LFL: Game MVP Hugging Moms with Her Ass Out


BGOL vet down since the “56k stay out!” days
BGOL Gold Member
At :19 dude got an ass slap on the low :smh: :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn...Bmore lost their team in 2015....remaining East teams are Chicago, Atl, Nashville and Omaha....guess the moment has passed for me


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
For the fam' in Canada ... check your local listings to see if your service provider is doing the free promo / preview period for Superchannel's assorted channels. Seems like they're doing it now on the Telus network. Sometimes they do them for a week. Sometimes for 3 - 4 weeks. Was glancing at the menu guide and on the SCHDF (Super Channel FUSE) they are airing LFL tonight. They aired Omaha Heart vs. Seattle Mist from 8:15 - 9:45pm (PST - Sat. May 25th), and then are repeating it from 12 - 1:30am. Glanced ahead on the menu guide and they have Atlanta Steam vs. Los Angeles Temptation scheduled for the evening of Sat. June 1st.

DVR'd the LFL football and boxing (Ito vs. Herring - on another network) this evening.