King, T.I.’s tragic mulatto son, acts up at Waffle House; Tip responds


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He could of did whatever but he was on live while doing it and that's the f up part about it.

If you keep challenging,inviting,asking for it someone's going to take you up on it eventually and he needs to learn that no matter if he didn't start it or not he has the most to lose.

T.I has lost friends,jewelry,been to prison and has lost battles behind an can't win em all.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I seen this shit earlier. He talking about the other person ain’t like that. Lmao! Nah bruh, you ain’t like that. He need to sit his privileged ass down somewhere. And TI really ain’t want to say his son is a privileged little asshole who need to sit his ass down. He gon say don’t fight with someone beneath you basically. Nah bruh, tell yo punk ass son to chill because he ain’t built forreal like that. Real street cats will eat his heart for breakfast and won’t be shit TI could do about it.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
He could of did whatever but he was on live while doing it and that's the f up part about it.

If you keep challenging,inviting,asking for it someone's going to take you up on it eventually and he needs to learn that no matter if he didn't start it or not he has the most to lose.

T.I has lost friends,jewelry,been to prison and has lost battles behind an can't win em all.

Lil nigga talking about pistol whippin somebody. Mannnnnnnnn, he gon get hurt forreal talking like that because some of these don’t take that shit lightly. Daddy can’t save you from the inevitable.


To teach the truth to the young black youth
BGOL Investor
Dat boy is gonna learn the hard way, if tip doesn’t teach that trust fund baby about when keeping it real goes wrong. Tip would have had a totally different outlook if it was in the news that his son was beat up, shot, or killed by some short order cook who put some young punk running his mouth.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Broke boys bouta be mad at this one
Let’s make something clear. He didn’t start recording and talking shit for the hell of it
Niggas don’t like the concept of levels. So cats are going to go out of their way to make it seem like TIPs son is just walking around disrespecting people, because they don’t like the fact that a nigga with money may not see them as equals
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
dude's a lil hot head. people like him i'd do my damdest to avoid. keep all that bad energy for yourself. its bad when you can't go out and get some food cause you gotta worry about who you with starting some shit. for all the shit t.i. been through you'd think he'd a kept his kid have a cooler head


Rising Star
Platinum Member
TI is excusing bad behavior. It doesn't matter if his son is arguing with a short order cook or a major CEO, disrespecting people can get you fucked up in more ways than physically.

For example, his food prob had all kinds of hock spit on it, hence the extra wait time he was complaining about. Never fuck with people that are prepping your food
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