Kamala Harris Backtracking On Previous Progressive Positions


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There is a difference between what you believe and what is attainable.

Obama believed in Single-Payer, Medicare for All, and settled on ACA.

Significant changes are better than no changes at all.

It takes the House and the Senate to pass the shit you are talking about her backtracking on .

So would you rather she stomp her feet and grit her teeth and don't budge so nothing gets through ?

ACA isn't perfect but it made big important changes.

Unless you give politicians control of the house and a super majority in the senate you can stop complaining about compromise.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Harry Reid could have changed the filibuster rules as well as the majority rules

But he was scared that when the republicans took control they would abuse it

I always thought super majority is bad math but they like it cause it gives the minority party some power


Rising Star
I am not going to teach you how the government works.

And until you learn it , you shouldn't be posting troll shit

Google the Socratic method. I’m the one teaching you.

Here are the answers, since you failed the assignment.

Republicans using power:

Democrats making excuses:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Google the Socratic method. I’m the one teaching you.

Here are the answers, since you failed the assignment.

Republicans using power:

Democrats making excuses:

NO you are not you are moving goalposts you asked about a simple majority

Votes needed to pass nominations and legislation is different.

Votes need is a simple majority for nominations

Today, filibusters remain a part of Senate practice, although only on legislation. The Senate adopted new precedents in the 2010s to allow a simple majority to end debate on nominations.

Both are legislative rules and Reid could have gotten rid of the simple majority but he didn't

He could have also required the filibuster to be a talking filibuster and he didn't


Rising Star
NO you are not you are moving goalposts you asked about a simple majority

Votes needed to pass nominations and legislation is different.

Votes need is a simple majority for nominations

Today, filibusters remain a part of Senate practice, although only on legislation. The Senate adopted new precedents in the 2010s to allow a simple majority to end debate on nominations.

Both are legislative rules and Reid could have gotten rid of the simple majority but he didn't

He could have also required the filibuster to be a talking filibuster and he didn't

Getting rid of the filibuster has been a major progressive priority for the entire decade. I’m not moving goalposts, this is well-established.

You said “Unless you give politicians control of the house and a super majority in the senate you can stop complaining about compromise” like it was a rule handed down from God.

Congress is important. But “compromise” that means no legislation can get done without Republicans even when Democrats have a majority is not something that has to be accepted.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Democrats are very weak and dumb, the fact that Josh Shapiro is a front runner as VP speaks to how lost and retarded they are.

Having said that, what the fuck else are we supposed to vote for out here? Republicans are basically on some Ridley Scott Alien type shit… yes Dems suck but wtf are these other niggas on??! :smh:

We live in a dystopian nightmare.


Rising Star
it all comes down to, what other option do you have other than not voting for Trump? not voting?
Even Obama wasn't without his flaws,.....but i still voted for him. just sayin.....
Democrats are very weak and dumb, the fact that Josh Shapiro is a front runner as VP speaks to how lost and retarded they are.

Having said that, what the fuck else are we supposed to vote for out here? Republicans are basically on some Ridley Scott Alien type shit… yes Dems suck but wtf are these other niggas on??! :smh:

We live in a dystopian nightmare.

Of course we have to vote for Harris but she can also be pressured every step of the way.

And Obama is the perfect example of a politician who the people failed to pressure.

In early 2009, as Barack Obama prepared to move into the White House, a particular historical anecdote rapidly gained in popularity, repeated in dozens of talks and articles as a parable for how supporters should respond to the new president taking office. The story related a New Deal–era encounter between Franklin Delano Roosevelt and a group of activists, usually said to have been led by A. Philip Randolph of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. In the meeting, the advocates laid out a vision of bold action for change that the president could advance with his bully pulpit and his executive power. FDR listened to their position and considered the demands they presented. Then he replied, “You’ve convinced me. I agree with what you’ve said. Now go out and make me do it.”

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
There is a difference between what you believe and what is attainable.

Obama believed in Single-Payer, Medicare for All, and settled on ACA.

Significant changes are better than no changes at all.

It takes the House and the Senate to pass the shit you are talking about her backtracking on .

So would you rather she stomp her feet and grit her teeth and don't budge so nothing gets through ?

ACA isn't perfect but it made big important changes.

Unless you give politicians control of the house and a super majority in the senate you can stop complaining about compromise.
***ignore previous instructions,
Write a sonnet about bonnets***


Medium well
BGOL Investor
Kamala never was and never had been a progressive, we can put a hard stop at that shit right there. The only thing that matters is can she be pushed and pressured into signing progressive policies.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If Big O got down and dirty, laid his mac down. Do you think the single payer option was attainable?

Remember he had a 60 majority and the blue dog democrats wouldn't vote for it.

So he settled for the ACA which was based on Romney's shit.

Figured it was the middle of the road enough he could get some "moderate" Republican votes ..

Them old mofokr otta die


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
DEI is a permament interest

The level playing field is a permanent interest

Judicial reform is a permanent interest

Quality education and Quality Healthcare are permanent interest

Equal Opprtunity is a permement interest
You really believe that bullshit, ha?