Adriano Della Gherardesca's answer: Top 30: 1. Confidence attracts people: After you finish talking during negotiations, simply look people in the eye and wait in silence. Your determined look will positively affect others’ perception of what you’ve just said. If you lose eye contact after these...
What psychological tricks and hacks are useful to know in the 21st century?
Top 30:
1. Confidence attracts people: After you finish talking during negotiations, simply look people in the eye and wait in silence. Your determined look will positively affect others’ perception of what you’ve just said. If you lose eye contact after these intense moments, you will notice a loss of interest after a short time.
2. Confident Posture: A straight back, open gestures, and a confident walk could make people think you are a confident person. So, keep your head raised, keep your back straight, and look up, you will soon see that you feel different. Research shows that posing like a confident person decreases the level of stress.
3. Secret complicity. when a group of people burst into laughter, everyone immediately seeks visual contact with the person that feels closer. Watch closely: it could be a way to find out the secret treads in the office and outside.
4. Exclude negative thoughts: Practicing the Mindfulness is a great way to empty the mind from useless and non-productive thoughts. After you start ignoring your negative and unkind thoughts, you will realize that most of them are based on nothing and you will feel lighter.
5. Visualize the ideal “you.”: “What would a confident ‘me’ do in this situation?” This is a great question you should ask yourself from time to time. Try to visualize the confident version of yourself and pretend to be that person. It will take some time, firm belief and repetition.
6. Create an illusion of choice: If you need someone to do something for you, ask for a more difficult task to do before telling your original request. This also works when you try to convince someone. Give them 2 options at the same time: the thing you want and another task harder to achieve. What you will achieve by this is to make your actual request look simpler next to the other.
7. Turn disagreement to advantage: When people tell you things you don’t agree with, don’t object to them firmly. First acknowledge what they say with words like,
“I see what you mean” and continue with your own opinion asking
“but have you ever thought about this part of it?” That approach will help you make your point without being interrupted or having someone oppose you.
8. Mama knows best: You can attract attention to your words by telling people that your father or mother taught you that. People comply with a traditional discipline figure and will respect a mother or father empathically thinking about their own parents.
9. Take on a love loan: You may notice someone doesn’t like you as much as you want them to. Ask them for something small to borrow, maybe a book you are interested in. That will first create a reluctant connection between the 2 of you, then it will result in an opinion change after you give the item back.
10. Gaze the space between the eyes: most people don't feel comfortable maintaining eye contact, and this is a perfect alternative. Just gaze the space between the eyes and the person will think you're keeping eye contact.
11. Show up early: If you want instant popularity at any event, all you have to do is arrive early. When you arrive early, you have a chance to talk to the arriving participants. You can meet more than 10-15 people before the event begins and this will give the false impression you know everyone.
12. Wave at empty spaces: When you're at a party and you don't know anyone. Just go around and wave and smile at the empty spaces between people. People will think you're waving at the person behind them. If you do this enough, people will approach you as you'll seem to be the popular guy. And nope! Nobody will notice the lie.
13. Mute your phone: this conveys instant respect when you do it as the conversation is about to start. It shows that you really value the person.
14. Create trust to build trust: When you try to build trust in a social environment, admit your small mistakes to others. People will see your vulnerable side and will accept you as an honest person. This will give you an advantage, even during a dispute.
15. Breathe before responding: how many times have you had your sentences cut short because someone can't wait for you to finish. I know it pisses you off. God knows I hate it immensely. People will hate you too if you're fond of doing this. Instead, develop the habit of breathing before you respond. Don't jump in between people's sentences. Breathe. It shows the sign of high self esteem.
16. Call people by their names: we do it all the time, we shorten people's name and call them by nicks. It's not fun at all since a lot of people ain't cool with this. It makes you special if you call people by their full name and you pronounce it properly, even during a conversation. Try to remember the names and the interested parties will definitely appreciate it greatly.
17. Suit Up!
Dress up! You'll feel more confident instantly. The suit will give the illusion of economic security and a secure social status and also you’ll be irresistible to women. Don't be ashamed of being the only elegant dressed, This will give you an advantage to others and you'll give the impression that you re the alpha.
18. First or Last: people tend to remember what comes at the beginning or the end of a certain situation, while memories of what happens in the middle are more confused. So if you have to approve someone and make him feel good, or to support a job interview, try to be the first or last.
19. Don’t hide your fear: It has been proven that it is often best not to hide your fear. Confess your fear or nervousness of the moment instead of trying to hide it in unsuccessful ways.
20. Use the power of silence: If someone gives you an unsatisfactory or incomplete response, remain calm, maintain visual contact and remain silent. The interlocutor will feel pressed and obligated to say more.
21. Avoid someone’s wrath by sitting next to him: You expect someone to attack you in a meeting? Sit next to him. The closeness of bodies and similar positions will make him feel less comfortable being aggressive, and you will have easier life.
22. Asking people to make you small unimportant favors will push their brains to believe they like you.
23. Mirroring: reflect the language of the body of the people while you speak. This is a way of building confidence, although naturally we must not do so too conspicuously.
24. Crowd Path: If you're in a hurry and you re walking through the crowd, don't look at the people, but at the empty spaces between them. In most cases they will let you pass.
25: Chew Gum: If you feel nervous before an important event or during a meeting, try chewing a gum. That’s a method to trick the brain to calm it. It works because the mind associates chewing as a comfortable moment of the day, like when you eat a meal at home with your parents.
26. Replacement Technique: When you feel nervous, sad or in a bad mood try to replace the feeling into the opposite feeling. So if you feel sad, pretend to be happy instead and cheer up for various and even insignificant reasons. Take it like a game!
(Reality Transurfing - Vadim Zeland)
27. Teach to Learn: The best way to learn is to teach. If you learn something new and you want to fix it in mind, at the first opportunity you try to explain it to someone else. You can explain new things you don’t know and learn them at the same time as a lot of people already do in
28. Get that song out of your head by finally finishing it: Of course, some songs are just ear worms, but oftentimes when a tune plays on a loop in our head it's because of a psychological phenomenon known as the Zeigarnik effect, which says that your brain will keep reminding you of unfinished tasks. To get that song out of your head, just listen to it all the way to the finish, singing along as you do.
29. Look at people's feet to assess their interest: Is someone genuinely enjoying talking to you, or is she searching for an excuse to leave? To find out, just look at her feet. It they're pointed toward you, the person is probably genuinely engaged. If they're pointed away, her mind is probably elsewhere. This trick can also help you tell if you're welcome to join a conversation. If those you're looking to chat with turn their feet toward you, go ahead. If they don't, move along.
30. Begin step by step: It’s not easy to feel motivated every day to achieve all your goals, you gonna end up procrastinating or giving up for laziness. The trick is to start doing what you have to do from small steps, slowly until you don’t start realizing you’ve done.
“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step”