here is a clue to whats happening...
federal reserve wants to bring in their digital coin,
in USA but they did the research and KNOW nobody wants
that shit, thats a threat to those in control.. if we dont
accept their new currency, then ALL those parasites
who be feeding off OUR energy, through us yearning
for worthless pieces of paper that they print and will
and keep amongst themselves and make everyone else
do dog tricks for the rest..
well their days are numbered... and Crypto is their
biggest threat..
they need to the whole crypto market to crash...thats why...
shit like this is going down..
"Three global crypto leaders dead in 30days. 1. Mushegian, 29, drowns after tweeting the CIA & Mossad was trying kill him. Family says he was mentally ill. sounds like they go to the family. 2. Kullander, 30, in his sleep. 3. Taran, 53, chopper crash. "
This is just the LAST thirty days..
and it aint gonna get any sweeter, the feds running out of time, they are supposed to be in the implementation phase of their
central bank digital coin CBDC... but nobody wants that shit in usa..
and they are stuck in the research stage... hence the violent desperation...
The crazy shit is, right before another crypto billionaire was gonna testify
in front of usa politicians... he just HAPPENS to get arrested...
YEE UP SBF the dude in the ORIGINAL POST gets arrested
indicating moves are being made as if they dont give a fuck what
elected officials say or do..
They the central banking mafia that RUNS THIS CORPORATION
Think about this..
in for questioning... CONGRESS..
Who the fuck made the call to have him arrested before CONGRESS
gets to question him??
Somebody in law enforcement has more power than our CONGRESSMEN..????
this whole shit show is about to get exposed...
and prove the Federal reserve is ORGANIZED CRIME perfected
and has NO BUSINESS being in CONTROL of OUR MONEY...!!
not to mention the fact
ITS A FUCKIN FOREIGN ENTITY... its the reason why we have a trillion dollar
deficit they print our money then steal it by laundering it through
bullshit wars and dropping bombs from drones on people thousands of miles away...
every bomb dropped is big fuckin money it aint just fireworks for your viewing pleasure...
they really think all Americans are dumb fucks... what they dont realize
is THEIR time is up, and the fact their cbdc coin failed before it even got started
is prove of that...
they got less than six months and things are going to get crazy as they get
more desperate...
these demons going down kicking and screaming...but that wont stop
their downward spiral to the void for eternity and they will suffer the
same karma they put out before their final fall.
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