FBI Director James Comey says he requires his agents to tour the Holocaust Museum because he wants them to know about "abuse of power on a breathtaking scale." He wants them to know that "good people helped murder millions" because they surrendered their individual moral authority to the group. Good people were willing to let others be slaughtered because the cowed to power instead of speaking truth to it. The African American experience is no different. Too many of our fellow Americans do not know our history but those charged with keeping us safe should. Those given the authority to take life if necessary should. The next generation of law enforcement should learn fully about our American Holocaust and think about its enduring legacy every time they think about pulling a trigger.
I know there are good men here who are willing to do more than just talk. I see it everyday on this board. Sign it, share it! Make them hear you!
Link to Comey's Op-Ed in the Washington Post
Link to sign the Petition
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I know there are good men here who are willing to do more than just talk. I see it everyday on this board. Sign it, share it! Make them hear you!
Link to Comey's Op-Ed in the Washington Post
Link to sign the Petition
How Petitions Work
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