Math Hoffa asks Robert Kennedy Jr about reparations


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
RFK isn't the best hope for any party. I'm not even getting political or going into the Vax stuff...just his vocal cord problem. Does anyone think a guy that sounds like that can win a major party nomination, let alone a general election? Shit, I used to listen to a radio show he and another dude had called Ring of Fire, and after a few minutes of him talking it got kinda painful. Shit, most presidents in the modern era have been 6' or taller, so if height helps, you know voice is gonna matter.

Aint looking to good for the Democrats....with the type of medical issue he has, from what I understand,

its possible to get most of his voice back through some type of therapy... and he has the means, so

there is some hope for him, but chea... this bidens administration, china and big pharmas whore,

has to go..

the biden administration made it painfully obvious are govt is ran by the super wealthy.....

and that needs to be flipped on its head and adjusted for the masses. especially the disenfranchised


I remember Trump was getting dirt on Biden from Ukraine... and I was like Ukraine who the fuck cares

about that...

Biden gets elected next thing you know, we sendng billions to Ukraine... and few people

make the connection.

so chea this govt has been whored out to the highest bidder and that therein lies the problem.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Kennedy did bring up the fact that its a coincidence, this covid thing, just happens

not to attack the chinese and jewish people they tend to be immune from this biological weapon ahem I mean covid pandemic....making all the others rush to find comfort,

in a "vaccine"

media aint even trying to discuss THAT SHIT!!!!


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
A couple of other Black men wanted to do what you’re talking about:


We know how that ended.
This aint the 1960's.

Murder a black leader in 2023 and we are fully prepared to handle what happens next.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nah man, his voice has been like that for decades, and he's 69 now. It's never gonna be normal if it isn't by now. He has money, so there's no way he hasn't sought every available remedy for that shit already....and he's not winning a nomination sounding like bobcat gothwait on fentanyl.

Aint looking to good for the Democrats....with the type of medical issue he has, from what I understand,

its possible to get most of his voice back through some type of therapy... and he has the means, so

there is some hope for him, but chea... this bidens administration, china and big pharmas whore,

has to go..

the biden administration made it painfully obvious are govt is ran by the super wealthy.....

and that needs to be flipped on its head and adjusted for the masses. especially the disenfranchised


I remember Trump was getting dirt on Biden from Ukraine... and I was like Ukraine who the fuck cares

about that...

Biden gets elected next thing you know, we sendng billions to Ukraine... and few people

make the connection.

so chea this govt has been whored out to the highest bidder and that therein lies the problem.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nah man, his voice has been like that for decades, and he's 69 now. It's never gonna be normal if it isn't by now. He has money, so there's no way he hasn't sought every available remedy for that shit already....and he's not winning a nomination sounding like bobcat gothwait on fentanyl.

well that sucks for the democratic party... to be honest, they are all the enemies

of my Awakend people... its the sleepyheads that dont know any better,

They been mindfucked to think being Woke is a bad thing....

Looks like another year, where Im voting for






The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
False. We are in no way, shape or form prepared for that smoke.
The country burned over a death of a crackhead. Rodney King and Malace Green weren't saints and cites burned.

Half of France burned over a teenage kid.

America has pissed off most the world invasions, assassination of leaders, and economic sanctions.

We are beyond the era where the developing world is kissing corporate American ass to meet the basic needs of their populations.

If you haven't noticed that Arab money has outspent American/Euro in the last two decades then you are blind.

Its a whole different world than the cold war sixties. America has to play ball just like everyone else.

If America deported or killed everyone of color in this country the birth rates would plummet and the labor force would be next to nothing. Poor euros (Irish, Italians, Poles)arent coming from Europe to undercut the labor class like 1880-1930.

If you really think they can replace us with South Americans then go look at the state of Mexico and tell me if you want a narco state in control of your industrial complex.

California is one big ass homeless shelter and big ran into the ground. Black people moved out 20 years ago and the place went to shit. Its not a coincidence the places that those black people left for are some of the best economies in the nation.

Despite the doom and glloom you guys like to project. Blacks have more than they did in the 1960s. And if you didn't learn anything from the Covid riots, the old ass Magas aint gonna do shit if people take it to the steets.

Nobody is calling for violence or riots but if black lesders and people are going to be blatantly targeted by the government America isn't going to exist as we know it once the smoke clears.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Got damn can we at least get tax free income
I been said the 2 easiest things they could’ve started with is this and a $500 a month ebt card for every black person in America .. no black person should be starving in america period. After all the free labor our ancestors were forced to do we shouldn’t have to pay no fucking taxes on our income period. Also believe no black person should be homeless and have some kind of voucher for housing expenses.. free food, free shelter, pay no taxes that right there would be a great start.. a black person shouldn’t have to worry about their next meal, whether or not they gonna have a roof over their head, a hot shower, a place to rest their head


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The country burned over a death of a crackhead. Rodney King and Malace Green weren't saints and cites burned.

Half of France burned over a teenage kid.

America has pissed off most the world invasions, assassination of leaders, and economic sanctions.

We are beyond the era where the developing world is kissing corporate American ass to meet the basic needs of their populations.

If you haven't noticed that Arab money has outspent American/Euro in the last two decades then you are blind.

Its a whole different world than the cold war sixties. America has to play ball just like everyone else.

If America deported or killed everyone of color in this country the birth rates would plummet and the labor force would be next to nothing. Poor euros (Irish, Italians, Poles)arent coming from Europe to undercut the labor class like 1880-1930.

If you really think they can replace us with South Americans then go look at the state of Mexico and tell me if you want a narco state in control of your industrial complex.

California is one big ass homeless shelter and big ran into the ground. Black people moved out 20 years ago and the place went to shit. Its not a coincidence the places that those black people left for are some of the best economies in the nation.

Despite the doom and glloom you guys like to project. Blacks have more than they did in the 1960s. And if you didn't learn anything from the Covid riots, the old ass Magas aint gonna do shit if people take it to the steets.

Nobody is calling for violence or riots but if black lesders and people are going to be blatantly targeted by the government America isn't going to exist as we know it once the smoke clears.

Noooooo, phony bologna. The country didn't burn. We fucked up our own community. We didn't get anything done obviously.
We lost then. We were losing prior to that, we're losing now.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

Biden privately tells lawmakers not to expect much on reparations legislation​

Swear to the gods that the dems could have 60+ seats in the Senate, the House, and the old cac Biden in the White House, and still wouldn't get shit done for the community. The crazy part? The shills would give us another civics lesson excuse as to why it SHOULDN'T(not couldn't) be done.

Something like losing seats and future elections. They would come with some unified, bullshit talking point to protect team blue.


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
Noooooo, phony bologna. The country didn't burn. We fucked up our own community. We didn't get anything done obviously.
We lost then. We were losing prior to that, we're losing now.
So slavery and sharecropping are the way to go. Got it.

I'm not asking for violence, just mentioning the history of what has happened in the past.

Do you really think the average white person is winning something? By what metric are they better off than the 60s?

"WE" didn't burn down Seattle, Portland, and Minneapolis.
"WE" aint the biggest dope fiends on the planet with entire states/regions like West Virginia/East Arkansas on Meth and pills

These places are barely black and are full of depressed drug addicts who are pissed off at globalization. They got to sober the fuck up before they talk about ruling anything. White America is operating barely above functional levels. Its why they need AI to do the jobs because they are to doped up to do it themselves.

You are just to blind to see it because you're hoodwinked. Guess whos not, China, Mexico, and Russia are making their moves because they know white America is strung out. They are killing whites by the thousands pumping dope in ports by the tonnes.

Trust me, white people are going to take care of most of our problems for us. If the government doesn't get their act together, January 6th willl only be the tip of the iceberg.

They have finally woke up to the fact the the US government is their biggest obstruction to their persuit of happiness and not the blackman.
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We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
So slavery and sharecropping are the way to go. Got it.

I'm not asking for violence, just mentioning the history of what has happened in the past.

Do you really think the average white person is winning something? By what metric are they better off than the 60s?

"WE" didn't burn down Seattle, Portland, and Minneapolis.
"WE" aint the biggest dope fiends on the planet with entire states/regions like West Virginia/East Arkansas on Meth and pills

These places are barely black and are full of depressed drug addicts who are pissed off at globalization. They got to sober the fuck up before they talk about ruling anything. White America is operating barely above functional levels. Its why they need AI to do the jobs because they are to doped up to do it themselves.

You are just to blind to see it because you're hoodwinked. Guess whos not, China, Mexico, and Russia are making their moves because they know white America is strung out. They are killing whites by the thousands pumping dope in ports by the tonnes.

Trust me, white people are going to take care of most of our problems for us. If the government doesn't get their act together, January 6th willl only be the tip of the iceberg.

They have finally woke up to the fact the the US government is their biggest obstruction to their persuit of happiness and not the blackman.
You are making some valid points.

When I go to the gun range, 99% of the time I'm the only Black person there. Everyone else is white, and they are there practicing with multiple firearms. Most Black people are afraid of firearms. So if you're afraid to own a weapon, and you're too jaded to even learn how to handle a weapon, what use are you going to be to your own family if shit hits the fan, and it lasts for one week... two week... three weeks?

White's are preparing themselves for "WHATEVER." I agree with you, whites are going to deal with each other first, because they know that they are a threat to one another. Blacks are not a threat to white folks as a whole... we are an annoyance. We do a lot of tough talk, but we aren't ready as a whole. There are pockets that can handle some shit; but for the most part... we'll be doomed, unless whites destroy themselves first.

I hear the civil war is coming, the civil war is coming. That war is not going to be Black against White. It's going to be White against White, just like the last one. We'll all get caught up in it if it happens. But we'd had better start doing some soul searching because if we're arguing about how we're going to vote now... we won't be ready for much tougher decisions that may have to be made if shit hits the fan.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So slavery and sharecropping are the way to go. Got it.

I'm not asking for violence, just mentioning the history of what has happened in the past.

Do you really think the average white person is winning something? By what metric are they better off than the 60s?

"WE" didn't burn down Seattle, Portland, and Minneapolis.
"WE" aint the biggest dope fiends on the planet with entire states/regions like West Virginia/East Arkansas on Meth and pills

These places are barely black and are full of depressed drug addicts who are pissed off at globalization. They got to sober the fuck up before they talk about ruling anything. White America is operating barely above functional levels. Its why they need AI to do the jobs because they are to doped up to do it themselves.

You are just to blind to see it because you're hoodwinked. Guess whos not, China, Mexico, and Russia are making their moves because they know white America is strung out. They are killing whites by the thousands pumping dope in ports by the tonnes.

Trust me, white people are going to take care of most of our problems for us. If the government doesn't get their act together, January 6th willl only be the tip of the iceberg.

They have finally woke up to the fact the the US government is their biggest obstruction to their persuit of happiness and not the blackman.

This is the thing. I can't get invested in conversations on here cause no1 actually will have them.

"I like dark skin chicks"

"Oh so you hate white bitches?"

That's not cool or smart or genuine..That seems to be the norm on here nowadays.


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
You are making some valid points.

When I go to the gun range, 99% of the time I'm the only Black person there. Everyone else is white, and they are there practicing with multiple firearms. Most Black people are afraid of firearms. So if you're afraid to own a weapon, and you're too jaded to even learn how to handle a weapon, what use are you going to be to your own family if shit hits the fan, and it lasts for one week... two week... three weeks?

White's are preparing themselves for "WHATEVER." I agree with you, whites are going to deal with each other first, because they know that they are a threat to one another. Blacks are not a threat to white folks as a whole... we are an annoyance. We do a lot of tough talk, but we aren't ready as a whole. There are pockets that can handle some shit; but for the most part... we'll be doomed, unless whites destroy themselves first.

I hear the civil war is coming, the civil war is coming. That war is not going to be Black against White. It's going to be White against White, just like the last one. We'll all get caught up in it if it happens. But we'd had better start doing some soul searching because if we're arguing about how we're going to vote now... we won't be ready for much tougher decisions that may have to be made if shit hits the fan.
LOL!! You must not be in a gun state. Because in places like Indiana, Georgia, Texas, and Michigan there isn't a lack of black people at the gun range.

Do you know how many black women have a CCW or gun in these states? You ever been on a gun range date? Fun times. Pussy be soooo wet after shooting. Even in non gun states like Illinois people are packing heavy.

These niggas ain't killing each other with beebee guns. Dracos and AKs are easier to get than dope.

Mexicans packing, Arabs are packing, and niggas aint lacking. Maybe in NYC or California but the South and Midwest have zero shortages of guns and niggas with them.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
LOL!! You must not be in a gun state. Because in places like Indiana, Georgia, Texas, and Michigan there isn't a lack of black people at the gun range.

Do you know how many black women have a CCW or gun in these states? You ever been on a gun range date? Fun times. Pussy be soooo wet after shooting. Even in non gun states like Illinois people are packing heavy.

These niggas ain't killing each other with beebee guns. Dracos and AKs are easier to get than dope.

Mexicans packing, Arabs are packing, and niggas aint lacking. Maybe in NYC or California but the South and Midwest have zero shortages of guns and niggas with them.
Bro, I'm in one of the most anti-gun states it is: CALIFORNIA.

It's one thing to carry, and even to go to the range. But, if you're not a gangster (which most of us aren't) is it going to be easy for the average everyday citizen to lay someone down? Is it going to be easy to organize so we can be concentrated in our efforts to protect ourselves? There's a mental as when as physical aspect to danger and perceived threats that most will not be ready for.

I know that in the Southern states, y'all have all types of weaponry. My question is can it be controlled for our mutual benefit?

It's just like everything else... If I say blue, someone is gonna say red. If I say up, someone is gonna say down. If they say, "Whites are fighting in the streets," and I say, "Let them; we'll deal with the winner." Someone will come and say, "We should get in it early because of so in so and such in such. Now we're split up again before we get started. :dunno:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
See, this is the problem. These cats is gone find a million and one reasons to not give black people shit. I mean why should that be any different than our whole history is. This country takes from black people and gives back very little. Every little bit given is always contested and made to look like the most vile and unfair of handout. Like shit has never been handed to white people. Like no other people have been repaid for what America has done to them. The shit runs me hot to even talk about. What they really need to do is just give back what they stole. Take every descendant of somebody that worked on a plantation and give us they shit. Fuck the money. Give me the shit my folks worked for and let me get paid off that shit forever. No WAY they are going to ever do that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
At 7:15 he reveals the real reason behind reparations reluctance and his half ass mealy mouthed approach.. White backlash. His approach is "less likely to contribute to the divide between white and Black..." :lol:
Funny nobody has a problem with Native Americans getting reparations...hell whites do business with them just to get down!


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
Funny nobody has a problem with Native Americans getting reparations...hell whites do business with them just to get down!
This just brings up the vaild point that people who seek and put resources towards seeking relief should get more than those who will have a hand out once a check is cut.

There shouldn't be a check for everyone. What I get from the naysayers is that they don't want to put the effort towards seeking relief. Im not here to force any action on any grown people.

If people are too scared, don't have the time or don't want to give effort then we should take note. Why give resources to people to lazy to seek them. It really doesn't make sense.

I heard the same thing about paying college athletes. Many a so called educated negro has ran their mouth 20 years ago and said it would never happen.

Look were we are now. Women college basketball players making millions of dollars. Gymnast making more than Magic Bird, and Jordan in the 80s.

I don't doubt the same energy was out there on the plantation as well as the civil rights movement. I know for a fact the civil rights movement had plenty of black resistance.

The have zero plan crowd aways has been in the background scared of success. They will the same people suing the people who are awarded relief because they fell some type if way about the distribution amounts being uneven.

Kind of like the relative your family haven't seen in 20 years who shows up the funeral of the well of relatives and starts demanding reparations because "dey family" and they need it more than you.

Cant wait to see the lines that start forming and the money guru investment experts come from the same crowds that said shit wasn't gonna happen.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Burping ass cac taking forever to get to the damn point. WTF is your stance? Then we can decide if we want to listen to your BS backstory.
Exactly, why can't they ever just start off with, "Yes, and here's why" or "No, and here's why" or even, "Maybe, and here's why". Why do we always have to go the long way around to get the answer to a direct question? Whenever I hear that kind of answer I know you are trying to bullshit me and I don't even want to listen until the end.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
News Flash: Accurate $$$ for true present day value of the pain/suffering/damages perpetuated against our ancestors/us aren't ever goin to be given to us...they would rather fight/die in civil war II before they'd even admit it's owed..let alone even seriously consider payin up.

Case in point: Florida's changes to how slavery will be taught. As in, you (Black people) got skills from slavery that you (Black people) could/would/should have capitalized on ... Now, I (the White Man) can feel better when I tell you to stop asking for reparations!

Texas will most likely be next to change how slavery will be taught to match, or even be worse than, Florida.
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waking people up
BGOL Investor
Someone give me the Cliff's Notes. I can't stomach this trembly voice mofo for 15 min!
white politician shows up to a black talking show to get cool points, dumb negroes will vote for him when he danced around every issue like a matador and talked about nothing of substance and vague ideas. Just enough for you to have another wasted vote so nothing will change.
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I joke and I know things
BGOL Investor
white politician shows up to a black talking show to get cool points, dumb negroes will vote for him when he danced around every issue like a matador and talked about nothing of substance and vague ideas. Just enough for you to have another wasted vote so nothing will change.