My New Internet Crush...Mandii B - See, The Thing Is


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Mandii and Weezy pump faked the entire internet......

I mean they have a book coming out and their "one night" only show is in a week or so.......

People should've known something wasn't adding up

WD has ended as a free podcast, they will now be completely behind the patreon paywall


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Apparently we gonna a see lot of deals for these podcasts not get renewed this year. And certain companies have a lot more influence and control than the publ8c releases.

Mandii quit it early in 2024 shortly after that deal expired.... she was asked to renew and declined. They didn't cancel her, she canceled them (Gumball and Bridget)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I either heard it wrong or it was a lie.

I trust your breakdown.

She dedicated like 10-15 minutes on a "Live" to discuss things.... I think I caught a recap on Whorible......

But I'm sure it's still available on the net.
I quite vividly remember her saying her agent asked her how much $$ would it take to renew and she said something to the effect of "you couldn't pay me enough." She said she did all the pre-production work, booking guests, studios...etc and Bridget was just "On-Air" talent, but still wanted 50% of the bag because she was the star/ draw