Men REFUSE To Attend Singles Event & It Was 90% Women


knowledge alone ≠ power
OG Investor
That woman at 1:46 of the Video is BEAUTIFUL ... WTF ?

you have to take a lot of these vids with a grain of salt...cut and pasted together...clickbait. that chick ain't going to no singles events looking for a man, she got dudes climbing over each other to get to her.

it makes for good board conversations though


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Who wants to be in a room full of

Hoes who explored ALL their options..

They allowed feminism to expose them .

Now they showed their selfish I don't need

A man side..fuck kitchen work..

I'll just pretend I earned my success..

And not sucked my way to the top .

We need more Michelle Obama's. And less Kamal

Fake bitch harrises


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Who wants to be in a room full of

Hoes who explored ALL their options..

They allowed feminism to expose them .

Now they showed their selfish I don't need

A man side..fuck kitchen work..

I'll just pretend I earned my success..

And not sucked my way to the top .

We need more Michelle Obama's. And less Kamal

Fake bitch harrises

This man decided to tell no lies.

Somebody bout to come at you.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This man decided to tell no lies.

Somebody bout to come at you.

Hey it's all good I know how to deal

With the hopelessly delusional...

Hey them hoes are slowly realizing

Being a kitchen scientist and family nurterer

Is a way more fulfilling life than a jet setting ceo

With no children..

And most find out the hard way..on their therapist

Chair wondering where they went wrong

Well listening to Beyonce talking bout

All the women independent throw your blah blah blah..

Meanwhile bitch got married on them hoes

Family children all that .

This is a great time to be a single bruh

With no commitments...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This makes no sense, if a guy is having trouble with 100% of the women he meets, it means he is the problem.

It makes no sense to not want to deal with bullshit? That makes no sense.

And the latter part of your response has nothing to do with what I typed. Maybe it was meant for someone else.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Singles events are stupid. Most events be 70-80% women no matter what it is. Women go out in groups. Comedy shows, concerts, education events all women. Literally if I go out anywhere and see single women.

I love going out and 95% of the time if it's not business related I'm hanging out with women. I encourage brothers to expand their horizons go out to things that aren't in clubs. Go to all types of events and just have fun. I'll be honest a big change in my interaction with women came when I was old enough not to be thirsty. When I was in my 20's 80% of my motivation to go out was getting pussy. Once I hit my 30's and I started actually going out to have fun I started doing shit I wanted to do. I go to restaurants I like to eat, comedy shows I want to go to, concerts ect. and I always got a bad chick or chicks with me if I go solo and it's always a good time.

I think as a culture we got to get back to having fun together. Black men and women need to find ways to have fun together that don't involve fucking. lol We got fucking down let's figure out how to be happy together. I love women, I really love black women, I ain't got an ounce of hate in my heart for all the joy they have given me over my life.

Stop looking at your interactions with women as transactional. Love the process of interacting with women. Love the company of women you will learn so much about the world and yourself and attract the type of women you want.
This man gets it


Transnational Member
I am in loserville temporarily, where they constantly try to bait me into their peon battles. For me to go out to some club or hang out would be a death sentence.

Because I don't talk to none of the women here or gay men that are prevalent and keep to myself, they desperately try to find ways to get me to respond.