Michael Jai White Breaks Down Why "Shaolin Monks" are Fake


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When that video came out I showed it to my best friend...He's a 7th dan black belt in taekwondo... fights in tournaments all the time, traveled all over ther world training with monks, kickboxers in Thailand, Olympic medalists, etc... he said he learned from this video and implemented some of this into his points sparring matches.

Further into that video, MJW talks about Bernard Hopkins and how he throws that punch... I've seen Bernard teach that same thing to Rashard Evans and they both speak on it the same from a technical standpoint:

BHOP teaching it

MJW teaching it (skip to 4:35 mark)

Wobble Wobble

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He is talking nonsense. I am an African, and this is the first time I have heard that an African his "complexion" too martial arts to Shaolin. Give the chinks their credit; whether Kung Fu is effective or not, it is their thing.

He's talking about a dark brown man from southern India who crossed to the kingdom of Chin via what the west calls The Silk Road to introduce Buddhism there.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
You talking about the Boxers and the Boxer rebellion who were of the same nature as Shaolin but a more modern and volatile personality "55 Days in Peking". The one interesting thing that Jai mentioned is that technology catches up with everything".
The boxer rebellion begin during the first decade of the 20th century. The cultural revolution during the 1960s. The monk I learn Tai Chi from was chased out of the temples when he was a boy by Mao's folk. He had to practice underground. So, even though that main temple was taken down 400 years before what I am talking about, the monks were still around. Even through the calamitous cultural revolution.

Wobble Wobble

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The boxer rebellion begin during the first decade of the 20th century. The cultural revolution during the 1960s. The monk I learn Tai Chi from was chased out of the temples when he was a boy by Mao's folk. He had to practice underground. So, even though that main temple was taken down 400 years before what I am talking about, the monks were still around. Even through the calamitous cultural revolution.

And weren't they both the Boxer Rebellion and the Cultural Revolution about the same thing? Purifying China against Western and Japanese influence?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That’s not a real fight lmao that’s bullshit ass point fighting. Mike perry is half his size and would break his jaw MJW is full of shit
You go do it then :dunno:
Let me know if it's real or not.

Trust me, I know for a fact that shit looks like some "for play" bullshit but that's out of respect for one another... you get two guys with some bad blood in there against each other and it's a totally different ball game


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This MMA fighter recently challenged Michael Jai, after some comments he made about Kimbo Slice. I hope Michael can back up some of this talk. He’s well practiced, but Ive never heard of him actually even sparring against anybody.

Bruh. Michael Jai White is one of the few real martial artist out there. He's the real deal. He trains with pros and worldwide. Dude is a beast ever since he was in his teens.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Bruh. Michael Jai White is one of the few real martial artist out there. He's the real deal. He trains with pros and worldwide. Dude is a beast ever since he was in his teens.

I dont think anyone is doubting if is a real martial artist. They are just questioning if he would win in a real fight against trained fighters or even a mma fights with rules. By no means am I an expert but I dont think you can compare traditional martial arts tournaments that use points to mma. I do think point fighting may be a good gauge of someone's ability though.


International Member
Because the temple burned don't mean the practice stopped. Even Mao couldn't stop the practice of the monks during the cultural revolution.

When mao was killing everybody quite a few of those dudes left for taiwan and Hong Kong, some are in the US as well

Ming Fei Hong

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I dont think anyone is doubting if is a real martial artist. They are just questioning if he would win in a real fight against trained fighters or even a mma fights with rules. By no means am I an expert but I dont think you can compare traditional martial arts tournaments that use points to mma. I do think point fighting may be a good gauge of someone's ability though.
I don't think a *real* fight between them would come down to training. Mike Perry often loses his head in UFC fights and either gets in trouble or finished. He's not a well-disciplined dude. Michael Jai White is. I think MJW has the size, strength, speed, power, and composure advantage to make quick work of that devil in an actual street fight.


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
I don't think a *real* fight between them would come down to training. Mike Perry often loses his head in UFC fights and either gets in trouble or finished. He's not a well-disciplined dude. Michael Jai White is. I think MJW has the size, strength, speed, power, and composure advantage to make quick work of that devil in an actual street fight.

AND MJW has 400 hundred years of ancestral vengeance coins to use, whereas Mike Perry only has 8 years worth.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I don't think a *real* fight between them would come down to training. Mike Perry often loses his head in UFC fights and either gets in trouble or finished. He's not a well-disciplined dude. Michael Jai White is. I think MJW has the size, strength, speed, power, and composure advantage to make quick work of that devil in an actual street fight.

I wasn't necessarily comparing him to anyone. If MJW took it seriously, he could have enough experience to beat some mma fighters. However, depending on how much ring experience the person has MJW probably would still be at a disadvantage. Not saying he would lose, but I'm not convinced point fighting in the past would equate to someone who is an active fighter.

Again I'm talking out of my ass, so I could more than likely be wrong about the difference between point fighting and full contact. I would honestly have a similar opinion if a person's last fight was over ten years ago and they are fighting someone who is active.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor

I could never get in to Jackie Chan because of the silliness of his movies and roles


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Surprised no one has brought up this angle....

it always seems that trained fighters around the world avoid the spotlight or broadcasting in a loud voice who and what they do. I bet there were monks who survived and passed down the teachings. They may have integrated into other community or became even more secretive. AFTER ALL, arent most fighters trained to win fights before a single punch is thrown?

Unlike that Perry fool trying to challenge MJW. Perry is trying to bully his way and increase his rep.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I listened to the Vlad interview and I have no fucking clue what Perry was upset about.

All MJW said was that they were shooting a scene and Kimbo wasn’t reacting to the fake punches (because he didn’t see it), which led to MJW demonstrating those punches. After showing Kimbo how to react, he invited Kimbo to train with him. I don’t think MJW was trying to train him on how to be an MMA fighter, he wanted to show him a technique that would improve his awareness.

Recall, Firaz had GSP learn how to do a spinning back kick from Joe Rogan, and there was no uproar with that.
To take this a step further, it's been long established that martial arts/fighting for TV and movies is actually difficult for some trained martial artists, in part because you have to move slower than you might normally when filming. It might not even be that Kimbo might have just needed some work dealing with that, in which case MJW inviting him the train for that type of thing is actually pretty standup.

But it doesn't surprise me at all that an MMA fighter would assume the worst, and be an asshole while trying to defend the situation.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
RIP to Kimbo but am I not remembering correctly....based on the comments in this thread, this Perry guy is talking about Kimbo like he is a legend of MMA but wasn’t he just “ok” by MMA standards and really popular in pop culture?