She was 39 and her boyfriend is 63?!!!!
Once a woman passes 35 there are no more age rules
She was 39 and her boyfriend is 63?!!!!
I knew she looked familiar! That's def where I knew her from.I'll always remember her from Eurotrip
Bingo .. came in here to say I didn't watch none of them other shits I knew her as the broad from euro tripI'll always remember her from Eurotrip
Nothing fine about this chick, RIP got too much dip on your chip
Rest easy young lady.
Liver issues are painful
Natural causes at age 39?!!! CRAZY!! R.I.PFrom what i read she had alcohol issues and i saw a pic of her with yellow eyes.(Jaundice).
She had a liver transplant but probaly kept on drinking.
R.i.P michelle
Right, which is hard to believe.Natural causes at age 39?!!! CRAZY!! R.I.P
Family doesn't want her cause of death disclosed..Update?