Now that we've finally heard from Kwame there's only one more person left that we need to hear from.

I figured we end it here LOLNow that we've finally heard from Kwame there's only one more person left that we need to hear from.
Anyone can prove it exists if they can read. It is amazing you can be on a message board despite being illiterate. That is illuminating itself.@xfactor can prove it exists. He has all the files.
Anyone can prove it exists if they can read. It is amazing you can be on a message board despite being illiterate. That is illuminating itself.
It's a movie...Pathetic scum!
No integrity.
co-sign. That illuminati shit is stupid and lazy. mofos use illuminati this and that but really don't know what the hell is the illuminati. They always bring up the illuminati when they run out of words. If a person ain't willing to call out names, then wtf should anyone listen to you. If you speaks facts, then you can't be sued for shit. Katt dropped a lot of shit. Some is true, some could be true and some is straight up bullshit. The internet has receipts so that part of his rant was true but the rest of the shit, he was talking out the ass. Michael Blackson said it best "katt went after the top comedians forcing EVERYONE to respond one way or the other". Now Katt trending hotter than he's ever been. FOH and i'm a half ass katt williams fan.I hate this Illuminati shit.
It's always Illuminati this Illuminati that.
Keep calling out all these celebrities who bend to this casting couch shit but ain't nobody calling out the real sexual offenders behind the scenes who are supposedly making them do it.
Instead of pointing the finger at the actors how bout they start naming names.
What director what studio, production house, Hollywood exec, producer, distributor, etc
Stop with this Illuminati bullshit because all that's saying is your comfortable with the way things are because you'd rather it be some faceless elusive boogeyman that no one can ever hold accountable than the actual perverts who want them to do it.
Otherwise let's put the blame on the actors who wanted to put on the dress.
They got Harvey Weinstein, so out the rest of em.
thisI hate this Illuminati shit.
It's always Illuminati this Illuminati that.
Keep calling out all these celebrities who bend to this casting couch shit but ain't nobody calling out the real sexual offenders behind the scenes who are supposedly making them do it.
Instead of pointing the finger at the actors how bout they start naming names.
What director what studio, production house, Hollywood exec, producer, distributor, etc
Stop with this Illuminati bullshit because all that's saying is your comfortable with the way things are because you'd rather it be some faceless elusive boogeyman that no one can ever hold accountable than the actual perverts who want them to do it.
Otherwise let's put the blame on the actors who wanted to put on the dress.
They got Harvey Weinstein, so out the rest of em.
i keep telling people the same thing. Illuminati is something above everybody pay grade.I think the real truth is everyone scared to say something because they know this group is well connected in Hollywood. It ain't the Illuminati and they know this group sticks together. Maybe instead they say Illuminati to subliminally say who they really talking about becuase if you offend one then the rest of them Blackball you and the money dries up. So all these celebs stay cow-towing and bowing down to the abuse just to further their own careers.
it isThis is probably the best reply thus far.
Katt Williams.. is on some real hater shit. Fuck what he said about the greats but he goes personal on his peers that is uncalled for. all his giving $$ to comedians on the low don't make up for his personal animus toward his fellow comedians. Katt is on some bullshit and really playing himself.
co-sign. That illuminati shit is stupid and lazy. mofos use illuminati this and that but really don't know what the hell is the illuminati. They always bring up the illuminati when they run out of words. If a person ain't willing to call out names, then wtf should anyone listen to you. If you speaks facts, then you can't be sued for shit. Katt dropped a lot of shit. Some is true, some could be true and some is straight up bullshit. The internet has receipts so that part of his rant was true but the rest of the shit, he was talking out the ass. Michael Blackson said it best "katt went after the top comedians forcing EVERYONE to respond one way or the other". Now Katt trending hotter than he's ever been. FOH and i'm a half ass katt williams fan.
i keep telling people the same thing. Illuminati is something above everybody pay grade.
do they have influence in hollywood sure
this is just a group of people that have money and are abusing it.
and this how easy someone can blackball u
like i said its not just katt
Great post great post great post
I saw this when it dropped
A miscommunication
A perceived slight against a spouse
A rumor
An overzealous agent
Could have completely derailed a career and as we have seen some comedians could have considered actual suicide or try to go to violence.
Over words. And a weaker person would have claimed it was all illuminati. When it was all just based on gossip
Gawd damn.
that is why i said this these just people that clicked up
that are gate keeping.
if gary ownes can do that
imagine what the real heavy hitters like steve and kev can do
if one doesnt like u
u get blackballed
i mean think about this.^^^^^
If the Illuminata were real. And as powerful as displayed, Katt Williams would be dead. He's an alleged drug user (potential drug addict) & he's been talking about them for years. Noone would bat an eye to a drug overdose from someone with his reputation. I'd suspect if they were real, he'd be 6 feet under at this point. I'm not advocating anything. I'm just saying I find it hard to believe some shadow organization would take kindly to someone outing their dealings.
100% Facts About the That illuminati shit is stupid and lazy. mofos use illuminati this and that but really don't know what the hell is the illuminati. They always bring up the illuminati when they run out of words. If a person ain't willing to call out names, then wtf should anyone listen to you. If you speaks facts, then you can't be sued for shit. Katt dropped a lot of shit. Some is true, some could be true and some is straight up bullshit. The internet has receipts so that part of his rant was true but the rest of the shit, he was talking out the ass. Michael Blackson said it best "katt went after the top comedians forcing EVERYONE to respond one way or the other". Now Katt trending hotter than he's ever been. FOH and i'm a half ass katt williams fan.