Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump to debate on September 10( East vs West, Women vs Men, Sista va Cac, DemoRat vs RePigLet)


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Trump was doing ok until she hit him with the small bored rallies and since then he has come completely unhinged,talking without thinking,getting his talking points mixed up and saying obviously false lies. he is done after this. his poll numbers will sink and he will begin to move toward fixing the election cause he will see he cant win with votes. he has said so many things during this unhinged set of rants that he wasnt supposed to say out loud but rather dog whistle it. horrible performance
No chance this happens and if i had to guess..he pulls ahead in my state of NC :hmm::smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Apparently this was the source of the "Haitians eating dogs in Ohio" that Drumpf spoke of.....

A Neo-Nazi that marched against immigrants coming into Springfield, Oh

I'll look for more clips and actual.quotes later


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I almost feel sorry for him cause he is so outta his depth. his small minded comments cant rattle her and she has rattled him to his core 4/5 times and he cant control it. he has no poker face at all. no way you can spin this if ur a Trump supporter he just looks and sounds sad

Don't feel sorry for him at all and I wish this election was tomorrow so this is the last thing that people remember of him. I'm so pissed that this is where we are as a country right now. That you have someone that can run for president to avoid being prosecuted and then can do and say whatever he wants.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster








Rising Star
Platinum Member
"Under the Biden administration, for example, there has been a reversal of previous policies that mandated housing transgender inmates based solely on their sex assigned at birth. Now, transgender inmates can be housed in facilities that align with their gender identity on a case-by-case basis, taking into account their safety and well-being. Democrats have also pushed for ensuring transgender inmates have access to hormone therapy and other forms of gender-affirming care, with the legal argument being that denying such care could violate the Eighth Amendment, which protects against cruel and unusual punishment.

While there has been progress in policy and some notable cases of transgender individuals receiving gender-affirming care in federal prisons, the implementation of these policies is still inconsistent, and enforcement has been criticized as lacking. Democrats continue to advocate for stronger protections and more consistent access to care for transgender prisoners in both federal and state facilities."

• Congressional Equality Caucus
• The 19th News
• The Advocate

That's not federal policy for "transgender operations on illegal aliens who are in prison"