Exactly. Clearly Kendrick was referencing the DMX interview question about Aubrey
Niggs enjoy spending money they don't haveIt’s hilarious Dame always getting a haircut when he bald as fuck
Yea cause of stupiditythis is why this race and skin color shit is going to ruin an otherwise good rap beef..
Uh oh, knew it was coming. I thought his wife is Messican though. Cause you LA niggas love Chulas
Nah I just checked she's from St LouisI thought Red from Memphis?
this is why this race and skin color shit is going to ruin an otherwise good rap beef..
did you listen to the song. Boy a hypocrite...still my nigga though. Shit Drake momma can be her mommaEven if his wife were 100% Mexican or white or whatever the fuck, does his wife say nigga every other word? What the fuck does that matter if his wife is mixed?!?? Is she on record using nigga anll the time!?!? Even though she’s not , his wife’s mom is half. What does that have to do with Drake and saying nigga? People are really dumb as fuck
What? Kendrick’s wife isn’t half Black . Once again how the hell is Kendrick a Hypocrite? Do you not understand what Kendrick is talking about? It’s not about Drake being half white. Cole is too but he ain’t getting that treatment.did you listen to the song. Boy a hypocrite...still my nigga though. Shit Drake momma can be her momma
Lack of intelligence is going to ruin this rap beef and some people are showing theirs.
Kendrick's bars had nothing to do with Drake simply being mixed.
Still didn't listen huhWhat? Kendrick’s wife isn’t half Black . Once again how the hell is Kendrick a Hypocrite? Do you not understand what Kendrick is talking about? It’s not about Drake being half white. Cole is too but he ain’t getting that treatment.
now we doing fractions and shit
what ever happened to the one drop rule LOL!
Even though it's been spelled out in this thread some of our own members don't get it.
The information is right here but these niggas saying "Nope not thirsty"
It's not simply because Drake is mixed.
Lack of intelligence, attention span and critical thinking skills is ruining our society.
It's the must frustrating shit in the world
And it's only gonna get worse
And it's so easy to understand. No one is saying we don't wanna hear it from Cole. Or Cudi. But Kendrick is absolutely saying he doesn't wanna hear it from Drake. And I'll speak for the rest of us and say we don't wanna hear Doja say that shit no more either.
Stop speaking in Morse code nigga say what you’re trying to sayStill didn't listen huh
Wtf...how many ways do I have to say listen to the songStop speaking in Morse code nigga say what you’re trying to say
Agreed. Specifically since Kendrick didn't say Drake wasn't Black because of him being biracial. But that's all a bunch of children left behind heard though
Dissing a R&B ass dude using a Teddy P sample is brilliant. Shoutout to Gamble and Huff. They don't get the love they deserve.
What does the song have to do with K Dot being a hypocrite!?????Wtf...how many ways do I have to say listen to the song
We BEEN sampling the great Teddy P in hip hop, Back In the Days...
People saying it was a wheel chair shot at Drake
If it was?
That was wack.
K Dot fans seriously got to stop that.
Dissing a R&B ass dude using a Teddy P sample is brilliant. Shoutout to Gamble and Huff. They don't get the love they deserve.
Yeah, I think the wheelchair part is just a coincidence.
I hope no rapper is actually dumb enough to lurk on here and use that on a record
@largebillsonlyplease @woodchuck @REDLINE @Dr. Truth
We BEEN sampling the great Teddy P in hip hop, Back In the Days...
People saying it was a wheel chair shot at Drake
If it was?
That was wack.
K Dot fans seriously got to stop that.