Marvel in talks about bringing back the original Avengers for another movie. Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans Are Back in the MCU!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor I saw a post on Facebook and goddammit, it never occurred to me. Perhaps Robert Downey Jr's casting as Doctor Doom was the plan all along. If you read the lyrics to Black Sabbath's "Iron Man" it's all right there...... my notes in red text.

"Iron Man"

I am Iron Man (the iconic line from the first Iron Man film)

Has he lost his mind? (referencing how this super hero has now gone mad/bad)
Can he see or is he blind?
Can he walk at all
Or if he moves will he fall?

Is he alive or dead? (Tony Stark died saving the universe by snapping away Thanos in Endgame. The world knows of Tony's sacrifice, so seeing him alive again would cause confusion)
Has he thoughts within his head?
We'll just pass him there
Why should we even care?

He was turned to steel (did Doctor Doom not fuse/turn into metal?)
In the great magnetic field
When he traveled time
For the future of mankind (a variant of Tony Stark perhaps tried to save the universe through time and failed, causing his fusion with metal in the "magnetic field, causing him to go mad.)

Nobody wants him
He just stares at the world
Planning his vengeance
That he will soon unfurl

Now the time is here
For Iron Man to spread fear (Once a beloved hero, now he's the villain)
Vengeance from the grave (he died in Endgame, now he's (variant) back with a vengeance)
Kills the people he once saved (see above)

Nobody wants him
They just turn their heads
Nobody helps him
Now he has his revenge

Heavy boots of lead
Fill his victims full of dread
Running as fast as they can
Iron Man lives again! (bookends Tony Stark's story. He goes from hero to villain, dead to alive)