But how does he differ from Biden?
“I do not buy the concept, popular in the ‘60s, which said, ‘We have suppressed the black man for 300 years and the white man is now far ahead in the race for everything our society offers. In order to even the score, we must now give the black man a head start, or even hold the white man back, to even the race.’ I don’t buy that.
“I don’t feel responsible for the sins of my father and grandfather,” he continued at the time. “I feel responsible for what the situation is today, for the sins of my own generation. And I’ll be damned if I feel responsible to pay for what happened 300 years ago.”
--Joe Biden; People Paper, a Delaware-based weekly newspaper, in 1975
Shit...Biden's comment is more crass and insensitive than McConnell's comment than anything.
Biden is a Delaware cracker - meaning he has a southern CAC mindset that he keeps hidden behind a smiling business loving
face facade. He's a politician!
The Senate (both parties) are his boys. He's been a Delaware Senator since 1972! Imagine spending that long somewhere.
Despite best efforts, that amount of time in that place will make a person blind to reality.
His words above, along with the crime bill he sponsored and his treatment of Anita Hill show who he really is.
He's counting on that old political trick - PIVOT from the topic and say his thinking has "evolved".
As Vice President he was the leader/"President of the Senate". He shoulda walked Obama's SCOTUS pick thru the Senate himself when McConnell told Obama

It was clear that the GOP wasn't playing by the rules - why not answer in kind?
It's still early. Biden won't be the nominee. (you heard it here 1st).
The sad part about it is that most of the negroes in here, knowing what they know now, would gladly trade any chance at reparations just to have a “black President” in office.
There are more brothers on BGOL that woke up after
Obama proved he didn’t give a shit about this community other than sports and entertainment, but the rest couldn’t care less about tangibles. As long as whites put a black face on their agents, some of us will believe and support everything they say.

and these same coons will be outraged at what McConnell said but won’t have shit to say about what Biden said, which is worse, because Biden is a democrat.
This about says it all.
And I can't believe (black?) people are still angry that Barry Obama didn't wave his magic wand and make life golden for all black people. How fucking stupid can you be? You want the man to cater to 13% of the population, many of whom don't even vote and...never mind.
Obama's success at winning elections was his mass appeal. Even with that, he still only won by 9.5 million in 2008 and only 5 million in 2012.
lack America was inspired by his campaign/winning just because. His time/effort/$$$ went towards those who needed convincing.
Hillary tried that but ended up ignoring the states it was assumed she had locked down.
Obama came up as a Community Organizer in the Chi. I'd like to believe he learned how politics & the Black community intersect.
Shit, he knew he had to drop Ms. Wyatt in order to move ahead. He than found Michelle and so it went...
As a Community Organizer he learned this much about Black voters:
- oil the squeaky wheel 1st.
- a lot of 'wait & see' with our people.
- a lot of apathy with our people.
- you can't bring everybody along with you as you climb up outta bad situations; some want to stay comfy & not grow.
- you need $$$ in politics. Go to the places where it
definitely is and the small $$$ that follows will be gravy on top!
Shit is changing all over the world. This is America's time to change the order of things. Old white men are down a peg or 2 in status.
Thank Trump for showing how stupid American mainstream can be; following U.S. history ONCE AGAIN by following Black achievement with an ignorant racist response.
Voting for an obvious incompetent person for POTUS and refusing to see his inferiority.