Most intense & aggressive lesbian sex I've seen


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The sparks of faggot energy must be electrifying.


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
Naw. I'm going with one.

I don't think Africa had any clue that Kitten was going to do this to her on film during their scene.

Not into to lesbian porn, but I do remember this scene as a shorty.

Africa was so fine to me back then. Her facial expressions had me like OMG :inlove: :jackoff:

And to some people, including me Lez porn is boring. And Lez porn with a strap on is to close to being "trannyish"


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Lotta fat niggaahz who dnt get out & niggajz who gotta spend to get a bitch, love to pretend dyke bitches arent practicing faggotry & when they like to watch them fuck with rubver dick strap ons...they are enjoying some solid tranny fag shit.

They want a pass cause they live with these bitches & have kids wot these hoes.

Dnt pretend to be mad @ me for telling the truth. :lol:
Gay is gay.


Support BGOL
Nigga fuck YO life.

When they go at it and you got nothing left like Chubb Rock, you lay there and your woods rises like yeast on cinnamon rolls not knowing whether to say, "Put me in, coach" or sit back and watch while you stroke your dick or put your dick in one of their mouths. *Emma, Drama, Dilemma*

It's an amazing sight. Damn I need to call up my lesbian friend and see if she wanna get wild
Gay shit doesn’t appeal to me. Sorry


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why are all these non lesbo porn loving dudes in this thread?...the title is self explanatory....on another note, I have heard that gay dudes hate lesbians because of how accepted their sexual act is in general society....I guess it's true...some of you need to go see a therapist because BGOL can't help you


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lotta fat niggaahz who dnt get out & niggajz who gotta spend to get a bitch, love to pretend dyke bitches arent practicing faggotry & when they like to watch them fuck with rubver dick strap ons...they are enjoying some solid tranny fag shit.

They want a pass cause they live with these bitches & have kids wot these hoes.

Dnt pretend to be mad @ me for telling the truth. :lol:
Gay is gay.

So, why can't cats just like what they like? I'm not watching two dudes fuck. I'm not watching a chick fuck a dude. But you give me a nice solo scene with a barefooted chick jilling, I'm in! Give me a scene with two pussies, 4 titties, 2 asses and 4 pretty ass feet, I'm in! I guess I just love watching bad bitches get off. Gay is not gay. If that were the case, dude on dude wouldn't make me want to throw up.....and it does!

On the question of whether I would put up with my wife licking another chick so that I could fuck the other broad also, I'm not sure. Honestly, that shit is not likely in my life, but I'll let you know what I do if I'm ever faced with the situation.

Black A. Camus

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It looked pointless to me. I would understand if it was clit on clit, and they were stimulated that way. But most of the time it looked like the top chicks clit missed the other chicks clit: the top chick's pussy mostly only rubbed against the bottom chick's pelvis. To each their own though.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Niggaahz here love to give gay/ lesbian, dykes/ faggot bitches a pass.... you find the most creative ways to give faggot / dyke shit a pass.... same sex, sex is gay!!! Its faggorty.

Show me where there is a set standard on what to call a faggot dyke bitch???? There isnt one! ONLY a lezbo lover of faggotry like many who have quoted me & mentioned me indirectly have managed to somehow excuse women when it comes to homosexuality/ lesbianism both of which are faggotry.

Ill call a faggot bitch a faggot bitch cause that what she is..... you can call her a lesbian or a dyke.... shit is all the same to me.
Its clear @cudjoe74, @NightMare Paint love GAY SHIT...

I have heard that gay dudes hate lesbians because of how accepted their sexual act is in general society....I guess it's true...some of you need to go see a therapist because BGOL can't help you

Who told you that???? Another faggot lover @ the faggotry convention or the all gay all day is the way retreat???
You & ya faggot friends & faggot dyke bitch loving friends spend time telline lies to each other about how 2 women bumping pusssies, licking each others pussy, & rubber dick fucking each other isnt gay or isnt a direct variation of some tranny shit because you are either faggots too, married to a faggot dyke lezbo bitch, you have one for a girlfriend, or that & you have a kid with that faggot dkye lesbo bitch

Tell me where you heard that bullshit you made up.:lol:

I bet you niggaahz be @ the gay pride parade holding hands wit ya faggot dyke bitch:lol:dnt try to front like you not inerested in being there..... isnt it an opportunity to meet more faggot dyke hoes wit rubber dicks?:roflmao3::giggle:


Mil Town Legend
BGOL Investor
The sparks of faggot energy must be electrifying.
that was funny..
u still a sucka
Lotta fat niggaahz who dnt get out & niggajz who gotta spend to get a bitch, love to pretend dyke bitches arent practicing faggotry & when they like to watch them fuck with rubver dick strap ons...they are enjoying some solid tranny fag shit.

They want a pass cause they live with these bitches & have kids wot these hoes.

Dnt pretend to be mad @ me for telling the truth. :lol:
Gay is gay.
Yet you in every lesbian thread posting...foh.
Last edited:


Rising Star
OG Investor
Lotta fat niggaahz who dnt get out & niggajz who gotta spend to get a bitch, love to pretend dyke bitches arent practicing faggotry & when they like to watch them fuck with rubver dick strap ons...they are enjoying some solid tranny fag shit.

They want a pass cause they live with these bitches & have kids wot these hoes.

Dnt pretend to be mad @ me for telling the truth. :lol:
Gay is gay.

I've never seen you in a thread saying anything positive about or admiring any female. You never go into porn threads, threads with nekkid women, etc. Why are you on the board faggit?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Niggaahz here love to give gay/ lesbian, dykes/ faggot bitches a pass.... you find the most creative ways to give faggot / dyke shit a pass.... same sex, sex is gay!!! Its faggorty.

Show me where there is a set standard on what to call a faggot dyke bitch???? There isnt one! ONLY a lezbo lover of faggotry like many who have quoted me & mentioned me indirectly have managed to somehow excuse women when it comes to homosexuality/ lesbianism both of which are faggotry.

Ill call a faggot bitch a faggot bitch cause that what she is..... you can call her a lesbian or a dyke.... shit is all the same to me.
Its clear @cudjoe74, @NightMare Paint love GAY SHIT...

Who told you that???? Another faggot lover @ the faggotry convention or the all gay all day is the way retreat???
You & ya faggot friends & faggot dyke bitch loving friends spend time telline lies to each other about how 2 women bumping pusssies, licking each others pussy, & rubber dick fucking each other isnt gay or isnt a direct variation of some tranny shit because you are either faggots too, married to a faggot dyke lezbo bitch, you have one for a girlfriend, or that & you have a kid with that faggot dkye lesbo bitch

Tell me where you heard that bullshit you made up.:lol:

I bet you niggaahz be @ the gay pride parade holding hands wit ya faggot dyke bitch:lol:dnt try to front like you not inerested in being there..... isnt it an opportunity to meet more faggot dyke hoes wit rubber dicks?:roflmao3::giggle:
Hit dog hollers....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Eh, kind of boring. Ms. Garrison and Xerxes was was more intense than this. At least those two screwballs made me laugh

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
Niggaahz here love to give gay/ lesbian, dykes/ faggot bitches a pass.... you find the most creative ways to give faggot / dyke shit a pass.... same sex, sex is gay!!! Its faggorty.

Show me where there is a set standard on what to call a faggot dyke bitch???? There isnt one! ONLY a lezbo lover of faggotry like many who have quoted me & mentioned me indirectly have managed to somehow excuse women when it comes to homosexuality/ lesbianism both of which are faggotry.

Ill call a faggot bitch a faggot bitch cause that what she is..... you can call her a lesbian or a dyke.... shit is all the same to me.
Its clear @cudjoe74, @NightMare Paint love GAY SHIT...

Who told you that???? Another faggot lover @ the faggotry convention or the all gay all day is the way retreat???
You & ya faggot friends & faggot dyke bitch loving friends spend time telline lies to each other about how 2 women bumping pusssies, licking each others pussy, & rubber dick fucking each other isnt gay or isnt a direct variation of some tranny shit because you are either faggots too, married to a faggot dyke lezbo bitch, you have one for a girlfriend, or that & you have a kid with that faggot dkye lesbo bitch

Tell me where you heard that bullshit you made up.:lol:

I bet you niggaahz be @ the gay pride parade holding hands wit ya faggot dyke bitch:lol:dnt try to front like you not inerested in being there..... isnt it an opportunity to meet more faggot dyke hoes wit rubber dicks?:roflmao3::giggle:
Nigga get off the net and go lay up with your "friend" who ain't following you on Instagram.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Nigga get off the net and go lay up with your "friend" who ain't following you on Instagram.

Who would that be??:roflmao: ( i learn so much about me here that I necer knew...)

I have no idea who does & doesn't follow me on instagram...
You should follow me tho..


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I've never seen you in a thread saying anything positive about or admiring any female. You never go into porn threads, threads with nekkid women, etc. Why are you on the board faggit?
:lol::roflmao: @ you....
You are a nega supreme faggot.
So, you admit to following me or tracking EVERY thread that has a vid or a woman posted & Ive "never" had anything positive to say huh:idea::happy:
If you say so...:dunno:

Im not here for the porn. Especisally the gay porn you love so much faggot. You are promoter & supporter of faggotry :itsawrap:.
You must be married too a faggot dyke bitch & had a daughter with her who has grown up to be a faggot dyke bitch too, so you probably have no xhoice but to support the movement.
Do you go to the parades with them or do you sit that 1 out?:idea::lol:

Why am I here???
To take!!!! Free movies, tv shows, music, software, training programs, books, audio books, & tidbits of imformation (which I manage to provide occasionally :grin:) .
It took me a while to get past the porn & discover all of the shit I mentioned above. Yes, its a "porn" board, but porn accounts for less than 1/4th of the content provided here.

Quite a few members whom I know personally & particularly the member who put me on dnt even fuck with the porn @ all. So to suggest that because this is a porn board I should factor that into the shit I say about the very gay porn posted even though there is allegedly no gay porn allowed:idea:.....wait as long as its not male gay porn... but lezbo porn & leszbo strap-on tranny porn is your favorite.:hithead: My fault for making you uncomfortable when you visit the site.:lol::roflmao:

You too must be married too or have kids with a lezbo dyke bitch. :lol:Supoort ya kids inspite of their choice to embrace faggotry...
You support it here, @ home should be no different.

Next question.:lol: