.

2. The set pieces were pretty good. Like really good.

3. It was the first DC movie that felt like an actual comic book come to life.

4. I really enjoyed the characters. At this point Gal Gadot could play Wonder Woman in her sleep. She continued to stand out. So I’m going to focus on the other ones. This was the first movie that made me say... Ok now I can see Ben Affleck as Batman. He is perfect for the I’m to old for this shit Batman. Jason Monma killed it as Aquaman for me. I didn’t think I was going to like his Redneck interpretation of Aquaman but they added just enough depth there to now make me really interested in his Aquaman movie. (But there is a part of Aquaman and his movie that’s a negative part) The guy playing cyborg killed it as well and he was the one that I really was worried about but they really added some layers to cyborg to the point where I would rather him have a movie then the Flash. His issues with his father and him finding his place in the world are interesting story ideas.

The Flash should not have a movie. The Flash was funny in this, but more like a Clint in Avengers Funny and not a Thor or Hulk Funny. He just seemed like a side character and a wimpy one at that. The Flash character made no sense to me. His powers also make zero sense and why does he run like he is retarded.

5. The special effects were pretty good.

6. Green Lanterns exist in this universe.

7. Henry Cavill really made me feel like.. he can end up being a great Superman. It’s clearly the writing that’s been the product. There were a couple Joss Whedon lines that he nailed. I think DC needs to just give Joss the keys to the ship of this cinematic universe. You can really feel the difference.

8. Tons of fan worthy moments in here.

The bad.. full spoilers..

Now don’t get it twisted.... I’m going to watch this again. My issues are really from Batman vs Superman. That movie should not have come before this.

1. Huge Spoiler... Superman came back to soon. The really should have either held Superman until the next movie or the 3rd act. He basically comes back due to a Magical mcguffin and is only out of sorts for maybe 4 minutes before he is back to regular Clark. This kills the dramatic tension of the final act because you knew that no matter how bad shit looked... Superman was out there to come save the day. It also kills any impact that his death might have had.

2. The Story made zero sense. I’ve got no idea what Steppenwolf was trying to accomplish. Like I thought he was trying to bring back darkshied but then it looked like he was just trying to take over the world. The story never makes it clear. Then it’s a different steppenwolf from the guy that we saw at the end of BVS.

3. You can tell that the Superman parts were added in during the reshoots. This would be more noticeable for those that followed this story on midnights edge... but it’s obvious. There’s some weird tonal shifts. Also Clark never wore his Black Krypton outfit or the long hair. He never comes across as changed.

4. Based on how Clark comes back... I don’t even see how Bruce Wayne’s Nightmare in Batman vs Superman is going to come to pass. Maybe if Clark came back different and disappeared after he came out of the darkness to save everyone in the end against Steppenwolf.. in that scenario I could see Clark eventually turning.. But in this movie I don’t see how it’s possible. Clark embraces life here.

5. Their powers are all over the place in the franchise. Clark was doing things I’ve never seen and Wonder Woman was twice as fast.

6. How come the Amazon’s didn’t mention that they happened to have a motherbox in the Wonder Woman movie.

7. My biggest and most unforgivable complaint is that in Batman vs Superman.. it was such a huge Deal that Batman knew that Clark’s moms name was Martha. That revelation opened Bruce’s eyes and dude risked his life to save her. Bruce also was at Martha’s house for the funeral...

All this leads me to ask... Why in the fuck did Bruce allow Martha’s house to get foreclosured. He keeps track of all of these metahumans and yet he couldn’t save the house of the mother of the man that he feels like his actions lead to his death. Throughout this movie.. Bruce continues to mention how Clark was the best of us and yet.. he let Martha lose her house.

Then in the end.. you buy the bank and get Martha back her house only after Clark comes back. Come on man... Bruce was sending out checks to his former employee and yet he couldn’t save Martha’s house.

8. My biggest complaint and this is from Batman vs Superman... Why the fuck did you have Clark have a open casket funeral only to bring him back the next movie without explaining shit. Like when Clark comes back he is walking around Smallville like nothing happened

Anyway... these are my hot takes. Excuse any typos, I’m on my cell phone.

Also.. again.. Even though I had some negatives.. I really did enjoy this movie as a stand-alone work.

Would I pay to see it again.... yes.

Would I buy the Blu-ray... yes

I wouldn’t wait until BGOL cinemas on this. There are parts that need to be watched on the big screen. Everything isn’t shown in the trailers. Also stay until the end...

Now the next discussion needs to be... this movie continues to show me that DC really doesn’t have a unified vision on their franchise.

Pretty much how I saw it. Ain't no way Clark Kent can exist after this shit.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
What Batman vs Superman... dude

I’ve never seen a movie get ocked before

Dude this took me back forgot about these arguments :lol:

The biggest problem is that completely fucked Superman. There is no way that they can just bring him back when everybody has seen Clack in a fucking coffin. Dude is going to have to spend his life in the whatch tower all his life or just walk around in the suit and cape. Clark Kent is completely dead now....

fonz called it almost 2 years ago

Pretty much how I saw it. Ain't no way Clark Kent can exist after this shit.

And even tho I liked him as aqua man I forgot about this :angry:

further proof that DC/WB Zack snyder are all IDIOTS and CLUELESS!!!!!!

The DC Villain Jason Momoa Thought Zack Snyder Would Ask Him To Play

Lots of people were more than a little surprised when Jason Momoa was cast as Aquaman for Justice League. However, nobody was as surprised as the actor himself. Apparently, when Momoa was called in to meet with Zack Snyder for the first time, he thought he had no idea what role he was being considered for, but assumed it would be some sort of villain character.


There were a lot of things that went through my mind. I was thinking like, 'Lobo.' I'm gonna play some kind of bad guy. I'm like, 'Who am I gonna play?' And yeah, he said Aquaman. I was just like, 'Come again? Pardon me?' And then he explained why. I was like, 'Whoa, buddy. I got your back.'

It's not too surprising to hear Jason Momoa tell ET Canada that he thought he would be considered for a role like the intergalactic bounty hunter/hell-raiser Lobo. To start with, the two share significantly more physical characteristics than Momoa does with the more traditional look of Aquaman. While Aquaman has been known to grow facial hair now and again, he's traditionally seen as a clean-cut blonde guy, a far cry from the look that we all know from seeing Momoa as Khal Drogo on Game of Thrones. It would seem that when Snyder explained his vision of the sort of character that the Justice League version of Aquaman would be, Momoa jumped on board.

The Aquaman that we've seen as part of the first trailer for Justice League shows a man with a much rougher edge to him than we usually see. He appears to drink a bit and he comes close to beating the crap out of Bruce Wayne. Now that we know exactly what Zack Snyder was thinking, we can completely understand what he as thinking with his casting choice.

Of course, casting Jason Momoa as Aquaman in the DC Extended Universe means he's pretty much unavailable when and if a Lobo movie ever makes its way to the screen. There have been repeate attempts to do so over the last few years. Jason Fuchs is reportedly working on a new script for the project but that's all we really know about the current attempt. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was previously attached to a Lobo movie but that idea appears to be dead, as The Rock will be playing Black Adam in a Shazam movie at some point.



BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
And now guess what, if Flash and Cyborg do get their own movies, we're gonna have to hear again about how they got their powers.

Yeap... it’s going to be 30 to 40 minutes of origin story.

Cyborg’s will show him back in his football days. Probably the Arogant football jock with Dad issues because his Dad was too busy working at Starlabs.

Flash will basically be a beat by beat retelling of Peter Parker’s story except with more Jewish based comedy and emo.
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BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Dude this took me back forgot about these arguments :lol:

fonz called it almost 2 years ago

And even tho I liked him as aqua man I forgot about this :angry:

further proof that DC/WB Zack snyder are all IDIOTS and CLUELESS!!!!!!

The DC Villain Jason Momoa Thought Zack Snyder Would Ask Him To Play

Lots of people were more than a little surprised when Jason Momoa was cast as Aquaman for Justice League. However, nobody was as surprised as the actor himself. Apparently, when Momoa was called in to meet with Zack Snyder for the first time, he thought he had no idea what role he was being considered for, but assumed it would be some sort of villain character.


There were a lot of things that went through my mind. I was thinking like, 'Lobo.' I'm gonna play some kind of bad guy. I'm like, 'Who am I gonna play?' And yeah, he said Aquaman. I was just like, 'Come again? Pardon me?' And then he explained why. I was like, 'Whoa, buddy. I got your back.'

It's not too surprising to hear Jason Momoa tell ET Canada that he thought he would be considered for a role like the intergalactic bounty hunter/hell-raiser Lobo. To start with, the two share significantly more physical characteristics than Momoa does with the more traditional look of Aquaman. While Aquaman has been known to grow facial hair now and again, he's traditionally seen as a clean-cut blonde guy, a far cry from the look that we all know from seeing Momoa as Khal Drogo on Game of Thrones. It would seem that when Snyder explained his vision of the sort of character that the Justice League version of Aquaman would be, Momoa jumped on board.

The Aquaman that we've seen as part of the first trailer for Justice League shows a man with a much rougher edge to him than we usually see. He appears to drink a bit and he comes close to beating the crap out of Bruce Wayne. Now that we know exactly what Zack Snyder was thinking, we can completely understand what he as thinking with his casting choice.

Of course, casting Jason Momoa as Aquaman in the DC Extended Universe means he's pretty much unavailable when and if a Lobo movie ever makes its way to the screen. There have been repeate attempts to do so over the last few years. Jason Fuchs is reportedly working on a new script for the project but that's all we really know about the current attempt. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was previously attached to a Lobo movie but that idea appears to be dead, as The Rock will be playing Black Adam in a Shazam movie at some point.


Damn I need to go back into that thread and see if some of my other predictions came to light.


X-pert Professional
Platinum Member
in the theater now... show starts in 10 mins

and this bitch is empty!! its less than 20 people.... mane this shit gone flop hard!


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Side note I was dropping all kinds of knowledge.

The same still holds for Lex..

I agree with what they were trying to do and in the beginning it was working .. like the party scene. But then they just made him flat bat shit crazy and played all of his cards in this movie. What does he have left? He kidnapped the girlfriend, the mother, told Clark that he knows his identity, wasted Doomsday, Batman cloned dudes computer and has his files on the other meta humans, Wonder Woman has her photo, he was arrested, he blew up his assistant for no fucking reason at all, and he probably lost his company.... All in one movie. How is he even a threat now?

And now they are immediately going to Darkshied. Why???? He is the big hammer and there is no build up for him. Man of steel 2 with Brainiac as the villain would have been perfect. You could of still had Wonder Woman and lex in this. I would have left Batman out and saved Batman v Superman for the next movie before justice league. But DC just could not be patient..... They felt like they had to catch up to Marvel and Fox and just rushed into this movie. You can tell it was rushed.

We are still asking the same questions....

They were actually idiots for making this one movie. After watching this film.. they should have gone the Steppenwolf for this film and merged Darkseid and Flashpoint into the Second film. Leave Superman as the we need held trump card for the end of the movie.. He comes back Fucked up in the head but he Fucks up Steppenwolf for killing Lois .... He then flys off into space screaming and insane and at that moment ... Multiple boom tubes appear in the sky signaling Darkseids arrival.... then fade to black ... no end credits needed.

That’s how it should have been done. You have to raise the stakes.

The Justice League 2 would be Flashpoint. But with Barry trying to Fix Lois’s death and becomes Selfish... So he ends up deciding to save his mom now that he knows he has this power to go back in time. Bamn... you could make this like 4 movies.. like Lord of the Rings.

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BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member

Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg have united… but we’re still puzzling over a few things about their first big-screen team-up.
BY IGN STAFF The Justice League has finally arrived! After many years of development, the best known and most beloved of DC Comics’ heroes have united on the big screen. You can check out our review of the film here, but as usual we also have plenty of questions about some of the story beats and moments in the movie.

So here are our 5 Biggest WTF Questions About Justice League… Full spoilers follow, of course!

Aquaman’s Never Been to Atlantis Before?!

No, seriously, Arthur Curry ventures to Atlantis for the first time in Justice League, according to what Aquaman actor Jason Momoa told IGN on the red carpet at the film’s premiere.

How did Arthur find his way there? It’s a lost -- meaning not found! -- continent somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. Was he drawn there? If so, then by what? The ocean itself? Fish? The Mother Box? Amber Heard’s Mera makes it clear she’s never met him before in their scene together.

What’s Aquaman been doing with his whole life then exactly if he hasn’t been ruling Atlantis? Just swimming around stopping whalers and drinking booze in remote taverns? And just how old is he? The art on the wall of that pub looks like an ancient mural featuring Aquaman and all three Mother Boxes, which would suggest he’s pretty old or has been in contact with all three Mother Boxes at some point. And yet Arthur tells the League during his accidental “confession” that he’s too young to die and doesn’t act as if he has any idea what the Mother Boxes do during the League’s group chat about them.

Also, why does he smash that glass bottle INTO THE OCEAN!? AQUA-LITTERER!

How Does Clark Kent Return to His Old Life?
Look, Superman returning from the dead -- that the general public of the DCEU can buy. But Clark Kent also died, and now he’s back too. And it isn’t like he disappeared and was just presumed dead or something. No, there was a funeral. Clark’s body was buried. In a suit. With a picture of Kevin Costner! We know this because the Justice League eventually, and rather gruesomely, dug the guy up. Graverobbers.

We even saw in Batman v Superman that the Daily Planet ran Clark’s obituary. So everyone moving Martha back into the Kent farm at the end of Justice League was probably locals wondering just how the heck her son is alive again. Also, why is he hanging out with that famous billionaire Bruce Wayne now...?

Why Have the Mother Boxes Started Freaking Out Now Exactly?
Much is made about how millennia ago the villain Steppenwolf almost used the three Mother Boxes to destroy the people of Earth. It was only through the combined might of the Amazons, the Atlanteans, and mankind -- and some others, hey Green Lantern! -- that he was defeated. The dormant Boxes were then dispersed and hidden across the globe, but now they’ve started to become functional again. But why is that exactly?

Some lip service is paid in the film to the death of Superman and the hopelessness that has resulted from that. And the implication appears to be that this is why the Boxes are acting up again, which is why Steppenwolf has returned. But the thing is, Superman was only on Earth for, what, like 35 years before he died? So why weren’t the Boxes turning themselves back on in the intervening, oh, 5,000 years since they were hidden?

Oh, and by the way, what happened to the Mother Boxes at the end of the movie anyway? Are they still around? If so, might be time to hide and bury them again. Hey! Come to think of it, there’s a dug-up hole all ready to go in the Smallville cemetery...

Can Wonder Woman Really Not Go Back to Themyscira?
We just don’t know what the deal is with Wonder Woman and her old hometown of Themyscira. Can she go back there? Is she forbidden from ever returning? It wasn’t made clear in her solo film and Justice League doesn’t do anything to answer this question either.

While we do see a fair amount of the hidden paradise island in the new movie, plus flashbacks of the Amazons in battle against Steppenwolf, Diana herself does not set foot on the island. She left about a hundred years ago at this point, after saving Steve Trevor, and she was essentially in hiding for most of that time from what we can tell, living among mortal man as one of their kind. So why wouldn’t Wonder Woman return home to see her mother and her sisters again? Is she banished? Doesn’t she ever want a home-cooked meal that only her mom can make? It’s a question that hopefully Wonder Woman 2 will finally get around to answering.

What Happened to Steppenwolf at the End?
Once Superman is revived and the combined might of the Justice League is able to kick some Steppenwolf butt, the old guy gets a bit freaked out. And that fear leads to his parademons attacking him, which is a nice touch. But then a boom tube -- yep, that’s what those portals are called -- opens up, and the teeming mass of parademons that have engulfed Steppenwolf are sucked back to where they came from.

But where is that? And who triggered the boom tube? Did Steppenwolf himself do so in an effort to escape? Or was he summoned back by his master, Darkseid, who is briefly mentioned in the film and presumably will show up again in some future DC movie. Also, will Steppenwolf even still be alive by the time he gets to the exit point of that portal? Because those parademons can be pretty, pretty nasty…



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
And now guess what, if Flash and Cyborg do get their own movies, we're gonna have to hear again about how they got their powers.

Yeap... it’s going to be 30 to 40 minutes of origin story.

Cyborg’s will show him back in his football days. Probably the Arogant football joke with Dad issues because his Dad was too busy working at Starlabs.

Flash will basically be a beat by beat retelling of Peter Parker’s story except with more Jewish based comedy and emo.

Thats why they better just do this like Marvel did the Hulk w/ Ed Norton..do a cold open,then the origin in a montage during the opening credits with some narration("My name is Barry Allen..and this is how i became..THE FASTEST MAN ALIVE.")


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What was bad about the movie?

What Batman vs Superman... dude

I’ve never seen a movie get ocked before


Naw, I dont talked about PoS on here before. We talking about that other garbage pile

Batman versus Superman was horrible. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an action movie that put me to sleep before but Green Lantern wasn’t bad like BVS


I had never seen it and every time I tried I would fall asleep. So last night, it comes on, (SyFy doing some DC/Justice League marathon), and I try to watch it. I get through maybe...25% before the computer to my right captures my attention, (entertainment education with YT and children exclaiming in my ears), before I say fuck it, I ain't paying attention. Shit comes on again today...and it is the most horrible shit EVER. In ways that PoS can shine, Gross Light fails. Miserably. I swear 80% of the movie isn't even real. No wonder Ryan Reynolds is trying to redeem himself with Deadpool - that shit in Wolverine:Origins isn't the only body count on his shoulders.

I would go further, but this about the current pile of garbage, the Just Us League. I've seen the reviews about rubber bodies, and bad story...even the take on the characters is 50/50 depending on what you read. As bad as PoS is, it is WAY BETTER than Gross Light. And if what I'm seeing of JL is that it has some likeness to GL...man, I can't give this shit a wink, nod, tip of the hat, nothing. Fonz ain't making me feel no better either...I refuse to waste my money. I came in here to see what yall was saying about the movie, hoping it would change my mind...but nah. I couldn't make it past the first page.

I dare you to find something worthwhile to make me want to see this movie. DARE. And putting GL in this argument ensures I watch it with the BGOL cinema.

Let me get back to my Law and Order.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I dare you to find something worthwhile to make me want to see this movie. DARE. And putting GL in this argument ensures I watch it with the BGOL cinema.

Well they did make a big deal out of reusing Danny Elfman's Batman theme and John Williams's Superman theme..or what very little of both they used :dunno::lol:


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
But 110 million for a movie that you have been talking about since man of Steel... that’s not a good look. Especially if you are trying to get a Billion to be considered a success for them. It’s no telling how much this movie cost. Fantastic beasts had to work against the fact that it really just looked like a movie about a dude chasing animals and everyone knew that it was a different story. Like how the Hobbit was hurt because you had to compare it to Lord of the Rings... ( and the fact that they stretched it into 3 movies).

I think it cost $250 million to make.

I watched the Flash on the WB the other day, I thought I was watching a Disney Channel kids show. They had parts in this movie that felt like that. I prefer Zach Snyder's darker, more serious themes. These idiots and their demands too see jokes ruined parts of this film.

Yeah, I actually liked the more serious theme and more adult feel. That "joke-every-other-minute" shit is annoying. The only Marvel movies I've liked are the last two Captain America ones, where there was a more mature feel.

no dude - look at BVS- great action scenes and ideas ruined by a crap screenplay zero transition gaping logic and plot holes
exact same shit going on now in JL -just with jokes now!

and in brighter colors

I thought the action scenes in BvS were weak; a huge letdown after the great scenes in MoS.

Let me start by saying I'm one of the people who didn't think Wonder Woman was all that. I think gal gadot is a meh actress at best. But I get it. She is pretty and she has an accent. I think lots of people see that and take it for good acting. It's happened before and it'll happen again. But she's a beanpole. She's nowhere close to SJ in that catsuit.

So if she were curvier then you wouldn't have a problem with her?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I understand Superman was brought back to life from the mother box and lightning. But shouldn't he of been weak and unable to use his powers until he gets in contact with the yellow sun.

Also why did flash have to touch the box the same time it hit the water. Was that just for an "cool effect" cause the motherbox was in Atlantis underwater for years. Why couldn't they of just placed the box on his chest then Flash did his thing.


Resident Cool Nerd
BGOL Investor
I understand Superman was brought back to life from the mother box and lightning. But shouldn't he of been weak and unable to use his powers until he gets in contact with the yellow sun.

Also why did flash have to touch the box the same time it hit the water. Was that just for an "cool effect" cause the motherbox was in Atlantis underwater for years. Why couldn't they of just placed the box on his chest then Flash did his thing.
Yea when he first returned from death in the black suit he couldn't even fly yet. But no time for that I guess.

El Guapo

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I swear. People act like they need stuff spoon-fed to them, and then turn around and complain when it is in fact spoon-fed to them. JL and the DCEU are far from perfect but they are also far from the clusterfuck that everyone pretends they are. There are plot holes, but most of the stuff that people focus on are dots that they could easily connect if they just paid attention. Marvel has not been without their plot-holes either (though admittedly there have been less). For example, we just gonna act like the tesseract didn't appear in three or four movies before the concept of an infinity stone was even mentioned? Or that Korg was not retconned from his brief and terminal appearance in Thor the Dark World, so that he could appear in Ragnarok?

I happen to be that rare individual that is equal parts DC fan and Marvel fan, but I get really bothered by the way that people shit on the DCEU. Every single movie outside of Suicide Squad has been watchable in either their theatrical release or their unedited version, and a few of them have actually been good.

Aquaman’s Never Been to Atlantis Before?At this point, we don't know that Aquaman has never been to Atlantis. He could have either been thrust out of power or have yet to rise to power. All we know is that Mera has never met him. And why would she have? This is not Queen Mera. Not yet. This is Mera the soldier that is isolated and a part of the group tasked with guarding the Mother Box. Mera obviously knows who Aquaman is, which means that the other Atlanteans probably do as well. In any case, you know when that will be explored/revealed? In Aquaman's SOLO MOVIE. He was a good though relatively unexplored character in JL and he is somewhat shrouded in mystery. Congratulations, you now have questions and thus a reason to watch a movie about a character that you would probably not have given two craps about, if his solo movie had just randomly popped up two years ago.

This is not a plot hole or a WTF. A better question (though less material to the story) is why on earth did Aquaman need to ask Mera for the trident when he clearly had it in BvS?

How Does Clark Kent Return to His Old Life?.
We have no indication that Clark will return to his old life, just his familiar disguise. Clark is a relative unknown outside of Smallville and the Daily Planet. He could literally walk around Metroplis in anonymity if he doesn't walk into the Daily Planet building, or any of his old hangout spots. We saw him walking down a busy street, nothing more.

Why Have the Mother Boxes Started Freaking Out Now Exactly?

Really? Really? It's not Rocket Science people. The Mother Boxes awoke, and more than likely revealed their location to Steppenwolf when Silas Stone used one to "heal" Vic Stone and turn him into Cyborg. The Themysciran and Atlantean Boxes were previously hidden, and dormant. Probably not even discussed outside of the ruling circles and the few guards that were tasked with protecting them. The Star Labs box moved around, but was dormant as well prior to it being used on Cyborg. Even after it was used, it was moved again and hidden, which is why Steppenwolf detained and questions Star Labs personal rather than going straight to the box.

So Steppenwolf finally sees the location of the boxes after 5K years, but also sees that not only are there still Themyscirans and Atlanteans, but now earth is protected by a badass Kryptonian, who would literally hand him his own ass if he even thought about stepping foot on earth. So he doesn't. Until he later sees that the Kryptonian is somehow killed. The bell has been rung ... ding... ding ...ding (Lex Luthor emphasis intended) and it's now time to attack the earth; regain the mother boxes, and earn his way back into Apokolips/Darkseid's good graces by conquering and terra-forming the earth.

Can Wonder Woman Really Not Go Back to Themyscira?
Themyscira is hidden from humanity and one can only happen upon it by accident. Even one who has been there before. It's not that Diana can't return there, it's that she doesn't exactly know where it is. This never held up past a certain point in any of the Wonder Woman storylines as she has always ended up being able to eventually come and go at will. I have no doubt that the same will end up true for the DCEU as well, but for the time being she cannot go there.

What Happened to Steppenwolf at the End?

Granny Goodness or Darkseid himself probably boom tubed him back to Apokolips for questioning, punishment, and/or rescue from the parademons.
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BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Man you typed up a lot of stuff to defend this movie.

Everything IGN posted on... were the same questions that I asked.

If you have to bring in outside knowledge to fill in logic gaps in a movie... You have a plot hole.

You can’t add in what ifs or could have beens. You just need better writing and direction

I could have sworn that we went over this in Batman vs Superman.
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BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Also why did flash have to touch the box the same time it hit the water. Was that just for an "cool effect" cause the motherbox was in Atlantis underwater for years. Why couldn't they of just placed the box on his chest then Flash did his thing.

I’m not going to lie I was highly confused about that part as well. I heard what cyborg said but I thought the same thing about why did he need to touch it with lighting right before it touched the water....


X-pert Professional
Platinum Member
Damn on a Saturday night...

Man they are about to reboot this shit again.
ok more people showed up but it was it was less than 50

dude i liked the movie... all the build a team shit at the beginning was zzzzz. But after that the movie was really good.

like everyone said Dc needs to do better with their villans
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El Guapo

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man you typed up a lot of stuff to defend this movie.

Everything IGN posted on... were the same questions that I asked.

If you have to bring in outside knowledge to feel in logic gaps in a movie... You have a plot hole.

You can’t add in what ifs or could have beens. You just need better writing and direction

I could have sworn that we went over this in Batman vs Superman.

BvS required you to fill in a lot more gaps from comic knowledge than JL. Most of the stuff I discussed from JL is just common sense or was stated in the film.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I understand Superman was brought back to life from the mother box and lightning. But shouldn't he of been weak and unable to use his powers until he gets in contact with the yellow sun.

Also why did flash have to touch the box the same time it hit the water. Was that just for an "cool effect" cause the motherbox was in Atlantis underwater for years. Why couldn't they of just placed the box on his chest then Flash did his thing.
I thought it was some fluid not water.

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
Dude this took me back forgot about these arguments :lol:

fonz called it almost 2 years ago

And even tho I liked him as aqua man I forgot about this :angry:

further proof that DC/WB Zack snyder are all IDIOTS and CLUELESS!!!!!!

The DC Villain Jason Momoa Thought Zack Snyder Would Ask Him To Play

Lots of people were more than a little surprised when Jason Momoa was cast as Aquaman for Justice League. However, nobody was as surprised as the actor himself. Apparently, when Momoa was called in to meet with Zack Snyder for the first time, he thought he had no idea what role he was being considered for, but assumed it would be some sort of villain character.


There were a lot of things that went through my mind. I was thinking like, 'Lobo.' I'm gonna play some kind of bad guy. I'm like, 'Who am I gonna play?' And yeah, he said Aquaman. I was just like, 'Come again? Pardon me?' And then he explained why. I was like, 'Whoa, buddy. I got your back.'

It's not too surprising to hear Jason Momoa tell ET Canada that he thought he would be considered for a role like the intergalactic bounty hunter/hell-raiser Lobo. To start with, the two share significantly more physical characteristics than Momoa does with the more traditional look of Aquaman. While Aquaman has been known to grow facial hair now and again, he's traditionally seen as a clean-cut blonde guy, a far cry from the look that we all know from seeing Momoa as Khal Drogo on Game of Thrones. It would seem that when Snyder explained his vision of the sort of character that the Justice League version of Aquaman would be, Momoa jumped on board.

The Aquaman that we've seen as part of the first trailer for Justice League shows a man with a much rougher edge to him than we usually see. He appears to drink a bit and he comes close to beating the crap out of Bruce Wayne. Now that we know exactly what Zack Snyder was thinking, we can completely understand what he as thinking with his casting choice.

Of course, casting Jason Momoa as Aquaman in the DC Extended Universe means he's pretty much unavailable when and if a Lobo movie ever makes its way to the screen. There have been repeate attempts to do so over the last few years. Jason Fuchs is reportedly working on a new script for the project but that's all we really know about the current attempt. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was previously attached to a Lobo movie but that idea appears to be dead, as The Rock will be playing Black Adam in a Shazam movie at some point.

I liked him as Aquaman but damn casting him as Lobo would have been perfect.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
So if she were curvier then you wouldn't have a problem with her?
if she had more muscle mass - there would be less of an issue
an amazon should not look like a super model... lifetime of rigorous combat training does not lead to an almost 6' tall size 4 adult female another thing not enough work was put into fight training for the actors or the choreography
hand to hand combat cgi is blasphemous
I thought the action scenes in BvS were weak; a huge letdown after the great scenes in MoS.
crap screenplay... the ideas are there if you look for them - they just got scrapped or watered down trying to get epic "shots"


Rising Star
Platinum Member
ok more people showed up but it was it was less than 50

dude i liked the movie... all the build a team shit at the beginning was zzzzz. But after that the movie was really good.

like everyone said Dc needs to do better with their villans
The movie was weird. So this guy took on 3 groups and lost, got destroyed by Superman easily, but Batman felt he could take him on?

I’m going to have to call in Wonder Woman’s god card.