Least attractive hobbies for men according to women

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I didn't know bitches had hobbies other than being semen receptacles, spending other peoples money and minding other peoples business. Even the woman I knew who had a Phd besides me wanting to fuck her was an uninteresting non conversation having muthafucka.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Get you good woman. Who loves you and actually wants YOU to be happy even if it doesn't actively include her all the tine.

The women who knows I'm interesting in something... usually wants to help support it

I'm a literature nerd so my girl went out one year stood on long lives went to other states just to get my favorite books autographed

I tried to throw out or sell my comics she rebagged and reboxed a couple of thousand

I'm a theatre fan got me Broadway tickets and I met the leads

Got me tickets to games, limited edition action figures

if a women you know what? Cause they bozos out there who do this to women too.

If a PERSON doesn't allow you to have safe non destructive happiness?

Get a new person.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's bullsh*t

I know mad women gamers and comic geeks. Women love to collect stuff.


Sadly women seen the very real negative effects of gambling especially from male relatives.
And they dont be trying to fuck with dudes in gaming or at those comic cons....Lets keep it real here. :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nah, THE least attractive hobby for men, is listening to what women have to say about how he spends his spare time to find joy.

yea gambling..HA...win big and see how much women hate gambling,

they hate LOSERS that GAMBLE....

and a good magician be baggin some fine hoes...

Now I have heard women complaining about video games,

comic books and figurine collecting.. but since when didnt

women complain tho...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Video games have broke up happy relationships with younger folks.

As a grown adult male who pays bills don't no one care about no video games long as your not turning into the human pizza from space balls movie while sitting there playing the shit all day


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
And they dont be trying to fuck with dudes in gaming or at those comic cons....Lets keep it real here. :lol:

Oh please don't get it twisted you overall right

But I knew mad chick's who I got into comics though you just ignored them!!!

Bro story quick time

I used to be the only black dealer with a table at cons. But I flipped the game. I had a radio mix tapes PLUS comics and cards

These cacs were livid.

But at the time I was kinda sorta maybe between 2 Latina girls who both trying to be number 1 (side note no 3 way sadly they low key hated each other). So they came to pick me up because why was I in a smelly gym on a Saturday afternoon instead of with them?

So imagine a gym filled with fat sweaty badly dressed awkward basement dwellers seeing 2 Rosa Perez looking girls walk in in jeans and tank tops (Aalyiah era) who actually know comics because of me? Bro 15 min after they walked in I sold out over charging them on EVERYTHING. White boys suddenly went from mean mugs and MONDAY jokes to now having black accents and all types of funny handshakes. Left early Paid my boys fee on the way out so he could pack up the boxes for me back to his shop and left. Cacs drooling. Asking if I'm coming back next week?

Hold on wait f**k this whole incel sh*t...

is MY FAULT???

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I tried so many times because of Arnold

I forgot to mention, she bought my starter kit.

Now I’ve moved to to collecting black movies, doing techy weather computer ish, running, walking the dogs (several miles a day), and listening to music.

She is a multitalented artist. She painted me an awesome James Brown picture because he’s my favorite all time musician. She got many hobbies.

We’ve been together nearly 20 years. Sometimes you just run out of shit to talk about. Lol


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I forgot to mention, she bought my starter kit.

Now I’ve moved to to collecting black movies, doing techy weather computer ish, running, walking the dogs (several miles a day), and listening to music.

She is a multitalented artist. She painted me an awesome James Brown picture because he’s my favorite all time musician. She got many hobbies.

We’ve been together nearly 20 years. Sometimes you just run out of shit to talk about. Lol




Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I really wish they'd just be honest and say they believe men only exist to cater to their whims.....

Trolling and Gambing, I understand


The fact they put taxidermy that low on the list ......


Incel serial killer list


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Now not to derail

I feel we ALL know this but still

You can't let you hobby go TOO far

As long as you can afford it?

And it's not negatively effecting your real life?

It's fine and a loved one will notice before anyone else


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's bullsh*t

I know mad women gamers and comic geeks. Women love to collect stuff.


Sadly women seen the very real negative effects of gambling especially from male relatives.
It's not REALLY bullshyt. Depending on who you're asking. An Instagram/Social Media influencer poll of some sort most of those people have a stick up their ass about the other gender and what SHOULD make them happy


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
I forgot to mention, she bought my starter kit.

Now I’ve moved to to collecting black movies, doing techy weather computer ish, running, walking the dogs (several miles a day), and listening to music.

She is a multitalented artist. She painted me an awesome James Brown picture because he’s my favorite all time musician. She got many hobbies.

We’ve been together nearly 20 years. Sometimes you just run out of shit to talk about. Lol
Wife turned her hobby into a business. She started crocheting just to see if she could still do it, and people started asking her to make stuff for them. Later, this semi-famous world touring musician bought one of her hats, and at a Q&A session, someone asked him where he got his hat, and the floodgates opened! Now, she makes a large number of hats for him to sell at his merch stand. We went to see him perform, and he shouted my wife out. Funny thing was everyone that bought a hat wanted a pic with Greg Koch (artist) and my wife. The lead singer from Tower of Power also bought one of her hats.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Now not to derail

I feel we ALL know this but still

You can't let you hobby go TOO far

As long as you can afford it?

And it's not negatively effecting your real life?

It's fine and a loved one will notice before anyone else
Now when you SAY "hobby"...
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
That's bullsh*t

I know mad women gamers and comic geeks. Women love to collect stuff.


Sadly women seen the very real negative effects of gambling especially from male relatives.
the only time people have a problem with gambling is when people lose.. nobody ever said a winner had a gambling problem.. nobody hates people winning it’s the losing part people don’t like

theres a bunch of pussy that be in the nyc casino..ohhh boy it be


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
It's not REALLY bullshyt. Depending on who you're asking. An Instagram/Social Media influencer poll of some sort most of those people have a stick up their ass about the other gender and what SHOULD make them happy

bro that the thing

The internet and social media ain't real.

Look at this thread... I KNOW these men and they telling you fact about good women who are into this stuff and or support it.

All these posts polls and videos are fake to me.