I think we are
maybe we are siloed
but imo the core fan base is 40+
and wants good story
Really they want my old ass?
You think they don't want my kids and little cousins?
And there mothers?
Cause we gotta seperate the business from the art.
I don't NEED Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel and Barbie to be targeted to me.
I'm good.
And if they get me? GREAT.
But on the Q train today I saw a group of lgbtq+ dressed in pink going to see Barbie AGAIN.
I remember taking 10 little girl to Marvel and Woman.
I think we gotta do what I've been saying
every song isn't a classic
Superhero should a genre with comedy horror heist drama etc etc etc underneath
I've LITERALLY touched THOUSANDS of comics and read that many
Trust me they weren't ALL good.
Some runs were good some sucked.
The time lines canons etc were screwed up but I was able to survive.
Secret invasion was fine.
Titans was fine
CW was fine.
I'm a sucker for it all.
I WANT then all to be great.
But I don't expect then to be
And I don't get possessive.
Writing, directing and producing this sh*t is hard bro. And these fans now ALL THINK they are Spielberg Lucas Nolan Stan Lee and McDuffie combined
It's not an excuse it's just the truth.
and all this sh*t is subjective as f*ck
I really do miss when it was really need geek sh*t sometimes
But I also love the recognition it's getting.
But whenever you open sh*t up to world? Sh*t gets in.
sometimes its just shit and there is nothing wrong with calling it shit...
creators have a right to tell a story from their pov and take creative and artistic chances
We have a right to exalt praise or mercilessly trash the results
now keep in mind that geeks have crucified George Lucas for decades and remain diehard fans
there has always been gripes between geeks and creators only difference now is the internet
and that the core fan base for these characters are now +40 instead of being pre teens to 20s
as for targeting different demos - Disney and WB used to be masters of content that was kid targeted but adult friendly or telling mature stories in a kid friendly package and have used both time and again to intro old ip to new audiences
but these days there are show runners / writers / directors on fantasy / genre projects bragging in interviews about intentionally antagonising audiences
then later blaming their failures on the same audiences for not supporting them...
Peacemaker was fine
Falcon and the Winter Soldier was fine
those 3 were
TRASH (but 2 of 3 are still better than the Flash movie
Damn it.
I really really hate you sometimes
Because you are so smart heartfelt and passionate and honest
You STILL a pain in the ass
But my bro for life.
I completely agree
Except peacemaker was MORE than fine.