I feel the same way and all that plastic surgery on her is a turn off to me. To be that young and look so old from the surgery ain't a good look.
What gets me is that I believe her father is her manager.
I feel the same way and all that plastic surgery on her is a turn off to me. To be that young and look so old from the surgery ain't a good look.
YepWhat gets me is that I believe her father is her manager.
What gets me is that I believe her father is her manager.
What gets me is that I believe her father is her manager.
Yeah he and mom trying to eat. These folks don't give a fuck smh.
"mulatto." jeezus fucking christ our self-denigration just knows no bounds.
"mulatto." jeezus fucking christ our self-denigration just knows no bounds.
I think she changed her name to “Latto” or “Big Latto” now.
I think she changed her name to “Latto” or “Big Latto” now.[\QUOTE]
She'll be renaming herself again from Big Latto to Big Pinky or Pinky Gellato if she don't stop
eatin them Damn Cheeseburgers and Flaming Hots.
Those half black and trailer white women don't have well. The look smacking in their teens and early twenties. However after the first kid or 30s with no gym they turn. Balloon out.
She has a slave era name for a stage name. Waiting for a rapper to just come out and name himself SAMBO
She looks good, but I used to watch the Rap Game with my kids and remember her season. Can't help but still see the teenage girl from the show. Completely different person now.. I wonder if this is who she is or who they are manufacturing her to be. I believe it's the latter but, who knows.
She looks good, but I used to watch the Rap Game with my kids and remember her season. Can't help but still see the teenage girl from the show. Completely different person now.. I wonder if this is who she is or who they are manufacturing her to be. I believe it's the latter but, who knows. The perv in me says.. raw, but the father in me says.. ehhhhhh.
Only seen clips of that show but knew of her years before she blew and she definitely turned it up a notch on her image.
These rap chicks want to be hood niggaz so bad.
Breh you posted pics that seriously fucked up my scrolling.
I know you didn't mean to.
Can't be unseen but I must try