Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump to debate on September 10( East vs West, Women vs Men, Sista va Cac, DemoRat vs RePigLet)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Tha fuck y’all talking bout. This bitch is getting cooked. Can’t answer nothing straight but abortion.
She's getting cooked and she's a bitch?

We hear you loud and clear



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
People this is the performance Trump did with the first debate with Joe Biden, but people was focused on Joe Biden setbacks. Kamala gets a chef kiss tonight. She did what she had to do and then some tonight.
Yeah you are right about this. Trump sucked in the first one and hasn't changed


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
You are an extension of Biden until you release your OWN POLICIES PUBLICLY, which differentiates you from his.
Until then, don't talk about a plan that you do not have. Your plans are talking points. Where are your policies? Fully written and punblsihed!