Damn I want to cry right now.
I'm still not believing this. Out of all them other Jacksons Mike gotta be the first to go, no way man. Why Mike.

Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal
I dont usually share emotions with men
but this one hurts
shit really touches my heart man
i listen to this song everyday
im a grown man crying(well tearing up) his ass off
i grew up to that niggah man
i had the glove, the curl, the red jacket and the leather pants
i wanted to be that niggah so bad when i was 12
damn RIP mike
damn damn damn
Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal
alex i was at my desk at work when the news broke i was crying and couldnt concentrate on work
Man his music trancends all ages.. you can put his music on and a 10 year old will dance too it....... Like its a new ass song.....
There will never be another..
THEY killed him.
All those years of falsely accusing him w/o solid evidence.
It took a toll on his health no doubt.
They make you a god only to defame and destroy you
R.I.P. Mike.
DAM seems unreal, regardless of all the controversy
that surrounded him in his life is was definitely the greatest entertainer of all-time
im sure the bet awards will do a dedication to him , im sad as hell my favorite entertainer of all time , still cant believe this shit
THEY killed him.
All those years of falsely accusing him w/o solid evidence.
It took a toll on his health no doubt.
They make you a god only to defame and destroy you
R.I.P. Mike.
im sure the bet awards will do a dedication to him , im sad as hell my favorite entertainer of all time , still cant believe this shit