How am I moving the goal post.. something can suck and still make money or be a hit… I could make the worst tasting piece of chicken ever but convince a bunch of gullible people to buy it.. does that mean the food taste good? Or does that just mean my salesmanship is just outstanding? People sell shitty cars to gullible people all the time that dosent mean that car is reliable or mean you won’t be in the shop by next week..that just mean he’s a great salesman or great at manipulating naive people.. iron man 2 and 3 were trash but it made money..great marketing.. I never said disney marketing wasnt excellent..that are great salesman but they have definitely created some trash films.. if they could make a bunch of low budget garbage and make billions off of it they would… iron man 2 and 3 was hot garbage that generated billions great marketing team
blair witch project was hot steaming shit that made 9 figures.. I could go on with shitty movies that made money..they do exist and they do continue to get made
You think it sucks a lot of other folks don't
It's all good
But how we gonna determine what's what?
Public opinion?
I can't do at that math.
It's a hit its a hit
Don't really matter WHY.
But if you say it's a hit I say it's a hit
And that man makes hits
Wtf it matters if we personally like it or not.
You think shareholders give a damn?