My New Internet Crush...Professor Gaia G Monroe - You Most F*cking Learn


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I've been saying that this Black/Puerto Rican woman oozes sexuality.

There was a thread a couple of months ago dogging her, saying she had no ass.

She does have some ass, and she obviously has the face and titties, as well as sex appeal for days. And she's very smart (watch her YouTube videos).

Glad she's getting the attention she deserves. Would I cuff? I'd consider it if I was the only guy she was fucking on those videos...otherwise, well, she's nice to look at in action.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Damn she bad!!!



not the little wizard
BGOL Investor
Upon further video review, might be the sexiest chick ever. Real talk.
If you don't like her, you gay. The problem is you, not her.

And who is the angel in the middle, for research purposes only, of course

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