I NEVER was a Lakers fan. Rooted against Kobe & Shaq for all three championships. I started rooting for Kobe when his play after Colorado showed his resilience and mental fortitude was something I'd never seen in basketball. That run where Dave Chappelle said "Kobe looked like he was out there playing for his freedom." The quest to win one without Shaq. What I loved most was his temerity (and, of course, as Stepheh A Smith might say, his unmitigated gall) to shoot the most impossible shots. Curry's similar recklessness paired with amazing skill made him the most entertaining player to me as Kobe was transitioning out of the league. But I never gave a fuck about the Lakers before Kobe and never gave a fuck about them when he left. Because I care more about the players on the court than the company they work for. I think it is a much more fulfilling sports experience-- I root for what makes me feel good. So even though my thoughts about the best equipped team to win a championship is (I still think it is the other LA team), I'm rooting for Kobe's team this year.