Legend Cherokee D’Ass says John E Depth was her best ever


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think the gif is self explanatory. The shooting bullets represent BGOL and Destro's parachute represents your thread and the direction it went. Maybe that was not your intention but that is how it ended up.

Op’s a woman so all the statements in this thread are pointless. If she wants to gaze at dude then cool.

If Op’s a man then it’s different.

You’re a woman right Op?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Shut the fuck up

It was a yea or no question. If it’s that time of the month then I can understand your sensitivity.

If it’s not that time of the month and you can’t answer a basic question, then the probability of you being moist is high.

And for future reference to help your responses hold some weight and respectability and so that you don’t sound like a kid using Mommy’s computer. There’s more words in the dictionary than fuck, pussy, bitch, faggot, hating and shut.



BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
Wait... niggas care about what she "says?" :lol:

As much as I love Cherokee, I ain't never wanted to hear her say shit! Especially about some other nigga's dick game.

Not only did the OP have the audacity to be audacious enough to post a non-fuckin' video of Cherokee not fuckin', and for whatever the fuck reason somewhat-watch it beforehand, the muthafucka expected us to give a shit about what the bitch got to say about shit!

In my entire lifetime, I have only heard Cherokee D'ass say "Ooh Aah" and "E-I-E-I-O" and I plan to keep it that way, bucko! :lol:


It was a yea or no question. If it’s that time of the month then I can understand your sensitivity.

If it’s not that time of the month and you can’t answer a basic question, then the probability of you being moist is high.

And for future reference to help your responses hold some weight and respectability and so that you don’t sound like a kid using Mommy’s computer. There’s more words in the dictionary than fuck, pussy, bitch, faggot, hating and shut.

Pussy shut up


As much as I love Cherokee, I ain't never wanted to hear her say shit! Especially about some other nigga's dick game.

Not only did the OP have the audacity to be audacious enough to post a non-fuckin' video of Cherokee not fuckin', and for whatever the fuck reason somewhat-watch it beforehand, the muthafucka expected us to give a shit about what the bitch got to say about shit!

In my entire lifetime, I have only heard Cherokee D'ass say "Ooh Aah" and "E-I-E-I-O" and I plan to keep it that way, bucko! :lol:
Shut yo lame ass up bitch nigga


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I've been in the industry for almost 20 years (I hope to leave the industry soon tho) and I can tell you that a lot of guys watch porn if the girl is on point and the guy is on point too. You think Mandingo sells scenes because of the girls watching porn? Sure, girls have a small impact on sales but it be those lil' dick mfs who want to see a girl take a big dick. Cock matters. :hmm: I personally don't watch porn with dudes who have foreskin because I can't relate. I can't watch porn with lil' dick mfs because I can't relate. I only watch scenes if the chick is fire and the dude can take care of business. I only book talent if both male and female talents can deliver. Y'all took the OPs thread in a wack direction. Reaching if you ask me. Sus as fuck if you ask me.

Yep...and everything you just typed Is dam sho suspect...you a punk... bish