Music News: Chance The Rapper Puts Heineken On Blast For Racist Ad


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
yeah its marketing by controversy, its gets people talking , i want to know how profitable this strategy is ?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
yeah its marketing by controversy, its gets people talking , i want to know how profitable this strategy is ?

Shit can easily backfire and it creates and easy out for the marketing team. None of this shit is tolerable (not that you're claiming it is).


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor

Nigga is a fucking joke.

I see you nigga

Osca Lee

if it wasn't for the rev. al YO azz wouldn't even know who mike brown was let alone ferguson. rev. al AND jesse have decades in fighting for and bringing the causes of black folks to the forefront. they deserve nothing but respect and thanks.

Fuck them gatekeepers and the other oath takers who continue to help keep our people on a dead level


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
if it wasn't for the rev. al YO azz wouldn't even know who mike brown was let alone ferguson. rev. al AND jesse have decades in fighting for and bringing the causes of black folks to the forefront. they deserve nothing but respect and thanks.

Bruh I stay in the loop so I reject your statement. Also if you reread what I typed I said I am glad they do what they do. Did you miss that? Here let me re-quote myself and highlight it for you.

Call it what you may and whatever you want. I know how Jesse and Al historically dealt with insults from corporations black people consume the products of and that is what they do. Are you saying they ignore stuff like this, because I never seen it happen. Fact people of all races consume heineken beers and that includes all races. Honestly I would not expect them to ignore this. Heineken fucked up and we have champions that will take them to task.

How did you miss the red bolded? It implicitly says what their strategy is in dealing with disrespect but I'm the jerk? Get the entire fuk outta here man. So maybe it's YO azz that needs to comprehend better before jumping in with YO fake azz outrage.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The ironic thing about this story is that I have heard stories about predominately white establishments not serving Heineken because it is considered a black persons drink.

If didn't know better, I would say the ad is playing off of that showing that white people drink it too.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
The ironic thing about this story is that I have heard stories about predominately white establishments not serving Heineken because it is considered a black persons drink.

If didn't know better, I would say the ad is playing off of that showing that white people drink it too.

This reminds me of brands like Guess, Girbuad, and Tommy Hillfiger back in the day not wanting their clothes to be associated with black people and urban rap culture. Different day, different product, and still the same ol' shit:smh:. However the good that can come out of this is if we support black owned breweries. We must stop being emotional over people who are insensitive to our community while taking our dollars. Companies that show us no respect don't deserve our support. White supremacists don't respond to black emotionalism, they respond to us being transactional. They don't have to like us but they must be made to respect us.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
This why i said never trust these companies. When it's not cool to fuck with black people they Will drop ya like hot potato

Exactly, we must learn to capitalize off our own culture just like everyone else does their own. Stop giving it away to others.

Examples: When the Irish celebrate St. Patrick's day they manufacture the products they will use for their holiday. This in turn is a cultural industry that benefits their community. Chinese do the same for their new year. Jews do the same for their holy days, etc.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Those type of coons are the worst.
I can understand having those that sell out the admiration of blacks have to give an account like Mandela. But we should not attack those that try. Al was a black man that was concerned and made moves in directions of change. That is all that can be proven about him. I never really saw him try to undermine blacks. Either we separate or we try to become successful devils. That is the only choice we have until somebody over comes this white reality we are forced to live by.
All we know is what is allowed out of the minds of white males. We live by lies even when we know they are lies. And if you lie long enough and often enough it becomes reality. That is why you never see blacks in positions that affect programming. Politics, education, law, religion, etc. has to be controlling you just to survive. You have to almost take on the mind of whites in order to just survive.

Damn Right

Rising Star
Bruh I stay in the loop so I reject your statement. Also if you reread what I typed I said I am glad they do what they do. Did you miss that? Here let me re-quote myself and highlight it for you.

How did you miss the red bolded? It implicitly says what their strategy is in dealing with disrespect but I'm the jerk? Get the entire fuk outta here man. So maybe it's YO azz that needs to comprehend better before jumping in with YO fake azz outrage.

that was the reply to your ORIGINAL post where you were yappin about them coming for checks :smh:

the same sheit those white boys say about both men. they make up bullsheit conspiracy stories and spread disinformation. to many "brothers" follow the lead of those white boys in that regard.

Damn Right

Rising Star
Fuck them gatekeepers and the other oath takers who continue to help keep our people on a dead level

jesse jackson put in over 50 years of educating and uplifting black folks. rev. al has nearly as many years doing the same. what tha fuck have YOU done to match their works for the betterment of black people? matter of fact, wtf have you done to help the black community as a whole?

Osca Lee

jesse jackson put in over 50 years of educating and uplifting black folks. rev. al has nearly as many years doing the same. what tha fuck have YOU done to match their works for the betterment of black people? matter of fact, wtf have you done to help the black community as a whole?

Fuck jesse jackson and al sharpton

Them mfs are the reason our people still on a dead level. They promote this we black and african american bullshit.

Check the laws and realize those titles dont mean shit. It makes you civily dead.

Im doing a lot now and talking to my brothers and sister about who we really are and helping them correct themselves.

Your on a dead level but i still have love for you brother. You need to study civics, study law and what it means to be a ward of the state.

Damn Right

Rising Star
Fuck jesse jackson and al sharpton

Them mfs are the reason our people still on a dead level. They promote this we black and african american bullshit.

Check the laws and realize those titles dont mean shit. It makes you civily dead.

Im doing a lot now and talking to my brothers and sister about who we really are and helping them correct themselves.

Your on a dead level but i still have love for you brother. You need to study civics, study law and what it means to be a ward of the state.

You're lost but that doesn't mean you can't ever come back "home." Learn about yourself and your people -- both in America and ancient Africa. You'll find that there's a lot to be proud of and love. Hopefully you'll learn to love your blackness, brother.

Osca Lee

You're lost but that doesn't mean you can't ever come back "home." Learn about yourself and your people -- both in America and ancient Africa. You'll find that there's a lot to be proud of and love. Hopefully you'll learn to love your blackness brother.

I love my not confused about word and out meaning. When it comes to law being a black man or african american means nothing because again they see and treat you as civily dead cause you are in to them in law.

I am home..America is home...the capitol is the great pyramid with the eye attached not separated. So trust me i really understand what and who I am. I am a supreme being born on the square by a moabite woman.

Trust I really understand who and what I am


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
that was the reply to your ORIGINAL post where you were yappin about them coming for checks :smh:

the same sheit those white boys say about both men. they make up bullsheit conspiracy stories and spread disinformation. to many "brothers" follow the lead of those white boys in that regard.

I figured that it was about the original post so you should have quoted that and not my second post in the thread:hithead:. I can even understand how the original comment comes off in a bad way. It still does not discount the fact that concessions are what is necessary from an entity who takes black dollars while being racially insensitive. Al and Jesse have a track record of taking entities to task in this manner. I agree with their tactics, make them hire more of us in executive positions.

With that said Since we are using "brothers" too many "brothers" invoke the coon label. Stop being sensitive and learn to be result oriented. Al and Jesse themselves will tell us to do the same. Emotions due to hurt feelings does not make people accountable for wrongs they do. They play the emotion game with us all the damn time and I am sick of it. Fuck being insulted and in our feelings, turn that into action and let's get that bag. Remember that and then maybe we could start turning this thing around for our benefit.

Damn Right

Rising Star
I figured that it was about the original post so you should have quoted that and not my second post in the thread:hithead:. I can even understand how the original comment comes off in a bad way. It still does not discount the fact that concessions are what is necessary from an entity who takes black dollars while being racially insensitive. Al and Jesse have a track record of taking entities to task in this manner. I agree with their tactics, make them hire more of us in executive positions.

With that said Since we are using "brothers" too many "brothers" invoke the coon label. Stop being sensitive and learn to be result oriented. Al and Jesse themselves will tell us to do the same. Emotions due to hurt feelings does not make people accountable for wrongs they do. They play the emotion game with us all the damn time and I am sick of it. Fuck being insulted and in our feelings, turn that into action and let's get that bag. Remember that and then maybe we could start turning this thing around for our benefit.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong point. :smh:

Instead of writing two graphs that display your lack of understanding, point to any reply in this thread where I accused anyone of being a "coon." :cmonson:


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Reading comprehension isn't your strong point. :smh:

Instead of writing two graphs that display your lack of understanding, point to any reply in this thread where I accused anyone of being a "coon." :cmonson:

People use different words to express a point all the time. It's called coded language. Maybe your awareness of semantics isn't your strong point:dunno:. Anyways you made your point and it was taken. Time to move on.