Man what in all of the Hell....
Man... I should have never seen this thread. I'm ruined..... She has ruined me....
I can't go back to basic after seeing this.
listen fam...
I got a VERY short list of woman I would leave my life for and another risk my marriage for...
2 different lists
on the one night hall pass list IS her.
Man what in all of the Hell....
Man... I should have never seen this thread. I'm ruined..... She has ruined me....
I can't go back to basic after seeing this.
ya bruh I feel ya pain
the power of a pretty sista with tits and ass
damn u OP for posting this
My One Night Raw Pass List So far?
Tori Hughes
Man I should never ever see this chick in public. I have no idea what's going to happen.
da better built gabriel union hey now hey now
da way she be extra cheesing it in a lot of pics she prob mad goofy.. 1 of those goofy chicks u had in school dat hit da puberty lottery and because ur were cool with her u had first dibs like wait a sec nobody knows of da goldmine u have underneath ur clothes must keep this treasure under wraps for myself..prob a real good bitch to with her ole goofy ass
Man I just... I just can't right now...