Katt Williams Calls Out ya favorite comedians 2024 (Shannon Sharp)

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Yeah, she's fine.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
I'll say this I don't know if he's an industry plant or not. I said I can believe he's an industry plant. I don't know anyone out of the many people I know whether they are friends, enemies, people I casually know, coworkers past and present, the cashier at the grocery store, to uber drivers I've had, people I just said hello or excuse me to. None of those people thought Kevin Hart was funny.

So your defining a plant as someone who you and your small circle doesn't find funny? Using that logic, anyone could be an industry plant. I don't know anyone who thinks Cedric is funny, yet he's been fairly successful. Is he a plant? I've never thought thought Mike Epps was funny and when people do mention him they say he's a funny actor; not necessarily stand up. When he had has run, was he a plant? You and the small percentage of people you know aren't fans of Kevin. Clearly the turn out for his shows and ability to still get work in movies years after his initial hype says he not only has a fanbase but various organizations are willing to invest in him. That doesn't count him investing in himself. If you discount his achievements as fake or inflated, the same would be true for everyone.

If you look at Kat and Kevin, you see a clear difference in attitude. People think your talent is the most important measure of if you'll be successful in life and they are wrong. You are judged on your public personia. Are you a good fit personality wise and will people want to work with you. Do you seem dependable. The rules don't change just because it's the entertainment world. If you use Dame vs Jay-Z, it would be similar. It's not necessarily about talent or Jay being a smarter executive. Regardless of his prior success, people don't want to work with Dame because of his attitude and he starred to lose. Being a dick is usually only effective when you are winning. In large, people want to work with humble people, none problematic, none complainers or less opinionated people. Before falling off, Dame did make another Hov in Kanye West. Dame gave Kevin one of his first opportunities with Paper Soldiers. Going back to Kat, he maybe cool on a personal level, but out of his own mouth professionally he maybe a pain. This would partly explain why with all his talent and in his mind being funnier than Kevin, he hasn't seen the same opportunities or success as Kevin.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I'm pretty sure we all spoke on that about Dave wore a dress and as someone on this thread said that dave never deny that he wore a dress before his career took off.

I mentioned it in my initial post, I never said he denied anything and that isn't the point. The Tic Toc post tries to imply that Dave has never done that. They show everyone, but Dave wearing a dress. Even out of Dave's mouth, it was a old industry thing and we can assume the person was counting white actors too.

The person who posted the video would need to explain their reply to my statement.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

My response to your post wasn't about Dave not wearing a dress. My quoting of your post was in response to what you wrote below.

" I just believe the thought of it being a conspiracy is nonsense".

The video I posted shows that even Dave believes it's a conspiracy to but Black men in dresses. Along with many others.

Also I already knew about him in the movie that you posted and you know what?

I do you one better.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I mentioned it in my initial post, I never said he denied anything and that isn't the point. The Tic Toc post tries to imply that Dave has never done that. They show everyone, but Dave wearing a dress. Even out of Dave's mouth, it was a old industry thing and we can assume the person was counting white actors too.

The person who posted the video would need to explain their reply to my statement.

"The person" replied.

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So your defining a plant as someone who you and your small circle doesn't find funny? Using that logic, anyone could be an industry plant. I don't know anyone who thinks Cedric is funny, yet he's been fairly successful. Is he a plant? I've never thought thought Mike Epps was funny and when people do mention him they say he's a funny actor; not necessarily stand up. When he had has run, was he a plant? You and the small percentage of people you know aren't fans of Kevin. Clearly the turn out for his shows and ability to still get work in movies years after his initial hype says he not only has a fanbase but various organizations are willing to invest in him. That doesn't count him investing in himself. If you discount his achievements as fake or inflated, the same would be true for everyone.

If you look at Kat and Kevin, you see a clear difference in attitude. People think your talent is the most important measure of if you'll be successful in life and they are wrong. You are judged on your public personia. Are you a good fit personality wise and will people want to work with you. Do you seem dependable. The rules don't change just because it's the entertainment world. If you use Dame vs Jay-Z, it would be similar. It's not necessarily about talent or Jay being a smarter executive. Regardless of his prior success, people don't want to work with Dame because of his attitude and he starred to lose. Being a dick is usually only effective when you are winning. In large, people want to work with humble people, none problematic, none complainers or less opinionated people. Before falling off, Dame did make another Hov in Kanye West. Dame gave Kevin one of his first opportunities with Paper Soldiers. Going back to Kat, he maybe cool on a personal level, but out of his own mouth professionally he maybe a pain. This would partly explain why with all his talent and in his mind being funnier than Kevin, he hasn't seen the same opportunities or success as Kevin.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
"The person" replied.

And it proved nothing outside someone having an alternative opinion than my opinion.

I don't care about Dave's opinion especially given that he's done the thing they is being alleged as a conspiracy against Black men. In the video, he didn't say I've done this before, so maybe they didn't think it would be that big of a deal. He basically said I didn't think it was needed, they tried to force it on me and he reflected on others who had done it. This was also after he walked away from the Chappelle Show and being labeled crazy or a drug addict. The video shows everyone in the 90s except Dave who did it in the 90s too. As I said before, you have white entertainers of different levels who have done the same. Explain to me the exact goal and how it worked on a large scale. Do you or multiple people you know wear dresses? Do you view the actors as less than or are just taking it as a form of entertainment? Hip-hop artist drug use and talks of selling drugs has had more of an impact on Black men/boys than actors wearing a dress.

Next time instead of posting a video with no context say what it is you are speaking to. Otherwise what you post will be taken at face value.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If Kev is going to hold back, he might as well not say anything ...unlike some of yall, I am not so sure Katt smokes Kev in a no holds barred face off (but Katt would be favored) but this corporate Kev shouldnt say anything more regarding the subject

Most of Katt's criticisms about Hart come across as hate unlike his criticisms of Steve, Ced etc...Kev Hart's biggest problem is he is nowhere as funny as he was in the late 00's, early teens...if he gets back to that level, Katt's criticisms wont mean nothing

And yes, I am aware many of yall never thought he was funny in the first place...Kev shouldn't worry bout yall...he needs to worry about those of us who thought he was funny and think he fell off badly
Kevin is printing money, why would he be concerned with Katt? There is nothing for Kevin to prove


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I mean steve lost at this because he stole jokes from comedians that aren't even eating like they should, for example, mark curry should be getting all these gigs over steve making millions but that's not happening. Steve is making millions from stealing jokes and being something that he isn't like rick ross rapping about selling drugs when he was a correctional officer.
You just don’t like Steve Harvey because what you stated doesn’t make sense.

For your statement to be true, Steve would have had to steal every joke he has ever said?

You talking about a guy who said tens of thousands jokes and you showing me two jokes. So are those the two jokes that made him an empire? If not, what are we talking about?


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
Katt is 100% correct about those niggas stealing jokes.

Bernie Mack RIP was a stealing MFer too.

Glad Katt is calling out Cedric, Steve, and Ricky. DL is a funny MFer and its why his radio show is good and long running.

Real recognize real.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
So basically we have a free for all of Black people tearing down other Black people across all different industries and platforms.

I hope the "entertainment" was worth it. Great job Katt. White people are laughing their asses off.


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
Katt is 100% correct about those niggas stealing jokes.

Bernie Mack RIP was a stealing MFer too.

Glad Katt is calling out Cedric, Steve, and Ricky. DL is a funny MFer and its why his radio show is good and long running.

Real recognize real.
Actually fake recognize fake, cause Katt stole too


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
Actually fake recognize fake, cause Katt stole too
LOL!! I can't speak on Katt. Kats routine is a lot more ad lib then guys like CedriclSteve. It's funny how guys who can actually still tour and be funny like Katt and Corey get criticism for calling guys like Steve and Cedric sterile.

Back in the nineties it was easy for those guys to steal. See a joke on the West Coast then perform it on the East. If you made it to a big network with other people's material before they did then it was your joke. Carlos Mensa got away with stealing 80% of the Chappelle show because Comedy Central was on some BS. Y'all niggas was crying to high hell about it too. Even George Lopez calls him a fucking hack.

Katt told a lot of truths because a lot of people lied about situations that involved him. If the shit he said didn't hold weight it wouldn't have gone viral. Those same comedians who Katt criticized on the same platform weren't as interesting as Katt or as truthful.

Katt does numbers because Katt is funny, interesting, and truthful. In 2023, y'all don't even post or support most of the clowns he went off on.

That interview is doing ROGAN numbers. Props to Katt for going hard as fuck.


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
So basically we have a free for all of Black people tearing down other Black people across all different industries and platforms.

I hope the "entertainment" was worth it. Great job Katt. White people are laughing their asses off.

Really, so you think him saying a guy is a joke stealer is worse than a boardroom rapist dick sucker? Not surprised, you're a Cowboys fan. You like to believe in fictional heroes and makey believe. LOL!!