Movie Debate: Ethan Hawke Doesn’t Think Superhero Movies Deserve Same Praise As All Other Movies UPDATE: ON SECOND THOUGHT!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Despite the occasional superhero film earning recognition at the Academy Awards — most recently with the critically-acclaimed Logan, which netted a Best Original Screenplay nomination earlier this year, a significant breakthrough in the genre — Ethan Hawke can’t seem to discuss those films without a layer of condescension.

In a new interview with The Film Stage, Hawke repeatedly expressed his annoyance that people don’t separate superhero films with, well, literally all other films in existence. “Now we have the problem that they tell us Logan is a great movie,” he explained. “Well, it’s a great superhero movie. It still involves people in tights with metal coming out of their hands. It’s not Bresson. It’s not Bergman. But they talk about it like it is.” He continued, with his gripe with Logan growing stronger:

I went to see Logan ‘cause everyone was like, ‘This is a great movie’ and I was like, ‘Really? No, this is a fine superhero movie.’ There’s a difference, but big business doesn’t think there’s a difference. Big business wants you to think that this is a great film because they wanna make money off of it.

Why do we have a feeling Hawke isn’t a big fan of the Oscars’ new “popular film” category.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
I agree , I like Ethan Hawk he’s actually mad cool met him in Westwood on accident


BGOL Legend

would this not make a good podcast round table discussion?

Sure we can discuss it

He used the worst example with Logan tho which let's me know he just mad he's not in them

Logan is about a guy who's life isn't where it's supposed to be who has no friends left only one family member who isn't blood working towards a dream remembering his past and having his unknown child dropped on his doorstep

He has to navigate that while evading ppl who want to take his daughter from him so he protects her reluctantly at first at all costs

The funny thing about what Ethan is saying is that if Logan wasn't about wolverine but instead about a Hitman or a reformed man he would've gotten an Oscar nomination for it.

The only reason he didn't is because it is a super hero movie.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
Ethan is too light in the ass to be so much as a super hero side kick. Maybe a villain's bottom bitch. Many movies were once story books then plays of fiction.

Super hero movies are derived from published, renowned and revered comic books. The formula of creating movies from successful writtings continues. I bet if he got offered 20 million to play the Riddler he'd jump on it.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I went to see Logan ‘cause everyone was like, ‘This is a great movie’ and I was like, ‘Really? No, this is a fine superhero movie.’ There’s a difference, but big business doesn’t think there’s a difference. Big business wants you to think that this is a great film because they wanna make money off of it.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Ethan is too light in the ass to be so much as a super hero side kick. Maybe a villain's bottom bitch. Many movies were once story books then plays of fiction.

Super hero movies are derived from published, renowned and revered comic books. The formula of creating movies from successful writtings continues. I bet if he got offered 20 million to play the Riddler he'd jump on it.

We gonna have to invite you to the podcast fam!!!!!

Iron Man

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So the Magnificent Seven is not a Super hero movie? 7 men take down an army of bandits. GTFOH!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

"Yeah. Uh, huh. Hey Ethan, how's that Gattaca sequel working out for you....?"
- I make movies that people universally LOVE.
- Children all over the world look up to me & LOVE me.
- I'm the face of an ultra successful MEGA movie franchise.
- I make more money per film than I could EVER spend.
- "A-list" actors like Robert Redford, Michael Douglas, Michelle Pfieffer, Kurt Russell, Marisa Tomei, Angela Bassett, Mickey Rourke, Lawrence Fishburne, Anthony Hopkins, Michael Keaton, Jeff Goldblum, Forest Whitaker, Cate Blanchett, Lupita N'yongo and Jeff Bridges would ALL disagree with you. (Oh, Did I mention that 7 of those people are Academy Award winners).
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Sure we can discuss it

He used the worst example with Logan tho which let's me know he just mad he's not in them

Logan is about a guy who's life isn't where it's supposed to be who has no friends left only one family member who isn't blood working towards a dream remembering his past and having his unknown child dropped on his doorstep

He has to navigate that while evading ppl who want to take his daughter from him so he protects her reluctantly at first costs

The funny thing about what Ethan is saying is that if Logan wasn't about wolverine but instead about a Hitman or a reformed man he would've gotten an Oscar nomination for it.

The only reason he didn't is because it is a super hero movie.
even if it was a hitman or ex-gangster instead of a superhero / mutant - Logan as a film- as released to theatres is not an oscar worthy film

look - did the premise and story have the potential to be oscar worthy? hell yes
but as executed on film? not at all

I'll say that Ethan is wrong- for one main reason: so far -overall- directors do not take comic characters or their stories seriously - for one, we have yet to see a real movie with Wolverine
another case in point: compare Thor in Avengers & every Thor movie vs Thor in Infinity War

Comic book movies are fantasy are film noir are drama are historical, etc... and if taken seriously during production the best stories will surpass Lord of The Rings, and go toe to toe with Star Wars, Terminator, Matrix, Manchurian Candidate, Heat of The Night etc.


BGOL Legend
even if it was a hitman or ex-gangster instead of a superhero / mutant - Logan as a film- as released to theatres is not an oscar worthy film

look - did the premise and story have the potential to be oscar worthy? hell yes
but as executed on film? not at all

I'll say that Ethan is wrong- for one main reason: so far -overall- directors do not take comic characters or their stories seriously - for one, we have yet to see a real movie with Wolverine
another case in point: compare Thor in Avengers & every Thor movie vs Thor in Infinity War

Comic book movies are fantasy are film noir are drama are historical, etc... and if taken seriously during production the best stories will surpass Lord of The Rings, and go toe to toe with Star Wars, Terminator, Matrix, Manchurian Candidate, Heat of The Night etc.

Not about an Oscar worthy film it's about Oscar worthy performance he gave. Plenty of films aren't up for best picture but an actor or actress is so dynamic they earn a nod.

The problem is super hero movies are judged on an unfair scale

Every super hero isn't the same just like every other type of movie isn't the same but super hero movies get lumped together

Quality writing production execution the only thing most have in common is there are powers in there somewhere

It'd be like comparing the witch to saw 6 cause they both horror though 1 is clearly produced executed and just better than the others

Super heroes don't get that distinction.

Youd never hear someone go drama is trash cause deception was trash

Or action movies are trash cause double impact was bad


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He doesnt know shit..The Dark Knight was one of the best movies ever made, the original Superman was awesome so was Superman 2,the Black Panther was a cultural phenomenon and that last Avengers had grown men crying in theatre. Some of the best acting lately has been in superhero movies Heath as Joker,Jackman as Wolvey in Logan just to name 2.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Not about an Oscar worthy film it's about Oscar worthy performance he gave. Plenty of films aren't up for best picture but an actor or actress is so dynamic they earn a nod.

The problem is super hero movies are judged on an unfair scale

Every super hero isn't the same just like every other type of movie isn't the same but super hero movies get lumped together

Quality writing production execution the only thing most have in common is there are powers in there somewhere

It'd be like comparing the witch to saw 6 cause they both horror though 1 is clearly produced executed and just better than the others

Super heroes don't get that distinction.

Youd never hear someone go drama is trash cause deception was trash

Or action movies are trash cause double impact was bad
what I'm saying is if the film makers don't respect comic characters legends & storytelling why should the academy?


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
He's right and wrong. But the problem is he's basing this on his own opinion of where the line should be drawn. If you look back at former Oscar winners you see lots of people you never heard of again and pictures that were fine that year but were quickly forgotten. And are corny af now.
Believe me, all those Oscar winners in Marvel's movies, like Ben Kingsley and Anthony Hopkins may not be doing Shakespeare but they're certainly not phoning it in. Very good to great acting is one of the things that make Marvel movies so good.
It's a genre of movies, similar to say, screwball comedies of the 30's. Those movies were dismissed then the same way. Now they're regarded as some of the best movies of all time. Especially my favorite: Bringing Up Baby.

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
He sounds like the critic in Birdman.

While I can see the point that he was trying to make, I can't agree with anyone who can watch Winter Soldier or Dark Knight and write them off simply because they're comic book movies. Comic book movie or not, those are great films. Period.

black again

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Beauty and art are in the eyes of the beholder. Some people think velvet paintings with dogs playing cards are art.

I get his point, but who's to say or judge what another person values in a particular genre? Horror, sci-fi, and comedy don't get the same respect as dramas, when it comes to Oscars..doesn't mean they can't be great.

Personally, I love sci-fi flicks, but I'm tired of comic book movies, for a few reasons...too many of them, too cgi-looking, especially Spiderman...and they break one of my cardinal rules of movies, which I got from Siskel and Ebert, years ago.
"When anything can happen in a movie, who cares what happens."

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Some actors take themselves too seriously. Film critics too. :smh: Some people go to the movies for an escape, not to see dramas and what SOME actors and anal critics consider great acting.

Slasher movies were big in the 80s. Superhero movies are big now. Big action movies in the 80s. Shit creates icons whether the more snobbish actors and critics like it or not.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ethan has made some good flicks (Gattaca)....but he should have left Logan out of the convo....or if was gonna bring it up, he shouldn't have mentioned people wearing tights since nobody in Logan wore superhero garb.