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If There’s One Thing You Should Learn From Kobe Bryant It’s This: Shoot. Your. Shot.​

Anthony Joiner
Anthony Joiner

Anthony Joiner​

Published Feb 3, 2020
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Kobe Bryant missed more shots than any other player in the history of the NBA.
But before I go there, there’s a saying that I want to bring to your attention to a basketball quote: “Shooters shoot.”
It means, if you want to win, you keep shooting even if you miss a lot of your shots attempts and eventually you will start scoring again.
Kobe was interviewed after breaking the record for missing the most shots and he shrugged, “Nah I don’t follow that stuff man. I’m. shooting guard, my job is to score.”
And with that, he kept shooting.
The only way you get what you really want out of life, is to shoot your shot.
I had a Kobe Bryant ‘choked up moment’ where I sat down with tears in my eyes (thug tears of course) thinking to myself… this guy gave EVERYTHING to what he loved.
He made a decision and it became the driver for how he lived the rest of his life.
Kobe Bryant: “I used to get in my car and drive around the campus of UCLA. I’d see kids hanging out in fraternity houses, just walking around… I just wanted to feel that. I’d even wonder, ‘Did I make the wrong choice? Did I f — — up?
I could be going to college and laughing and hanging out with these kids, having a good time… but no, here I am.”
Reading this right now.
You are one decision away from living the life you want.
But you gotta make that decision.
You gotta shoot your shot.
It’s all we have.
Yes, “secure the bag”.
You can’t help anyone if you’re broke.
But go deeper than just money.
Not one person has mentioned how much money, how many cars, how many vacation homes Kobe owned.
It doesn’t matter.
Impact matters.
Kobe was the epitome of a winner and he inspired his whole team and everyone around him to win.
Yes, he missed 14,481 shots.
More than any other player in the history of the NBA.
But he made 11,719 shots, the 6th most in history.
And that is the lesson.
Keep shooting.
Keep creating more ripples of caring and compassion.
Keep remembering how precious life is, and keep showing those you love just how important they are.
I’ve been listening to the clips that have surfaced since Kobe passed away.
Looking for ways to feel more grounded, more loving, and more empowered. Looking for ways to contribute from a place of caring, to help people more deeply, to shine my light and to share my gift with others to make an impact no matter how tempting it may be to just chill out and focus on me.
And you can do the same.
You don’t have to be a world renowned athlete to impact the world.
Its not 100% about throwing yourself into a larger-than-life mission.
Or scoring 81 points in a game.
It’s about shots taken in the everyday moments that slip by without the world even noticing.
The shot you take when you decide to go back to college and finish the degree you always wanted.
The shot you take when you decide to start a business even though you’re scared as sh*t and don’t know what to do.
The shot you take when you apologize for something you did but you never owned up to it.
The shot you take when you aren’t 100% qualified but you apply for your dream job anyway.
The shot you take when you decide you ARE going to take control of your health.
The shot you take when you decide today is the day and boldly face something you have been scared of facing.
The shot you take when you own up to your bullsh*t.
If you miss some of the shots — who cares.
Shoot your shot, then ruthlessly fix what doesn’t work, and refine and repeat what does work.
Work hard every day to be better than you were yesterday.
Don’t just say you try. Don’t just try.
Try harder.
You’ll be glad you did.
Shoot again.
And again, and again.
You have everything, and I mean everything, you need to succeed.
You have it right freaking now.
Whether you are fighting a seemingly impossible battle with something real or with the terror of a dream in your head, you will win, only by going for it.
And sometimes victory will only look like a smile.
But we can smile inside and know that we did what we could to impact those we could.
You and me and the other folks reading this.
Let’s keep shooting.
Because shooters shoot.
That’s how we eventually win.