I been trying t get something like this for a minute. I asked Moustacy a couple times she always say she gonna make me one and dont. Fuck her! I digress, back to my question. How you get these women to hold up your name on paper.

gotta simp hard.
gotta simp hard.
bitch got baking soda in the pic and shit.
@ simping. Na they came about @ a time when niggas made sure they got confirmation from female posters. They both posted and I asked them to confirm and they was cool. I got a couple other regular posters too. Now niggas be letting mongoose looking chics like bigirl and lonestar run around unconfirmed talking shit. W/o fail when a female poster talk a lot of shit and don't post her pic you know why...she either a man or look like one.
leroy you should open a simp school
I would register for a semester there
I want one of those from vickie6![]()
leroy you should open a simp school
I would register for a semester there
I want one of those from vickie6![]()
leroy don't be ashamed@ you SOL stans calling me a simp. When you let ugly booger wolves run around unconfirmed just cuz they claim they have a pussy.
leroy 101 "too be or not too be a simp"![]()
leroy don't be ashamed
look I have simp too in the past
@ simping. Na they came about @ a time when niggas made sure they got confirmation from female posters. They both posted and I asked them to confirm and they was cool. I got a couple other regular posters too. Now niggas be letting mongoose looking chics like bigirl and lonestar run around unconfirmed talking shit. W/o fail when a female poster talk a lot of shit and don't post her pic you know why...she either a man or look like one.
whos that?![]()
Im about to stalk moustacy again..
Now niggas be letting mongoose looking chics like bigirl and lonestar run around unconfirmed talking shit.
Not by me.
And BenQ shit is fake.
leroy you should open a simp school
I would register for a semester there
I want one of those from vickie6![]()
no it aint ninja
heres another one she made for me
Not by me.
And BenQ shit is fake.
Looks like she was cool wit the 1st 1 but this 1 looks like u were pushin ur luck benq.![]()
Looks like she was cool wit the 1st 1 but this 1 looks like u were pushin ur luck benq.![]()
isn't leroy the local pussy wrecking machine?