Megan Thee Stallion got a nice ass


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Megan thee stallion :fucking: :nopullout:





Rising Star
Platinum Member
Why does she think we want to hear her speak??

What nigga who isn’t industry listens to this female rapper?

I turned her shit off when the first beat played!!



Rising Star
We all get it, a “Stallion” is a male horse.

But we all know what it means when someone says a woman’s a “Stallion” so let it go.

Maybe it would sound better if her name was “Megan Thee Mare”?

Or “Megan Thee Filly”?

Do those names have a “Ring” to it to you?

Megan “Thee Mare” :roflmao::roflmao2:

That must not be an NYC/Brooklyn thing. At least not cats raised in the 70's and 80's like me. That's just wallowing in ignorance calling a woman male animal.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I fucks with her. Pretty girl. Nice body. Decent attitude. I'lll be glad when this caked up, super bronzing, countouring makeup era is over.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
yet ANOTHER female rapper selling sex to men that would rather DIE than buy her music

someone please EXPLAIN this business model to me

This. I like to look at her but her schtick is getting old. What else can she show or do? Say what you will about Nicki, but she could rhyme her (fake) ass off.