this is some of the most ignorant shit i've ever read in my life.
look, bruh. 10-15% of any population is going to be gay. its been that way since the beginning of time. that is the norm. there are certain industries where you will find high concentrations of gays (
music, fashion,etc..). some kids you can easily see are gay right from the jump (
i.e. tevin campbell, neil patrick harris). others know they're gay from early on but don't become who they are until later in life.
there is homosexuality in tribes in africa and every other continent. some tribes shun those who are gay, other tribes do not. but this exists everywhere. the middle east, india, china, matter where you go, there will be a fag somewhere around.
girls and women are more likely to flirt with bisexuality because women are raised differently than men and it is acceptable for women to be "touchy/feel-y" with each other. but women fall in line with the same percentages as males.
and lets be clear about a couple of other things that niggas are truly fucked up on...
if your son turns out to be gay, it doesn't mean you are a bad father. we as men have bought into a myth that a strong father figure is what can keep a kid from being gay. that is a gross misunderstanding of biology and societal factors.
also, its ok to be grossed out by homosexuality without wanting to see gay people die. some of you niggas protest waaaay too much. all this wishing death on fags is way overboard. gay people aren't a threat to you. and if they are, its because you feel like you may be one and you're hating yourself.
example: bishop eddie long for years preached that gays deserved death...all the while gobbling every young peen in the church building. he was ashamed of himself and actually preached against himself. that is some deep and disturbing shit.
so when you're yelling about how fags should all get their asses kicked or get killed, you need to ask yourself why you feel that way and what sense does it really make to be that angry. unless you were sexually abused by a dude (in that case i'm sorry you had to experience that), what are you really angry about?