My New Internet Crush...Raven Ravie Loso - Big Body


Good As Da Best, Bad As Da Worst
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I cant believe this is the first time of me viewing this thread.
I have seen her pics so many times but I never knew who she was.

All I can say SWEEET BABEEEEE JEEBUS, Life is not fair
How can a brotha expected to be in a monogamous marriage/relationship;
when there are so many beautiful woman like this on planet earth.




Rising Star
I was involved with a chick who looks exactly like her a while back. Minus the hair....

*two cents *


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Man what in all of the Hell....


Man... I should have never seen this thread. I'm ruined..... She has ruined me.... :crymeariver:

I can't go back to basic after seeing this.

listen fam...

I got a VERY short list of woman I would leave my life for and another risk my marriage for...

2 different lists

on the one night hall pass list IS her.

Smoke Van Gundy

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Kot Damn

da better built gabriel union hey now hey now

da way she be extra cheesing it in a lot of pics she prob mad goofy.. 1 of those goofy chicks u had in school dat hit da puberty lottery and because ur were cool with her u had first dibs like wait a sec nobody knows of da goldmine u have underneath ur clothes must keep this treasure under wraps for myself..prob a real good bitch to with her ole goofy ass

I can see that late bloomer angle on shorty very well