Megan Thee Stallion got a nice ass


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I never heard of her until now!!..Damn, I guess these Strippers turn Rappers believe that Cardi B did it. I can do it too!!...Wrong!!..:smh:

This success that Cardi B got happens once every blue moon!!..Yall Strippers turn wannabe Rappers keep yall day job!!..:lol::smh:


Rising Star
Platinum Member

That's my knicca bike..brah


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We all get it, a “Stallion” is a male horse.

But we all know what it means when someone says a woman’s a “Stallion” so let it go.

Maybe it would sound better if her name was “Megan Thee Mare”?

Or “Megan Thee Filly”?

Do those names have a “Ring” to it to you?

Megan “Thee Mare” :roflmao::roflmao2:


Mil Town Legend
BGOL Investor
First time I ever heard or saw her was when this video randomly poped up in my Youtube feed. Ive been bumpin this shit since.
I dont fuck with too many female rappers, but she sampled a classic beat on this one and its catchy. Aint really listening to what she talking bout though :lol:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We all get it, a “Stallion” is a male horse.

But we all know what it means when someone says a woman’s a “Stallion” so let it go.

Maybe it would sound better if her name was “Megan Thee Mare”?

Or “Megan Thee Filly”?

Do those names have a “Ring” to it to you?

Megan “Thee Mare” :roflmao::roflmao2:

Bullshit... Makes absolutely no sense to say something you know is wrong. This calling females stallions started when the originator misused the word and other dumb asses followed and continue to do so for some reason.. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bullshit... Makes absolutely no sense to say something you know is wrong. This calling females stallions started when the originator misused the word and other dumb asses followed and continue to do so for some reason.. :smh:

I gave you two options, "Megan The Mare" or "Megan The Filly".

Which one you gonna roll with? You start calling her that and the rest will follow.