LaShauna 'Stacie Lane' Johnson


Rising Star
BGOL Investor




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Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Every time this thread updates, I hope I'm going to see news of her returning. Smh.

Stacie lane and Sandi Jackmon

Her first scene that she had a unexpected squirt orgasm. She talked about it in an interview one time. Forward to 21:00.

Ole girl was bad as fuck


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She done got thick after having a baby. She out a post up on snap a few days about being single...hope the game calls her back for a new flick...

orange roughy

Rising Star
Platinum Member
man, I've been trying to download a Stacie megapack from a couple of torrent sites for about 3 years. stuck at about 60%.

Also, I know she did an interview on Vlad tv a while back, as did plenty of pornstars.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Stacie lane does podcast. Gives account of porn career. Trashes B Pumper and other talent.

Pumper story at the 36:30 mark. She says he met her at age 19 in club, did a scene with her, didn't do any STD testing, told her that her video would only be shown in Europe, then plastered her face all over her box covers. Basically blew her cover with her family.