Marvel's Hit Monkey on Hulu


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Animation looks slick.

Will check it out later.

With MODOK, this show and Prey coming out next year, it’s clear Disney is making Hulu the adult version of Disney+.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
I watched the first 3 episodes last night before going to bed.

The series is ok from my pov. It gives a origin story of the monkey in episode one that plays out interesting with a “Planet of the Apes” vibe.

From there the main story is explained and it follows up from there with a good pace.

Jason Sedikis (SNL) plays the dead ghost hit man Bryce with quick witted schtick he is good with doing. He doesn’t go overboard with it taking away from the story. The comedy is kept subtle and does not interfere with the flow of the story.

Plenty of graphic violence and gore. When watching the opening scene before the opening credits in episode one, it fully explains why this is not on Disney+. Lots of foul language used in the series.

I’m not sure and have not looked it up, but I think I caught a MCU Easter Egg with the Marvel character “Silver Samurai” in it. It’s possible being the series is in Japan, we might get a Wolverine/Logan cameo.

Hopefully get the series finished by weeks end.

Also, when they flash the title at the end, there are small scenes after before scrolling the credits.

The series is based off of a popular graphic novel that is out. I haven’t read it so not sure how much it follows it.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Looked more into the graphic novels.

Looks like Deadpool and Spider-Man might make cameos at some point.


Spiderman? Spiderman doesn't even know where he's going to be from year to year (sony/marvel) so I'd highly doubt we see him on a HULU show lol


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
My older bro was just telling me about this yesterday..I was like I never even heard of this shit b4..he was like the first 2 episodes were good

Black A. Camus

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Is this some adult shit or can an 11yr old watch this?
It depends on what you're willing to expose to your kid, and how you're raising him/her. There's no sex or nudity (so far), but there is a lot of graphic violence. It has moderate profanity. A lot of the references would probably go over an 11 year old's head. It reminds me of Archer on FX.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Spiderman? Spiderman doesn't even know where he's going to be from year to year (sony/marvel) so I'd highly doubt we see him on a HULU show lol

Everything Disney/Marvel is doing with these shows tie into the MCU. That was one of the primary reasons they cancelled all the Netflix, cable and network shows.

This show might fall into the Multi-Verse that debuted with the recent “What If…” and the upcoming Spider-Man movie.

So it’s possible this character and others in the series might be making their live action debut in the future in other projects.

And the Easter Egg I saw with the the Silver Samurai would make this series perfect to debut Wolverine/Logan who has connections to Japan.

We have to wait and see.


Rising Star
Everything Disney/Marvel is doing with these shows tie into the MCU. That was one of the primary reasons they cancelled all the Netflix, cable and network shows.

This show might fall into the Multi-Verse that debuted with the recent “What If…” and the upcoming Spider-Man movie.

So it’s possible this character and others in the series might be making their live action debut in the future in other projects.

And the Easter Egg I saw with the the Silver Samurai would make this series perfect to debut Wolverine/Logan who has connections to Japan.

We have to wait and see.
I like these synopses


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
I watched episodes 4 and 5 last night before going to bed.

Series is playing out better than I thought and I’m enjoying it.

And they brought up The Punisher and Kingpin in both of those episodes.

So the connection to the MCU has been confirmed.


A Man Apart
Certified Pussy Poster
this shit was fucking AWESOME
finished in one day
not that familiar with the character but perfect combination of asburd premise, crazy violence, comedy and heart

damn shame we proably wont be seeing more
and cant believe Jason Suedinakis did the whole season
Last edited:


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Just finished season one.

Damn good season with how it played out.

We got Bryce’s origin and how his past connects to monkey.

They made reference to A.I.M. and MODOK.

Fat Cobra, Yuki and Silver Samurai made their debuts.

Lady Bullseye was introduced and became the main villain. I’m glad the last scene played out like that with the character. Looking to see more of her.

I looked up the show to get some information on some of the characters I was not familiar with. I discovered that the series was green lit by Disney around 2018.

The producers want to use Bullseye as the main villain. Disney said no but gave no reason at the time. Disney had just cancelled all the Netflix, cable and network shows and was still quiet on their future.

Disney suggested Lady Bullseye being that Bullseye had not died in the Netflix Daredevil series and they didn’t want any continuity issues on what plans they had for Daredevil.

No word yet on if there will be a season 2.

Looking forward to it if it happens.


A Man Apart
Certified Pussy Poster
No word yet on if there will be a season 2.

Looking forward to it if it happens.

honestly i am not holding my breath
this show was a hold over from the old marvel tv studio regime and I think their last show
unless this show is a monster success (which seems unlikely since its a show about cartoon monkey) I doubt it. But hopefully i am proven wrong