Least attractive hobbies for men according to women

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Wife turned her hobby into a business. She started crocheting just to see if she could still do it, and people started asking her to make stuff for them. Later, this semi-famous world touring musician bought one of her hats, and at a Q&A session, someone asked him where he got his hat, and the floodgates opened! Now, she makes a large number of hats for him to sell at his merch stand. We went to see him perform, and he shouted my wife out. Funny thing was everyone that bought a hat wanted a pic with Greg Koch (artist) and my wife. The lead singer from Tower of Power also bought one of hats.

That’s the type of come up my wife is looking for. Her biggest issue is HER. She just will not put herself out there because she’s afraid of criticism and is highly sensitive. That perfectionist mentality gets the best of her every time.

She makes clothes, jewelry, paints, draws, and whatever else crafty and artsy. But she will not get on Etsy, run a social page, or even do tutorial videos.

She wants other people to do it for her. I told her that isn’t authentic wanting other people to do it for you. It’s your art work, and nobody can talk about your artwork better than you.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
the only time people have a problem with gambling is when people lose.. nobody ever said a winner had a gambling problem.. nobody hates people winning it’s the losing part people don’t like

theres a bunch of pussy that be in the nyc casino..ohhh boy it be

Of course... I'm saying we all know people with REAL gambling issues before it was called a "disease" that's why I dont know if gambling is really defined as a hobby

A fun pastime?

Your the black vision so exclude yourself

It's the ones who don't know when to STOP is who I'm talking about. Using credit cards to bet etc.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
bro that the thing

The internet and social media ain't real.

Look at this thread... I KNOW these men and they telling you fact about good women who are into this stuff and or support it.

All these posts polls and videos are fake to me.

And probably done by young folks too.

Younger women needs more attention than older. The ones that complain about video games are usually the ones with dudes that ain’t doing shit. But you also have those that complain he spends too much time on the game even though he just got finished pulling a 8 to 10 hour shift.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Wife turned her hobby into a business. She started crocheting just to see if she could still do it, and people started asking her to make stuff for them. Later, this semi-famous world touring musician bought one of her hats, and at a Q&A session, someone asked him where he got his hat, and the floodgates opened! Now, she makes a large number of hats for him to sell at his merch stand. We went to see him perform, and he shouted my wife out. Funny thing was everyone that bought a hat wanted a pic with Greg Koch (artist) and my wife. The lead singer from Tower of Power also bought one of her hats.

I regret not supporting my wife and kids in their hobbies more. The oldest is an artists makes jewelry t shirts and her mom can knit, tie dye etc


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Now not to derail

I feel we ALL know this but still'

You can't let you hobby go TOO far

As long as you can afford it?

And it's not negatively effecting your real life?

It's fine and a loved one will notice before anyone else
Yeah, that becomes an addiction, and it's something serious...

But are makers of this list really talking about when these things have become an addiction?

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Of course... I'm saying we all know people with REAL gambling issues before it was called a "disease" that's why I dont know if gambling is really defined as a hobby

A fun pastime?

Your the black vision so exclude yourself

It's the ones who don't know when to STOP is who I'm talking about. Using credit cards to bet etc.

My neighbor just told me he filed paperwork to ban himself from a near by casino. He said he was going every day. Smoking cigs and gambling.

I guess it was bad enough to ban himself and quit smoking cigs. lol


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
bro that the thing

The internet and social media ain't real.

Look at this thread... I KNOW these men and they telling you fact about good women who are into this stuff and or support it.

All these posts polls and videos are fake to me.
...I feel like we're saying the same thing.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Yeah, that becomes an addiction, and it's something serious...

But are makers of this list really talking about when these things have become an addiction?

This list is bullsh*t so honestly I gave have no clue.

Because most women don't care.

None of these things if they aren't negatively effecting money lifestyle or relationship are "bad" or worthy of nitpicking

Like I said I gave never heard a woman complain about any of this stuff unless it was ISSUE not a hobby.


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
That’s the type of come up my wife is looking for. Her biggest issue is HER. She just will not put herself out there because she’s afraid of criticism and is highly sensitive. That perfectionist mentality gets the best of her every time.

She makes clothes, jewelry, paints, draws, and whatever else crafty and artsy. But she will not get on Etsy, run a social page, or even do tutorial videos.

She wants other people to do it for her. I told her that isn’t authentic wanting other people to do it for you. It’s your art work, and nobody can talk about your artwork better than you.
For an Etsy store, she doesn't have to put herself out there too much. The only thing I hated about my wife's store, is I had to model her stuff. She makes hats based on the beanie that Jaco Pastorius (World's greatest bass player!) wore, so, naturally, I was her model/Guinea pig/shipping dept.! Needless to say, a lot of bassists owns her hat.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
My neighbor just told me he filed paperwork to ban himself from a near by casino. He said he was going every day. Smoking cigs and gambling.

I guess it was bad enough to ban himself and quit smoking cigs. lol

I respect that self discipline

There bgol dudes who ask mods for a self imposed self ban

Or put timers on their cellphone to imit screen time

But to me while I fully support it

That ain't a hobby and your woman loves you and trying to protect you if she complains about it.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
For an Etsy store, she doesn't have to put herself out there too much. The only thing I hated about my wife's store, is I had to model her stuff. She makes hats based on the beanie that Jaco Pastorius (World's greatest bass player!) wore, so, naturally, I was her model/Guinea pig/shipping dept.! Needless to say, a lot of bassists owns her hat.

We have a coupe of online stores that are inactive. I’m stretched in time because of all the stuff I’m doing, so she is going to have to figure it out. Plus, she’s not working. I just want her to follow through and stick with it.

She is looking to hit immediately without having to deal with the growing pains of the tedious work involved. And sticking with it even when she’s not getting a lot of interactions with people.


Been here longer than you think!
Platinum Member
I wish I could find it to share but I will never forget a video where a group of young men and women were talking about modern day life and dating for their generation. The topic of hobbies and things they do for fun came up. The hosts asked the women what was a turn-off for them, and as expected they all said guys playing video games and a few of the girls even added that guys who watched sports was a turnoff also. They called it childish, immature, and silly.

Then the hosts said they wanted to see the women's social medias. They pulled them up and all of the women had dozens of videos of themselves doing those stupid TikTok dances, lip syncing movie scenes and songs, and doing catwalks all dressed up in their own living rooms.

The hosts were like, how you gonna call what guys do silly while y'all are doing this shit? The look on those girl's faces were priceless.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
would have thought podcasting or home brewery would be top 1 and 2

could never get into video games as an adult


BGOL Legend
Certified Pussy Poster
Don't have these issues, my wife don't care what I do al long as I ain't dipping in strange, or visiting a boat dealership.


Rising Star

First of all: FUCK CLAY TRAVIS that bitch ass racist honkey. I can see video games being an issue due to men/boys playing video games for years. I would say after like 2006 I seen more women/girls come around to being gamers themselves. Before 06 I played my ps with one chic then after 06 it was 6-7 chics that I was messing with that would hop on the sticks with me and or had their own console.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Most attractive hobby for men according to dumb lame xitches

-Spending money on them.

Least attractive hobby according to men

-Complaining about my hobbies.

Don't let em fool ya fellas!