We haven’t had snow like this in a min.. what sucks about nyc snowstorm is the cleanup effort.. for whatever reason nigs made a law that you have to shovel the snow on the side/edge of the sidewalk..which than turns it into basically a snow pile that eventually freezes and be like that for days/weeks until it melts... old days nigs just took the snow and threw it in the street and let the cars roll over them until it melted..which was pretty quick.. now we gonna have this disgusting ass caked up dirty snow for a min..god I hate snow..it’s cause of that dirty snow shit and cause I’m convinced and I been saying it for decades dogs takes more shit when it snow.. bunch of dogshit will be near those piles and yellow snow.. god just thinking about it pisses me off.. man nigs need to just say fuck the rules and start throwing snow back in the street..I know a few of my boys did who own biz did this yr when I brought it up..fuck some of these old rules let covid be your excuseAnd that would be crazy to someone from LA or Miami. Lol.
I’m definitely in between all of that. We dealing with ice, and some winter seasons we may see a foot of snow the entire winter. This season my city has seen about 2 inches of snow total and two bad ice storms.