NAACP Charges Tea Party with Racism

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
As long as I pay my premium they will not drop me. What are you getting at Mr. Dave? The problem arises when the private industry folds due to the reforms. The industry can't thrive with an influx of people who haven't paid into the model. The companies are not structured that way. You don't have an accident then go to state farm.

As i aforementioned in a previous post, I have a child with special needs and she has had over 15 surgeries. We haven't been dumped yet. Because we pay our premiums. But they do call to see if she's gonna need any surgery in the recent future.LOL

The operative word is "yet". Paying your premiums isn't a guarantee. If it was, there wouldn't be a need for reform. Health insurance reform wasn't just something someone came up with, it had become a dire need based on industry wide practices, one of which was dumping paying customers.

You like your insurance? Great. No one is taking it from you. But now you won't have to find out the hard way how the industry operates when they deem you unprofitable.
There's no evidence that insurance firms are going to fold due to reform. If anything, the health insurers are going to receive millions of paying customers due to reform.


Support BGOL
Dave I appreciate your point of view, but lets not steer to far away from the OP. Start another post and I would love to elaborate. But your last point, were you speaking to the million of uninsured Americans, when you alluded to millions of new paying customers? Because I thought that was one of the reasons for Obamacare. For those who couldn't afford it and obscene profits.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Good point, I hate when that happens.

So last post on this tangent

Health Insurance Exchanges:

The uninsured and self-employed would be able to purchase insurance through state-based exchanges with subsidies available to individuals and families with income between the 133 percent and 400 percent of poverty level.
Separate exchanges would be created for small businesses to purchase coverage -- effective 2014.
Funding available to states to establish exchanges within one year of enactment and until January 1, 2015.

Individuals and families who make between 100 percent - 400 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) and want to purchase their own health insurance on an exchange are eligible for subsidies. They cannot be eligible for Medicare, Medicaid and cannot be covered by an employer. Eligible buyers receive premium credits and there is a cap for how much they have to contribute to their premiums on a sliding scale.

With there not being a Public Option, people are now mandated to buy it from private insurers.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Fuck the Tea Party, Black Unemployment is 17 percent - 30 percent (real world probably), they should be on the front pages talking about that. The window dressing isn't going to work anymore.

The high unemployment isn't accidental based on my experience.

Care to elaborate ???


I don't want to catch a bullet coming out the door. :hmm::hmm:

I have been red-flagged somehow, I have watched the information sharing, surveillance, and coordination involved among many people. You can indirectly conclude someone is doing the calculation on dumping unemployment on AA for their benefit.

Employment and Income distribution can be used as a weapon for purposes segregation and to kick you out of neighborhoods.

The more things change (Civil Rights), the more they stay the same.

Interesting. Your response implicates one one of my most hated terms: "they" -- as in, they may launch a bullet; they are using employment and income distribution as a weapon for purposes of segregation; and the more things change (civil rights), the more "they" cause them to stay the same.

Specifically, who are "They" ???

I have a rule: if one contends or implies that "they" are doing or not doing something, the person probably has not done his/'her homework or thought the matter out very carefully. And, until one can identify who "They" are, that person has a lot more work to do.

I know, it sounds like a harsh rule and, perhaps, an insensitive one.



Rising Star
Super Moderator
Let me clarify then, the tea party movement has nothing to do with race. It's to a point where if a so-called tea party member with a questionable sign/poster, people will confront him/her on their stupidity. That's what I meant. Now, I'm not saying that other areas may do things differently, but I do know that the Tea Parties in my part of Texas are very particular about these such things.

Thanks for the clarification. Its really good to hear that some tea groups are willing to self-police themselves. That would be a good thing for more groups to do, no matter which side of the political or racial spectrum, including the democratic and republican parties. I've gotten out of many organizations over time because they didn't.

On the other hand, I think its important that we all note that we are not in some post-racial America. For some reason, that term and its misleading suggestions seem to have become in vogue with the election of President Obama.

In fact, in my opinion, race is as important today, perhaps, as it was in days past. But it has become more sophisticated. Without question there continue to be those who would divide the pie, (the right to enjoy, use and take advantage of that bundle of rights which spring from the Constitution), based on racial prejudice. As that practice has become more sophisticated, so must the challenge to the practice.

Illustrative of that point, I believe, is the effective counter to the NAACP and Ben Jealous's admonition. Ben wasn't wrong; there are "elements" of racism within the Tea Party movement. For example, see, Billy Roper.

But its hard to deny that much of the response to Ben's words, from inside and without the Tea movement, sounded much the same and it made the NAACP sound so, . . . 60/70'ish passe -- to the point that the NAACP sounded, wrong. It wasn't. But it needs to examine its sophistication both in attacking problems and proposing remedies.

Now, for those who are inclined to misread/misstate what I'm saying: race is not a political crutch; its not a call for government to take care of the lowly masses; its not call for government to provide for the undeserving; AND, it damn sho aint invoking, provoking or dwelling on victimhood. Until the practices end, the challenges to those practices cannot end. To do otherwise is to accept the unconstitutional and victimhood as fate.


Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Thanks for the clarification. Its really good to hear that some tea groups are willing to self-police themselves. That would be a good thing for more groups to do, no matter which side of the political or racial spectrum, including the democratic and republican parties. I've gotten out of many organizations over time because they didn't.

On the other hand, I think its important that we all note that we are not in some post-racial America. For some reason, that term and its misleading suggestions seem to have become in vogue with the election of President Obama.

In fact, in my opinion, race is as important today, perhaps, as it was in days past. But it has become more sophisticated. Without question there continue to be those who would divide the pie, (the right to enjoy, use and take advantage of that bundle of rights which spring from the Constitution), based on racial prejudice. As that practice has become more sophisticated, so must the challenge to the practice.

Illustrative of that point, I believe, is the effective counter to the NAACP and Ben Jealous's admonition. Ben wasn't wrong; there are "elements" of racism within the Tea Party movement. For example, see, Billy Roper.

But its hard to deny that much of the response to Ben's words, from inside and without the Tea movement, sounded much the same and it made the NAACP sound so, . . . 60/70'ish passe -- to the point that the NAACP sounded, wrong. It wasn't. But it needs to examine its sophistication both in attacking problems and proposing remedies.
Now, for those who are inclined to misread/misstate what I'm saying: race is not a political crutch; its not a call for government to take care of the lowly masses; its not call for government to provide for the undeserving; AND, it damn sho aint invoking, provoking or dwelling on victimhood. Until the practices end, the challenges to those practices cannot end. To do otherwise is to accept the unconstitutional and victimhood as fate.


I think that's what Jealous has been doing, as well as he can, all week. But the NAACP was a victim of the corporate media shorthand/dumb down, in which everything has to be whittled down to a soundbite, even if it distorts the message and a concerted misrepresentation by the Right.


Tea parties, backing the Arizona immigration bill

Arizona's SB 1070, the legislation that would allow law enforcement to demand proof of citizenship from anyone they find suspicious, is getting some clutch support from the local tea party movement.

From the Arizona Tea Party's page on how to rally for the bill:
We are asking for you to spread the word to see if anyone is available to come down there... to show your support of the bill.
They are meeting by the Arizona Flag on the House Lawn. Bring American Flags and signs if possible... Signs: We support "LEGAL" Immigration, In Mexico, You Must Be Legal... Why not here? - etc...

The call for protesters is a response to the teeming anti-SB 1070 protests outside of the Capitol.

So, here is one effort to give government more power that tea partiers are not pounding the pavement to oppose.

Not trying to change the subject but just pointing out how easily this movement could get out of hand. The Arizona law has spread to six states it is turning into a witch hunt. I supported the law as a way to slow illegal drugs entering the country but the law could also give some people a free hand to terrorize latinos. What's ironic about this is many latinos support the law and identify with the people who want to throw them out of the country. Thats the same kind of support Hitler got from Jews when he first gained power. Minorities should be wary of the Tea party because it could easily morph into the nazi party.


Tea Party Federation boots Williams over blog post
By The Daily Caller | Published: 2:34 PM 07/18/2010 | Updated: 5:42 PM 07/18/2010

Mark Williams, the conservative leader of the Tea Party Express, has been expelled from the National Tea Party Federation after posting a blog entry that referenced “coloreds” and took direct aim at the NAACP.

The blog post, which was written in the form of a fictional letter to Abraham Lincoln, was a response to the NAACP resolution passed earlier this week that condemned racist elements within the tea party movement.

NAACP wins again.


Transnational Member
Interesting. Your response implicates one one of my most hated terms: "they" -- as in, they may launch a bullet; they are using employment and income distribution as a weapon for purposes of segregation; and the more things change (civil rights), the more "they" cause them to stay the same.

Specifically, who are "They" ???

I have a rule: if one contends or implies that "they" are doing or not doing something, the person probably has not done his/'her homework or thought the matter out very carefully. And, until one can identify who "They" are, that person has a lot more work to do.

I know, it sounds like a harsh rule and, perhaps, an insensitive one.


I watched the movie Predators, they are like that, cloaked, picking you off one by one. I don't want to point fingers at anybody without direct evidence, but I have a good idea. However, a bullet coming out the door is old school, they will mess with your money or do you Malcolm X style - don't want to connect directly to them.

Unemployment is a weapon of mass destruction, it can create the environment that will eventually lead you to prison. Somebody is pointing that weapon at certain groups, if they can get pick you off, it transfers a job to them to accumulate wealth-keeps you out of their neighborhood. The prison population exploded at the same time of the Civil Rights laws, the Nazis went back to the drawing board.

1 million blacks in prison, 50% of the prison population
1.3 million jobs deficiency boosting the unemployment rate to 15%-17%

These people might not be a lunatic racist, but when it comes to survival, they don't feel any empathy, your out of luck. There is a price on your head, billions of dollars are at stake. If I was Hitler today and wanted to mess with a group of people quietly, that is how I would go at them. High Unemployment, no social safety net, and prison....

I have been observing for years, they are highly organized and create these front organizations, but they use them to organize for mutual benefit. The police are becoming security guards for the corporations.

People need to be aware, they are being watched and targeted, plan accordingly.

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Transnational Member
Interesting. Your response implicates one one of my most hated terms: "they" -- as in, they may launch a bullet; they are using employment and income distribution as a weapon for purposes of segregation; and the more things change (civil rights), the more "they" cause them to stay the same.

Specifically, who are "They" ???

I have a rule: if one contends or implies that "they" are doing or not doing something, the person probably has not done his/'her homework or thought the matter out very carefully. And, until one can identify who "They" are, that person has a lot more work to do.

I know, it sounds like a harsh rule and, perhaps, an insensitive one.


I have done my homework...if somebody breaks into you house and takes something, you don't know the exact person that took it, however, you know something is missing. Besides it won't be a bullet coming out the door, they will go after your money or do you Malcolm X style - something that won't connect them directly.

Employment is being used as a weapon against people, many well-known people have lost all employment opportunities speaking up, having to leave the country. No different than locking political dissidents up like they do in China or Cuba. With employment being used as a weapon plus no/bare social safety net, will lead to prison for committing a crime of survival.

Employment is also being used for segregation purposed, kick you out if you move somewhere you shouldn't. You can move into the neighborhood, but you won't be there that long when the sheriff shows up to foreclose.

1.3 million jobs deficiency, billions in wealth being transferred away...
1 million in prison, 50% of the prison population

I am writing a book soon to counter the propaganda being spewed, exposing some of the hidden tactics being used in the country. People can decide whether it is worth it come here, might not be any better than the country you leaving, once people see the hidden crap.
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Rising Star
Super Moderator
<font size="5"><Center>
Tea Party Express suspended
over Mark Williams' 'Lincoln' letter</font size></center>


The Kansas City Star
via McClatch
By Judy L. Thomas
Monday, July 19, 2010

Following a week of intense debate over alleged racist elements in the tea party, a national coalition of tea parties has expelled one of its groups for offensive comments.

The National Tea Party Federation, which comprises scores of tea parties across the country, announced Sunday that it has expelled the Tea Party Express and its spokesman after a racially charged blog post.

Federation spokesman David Webb, appearing on the CBS program "Face the Nation" Sunday, called the blog post "clearly offensive."

"Self-policing is the right and the responsibility of any movement or organization," Webb said on the program. "I denounce any acts that I see many leaders do."

The action came several days after the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, meeting in Kansas City, sparked a national controversy by passing a resolution calling on all people — including tea party leaders — to condemn racism within the tea party movement.

Tea party leaders quickly responded that the movement was not racist, although some acknowledged there might be racist elements on the fringe.

Webb said again on the television program Sunday that it was "blatantly false" for the NAACP to suggest such elements represent millions of tea partiers.

NAACP President Ben Jealous, appearing on the same show, has said the tea party itself is not racist but told Webb "we have gotten death threats across the country since we asked you guys to expel these folks from your ranks."

On another Sunday show, ABC's "This Week," Vice President Joe Biden said that neither he nor President Barack Obama believes the tea party is a racist organization, but that some in the movement have expressed racist views.

The federation's action this weekend was prompted by a blog post Friday by Mark Williams, the most visible Tea Party Express representative.

Williams posted a fictional letter to President Abraham Lincoln from "Precious Ben Jealous, Tom's Nephew, NAACP head colored person."

The letter begins:
<font size="3"> "We Coloreds have taken a vote and decided that we don't cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us Colored people and we demand that it stop!"</font size>​

Williams later removed the letter from his blog, saying he had learned that Jealous had offered "something of an olive branch and wants to open discussions with tea partiers regarding dialing down the unproductive shots going back and forth."

In its news release, the National Tea Party Federation said that members had unanimously decided to suspend and immediately expel the Tea Party Express from further association with the federation if it failed to publicly rebuke Williams and remove him from its ranks this weekend.

The federation on its website said it was clear the Tea Party Express had no intention of taking such action.

On his blog Sunday, Williams said he was refusing all requests for comment.

The National Tea Party Federation includes 85 member and affiliate organizations, including Americans for Prosperity, Let Freedom Ring and FreedomWorks.

Brendan Steinhauser, director of campaigns for FreedomWorks, recently told The Kansas City Star that some racist groups may be trying to “glom” onto the movement, but said the movement itself is not racist. He added that “where we see that behavior, we’re going to call them out.”

Friday’s blog post wasn’t the first time Williams has been criticized for making insensitive remarks. He has referred to Obama as “an Indonesian Muslim turned welfare thug” and a “half-white racist.”

The Tea Party Express has held numerous rallies. It describes itself as a project of the Our Country Deserves Better political action committee, which has raised $4.8 million during this election cycle.

Among the candidates the group has endorsed is U.S. Rep. Todd Tiahrt of Kansas, who is campaigning to replace outgoing U.S. Sen. Sam Brownback. Tea Party Express called Tiahrt a “movement hero.”

Tiahrt could not be reached for comment Sunday, but in an interview Thursday about allegations of racism within the tea party movement, he told The Star: “I have not seen any evidence of racism at any of the 10 tea parties I’ve been to, and that includes some here in the nation’s capital. These are pretty much just average folks. A lot of them are small-business owners, some are retired.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report. To reach Judy L. Thomas, call 816-234-4334 or send e-mail to

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
<font size="5"><Center>
Tea Party Express suspended
over Mark Williams' 'Lincoln' letter</font size></center>


The Kansas City Star
via McClatch
By Judy L. Thomas
Monday, July 19, 2010

Following a week of intense debate over alleged racist elements in the tea party, a national coalition of tea parties has expelled one of its groups for offensive comments.

The National Tea Party Federation, which comprises scores of tea parties across the country, announced Sunday that it has expelled the Tea Party Express and its spokesman after a racially charged blog post.

Federation spokesman David Webb, appearing on the CBS program "Face the Nation" Sunday, called the blog post "clearly offensive."

"Self-policing is the right and the responsibility of any movement or organization," Webb said on the program. "I denounce any acts that I see many leaders do."

The action came several days after the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, meeting in Kansas City, sparked a national controversy by passing a resolution calling on all people — including tea party leaders — to condemn racism within the tea party movement.

Tea party leaders quickly responded that the movement was not racist, although some acknowledged there might be racist elements on the fringe.

Webb said again on the television program Sunday that it was "blatantly false" for the NAACP to suggest such elements represent millions of tea partiers.

NAACP President Ben Jealous, appearing on the same show, has said the tea party itself is not racist but told Webb "we have gotten death threats across the country since we asked you guys to expel these folks from your ranks."

On another Sunday show, ABC's "This Week," Vice President Joe Biden said that neither he nor President Barack Obama believes the tea party is a racist organization, but that some in the movement have expressed racist views.

The federation's action this weekend was prompted by a blog post Friday by Mark Williams, the most visible Tea Party Express representative.

Williams posted a fictional letter to President Abraham Lincoln from "Precious Ben Jealous, Tom's Nephew, NAACP head colored person."

The letter begins:
<font size="3"> "We Coloreds have taken a vote and decided that we don't cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us Colored people and we demand that it stop!"</font size>​

Williams later removed the letter from his blog, saying he had learned that Jealous had offered "something of an olive branch and wants to open discussions with tea partiers regarding dialing down the unproductive shots going back and forth."

Funny, when Tamron Hall asked him about it on national television a couple days ago, he defended and wanted to talk about the NAACP using the word "colored" in their name. My how tunes change.

Brendan Steinhauser, director of campaigns for FreedomWorks, recently told The Kansas City Star that some racist groups may be trying to “glom” onto the movement, but said the movement itself is not racist. He added that “where we see that behavior, we’re going to call them out.”

That's all the NAACP was demanding in the first place.


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Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
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As a rich, famous American, Morgan Freeman can afford that luxury.
I haven't seen one ill of humanity that was solved by silence.


Rising Star
Super Moderator

I agree 100% with Morgan Freeman. Black History is American History. But, the purveyors of truth haven't exactly been the purveyors, of truth. I see nothing wrong with acknowledging and telling the story of that which the purveyors' convenience has overlooked or which has otherwise suffered at the hands of suppression.

Morgan Freeman makes a good point: that we ought not "have to" talk about or have a special month for, black history. All things being equal . . .



As a rich, famous American, Morgan Freeman can afford that luxury.
I haven't seen one ill of humanity that was solved by silence.

I'm not advocating silence by any means. What I will say about affluent, aspiring black Americans is, for the most part, they understand how to use racism as motivation, instead of others, who use it as an excuse. Actions will always speak louder than words, so I'd expect & support 'constructive' leadership from the NAACP.


Rising Star
I'm not advocating silence by any means. What I will say about affluent, aspiring black Americans is, for the most part, they understand how to use racism as motivation, instead of others, who use it as an excuse. Actions will always speak louder than words, so I'd expect & support 'constructive' leadership from the NAACP.

Hell, Micheal Steele knows how to use race as motivation. Every last one of the Conservatives hate his guts and want to have him removed as RNC head but know they can't because this will appear that the party who's ideology propagates racism, that wants to attract Blacks fired the first Black RNC head. Funny how accusing the Democrats of using the race card prevents them from firing a Black republican.

...and Steele is laughing all the way to the bank!


We are being governed. That means everything we see, hear, smell and touch is being spoon fed to us. Morgan Freeman and Mike Steele are part of the governing class. Freeman keeps us distracted thru entertainment while Steele does it thru politics but they are part of the same group. They are not going to tell us anything that would threaten the status quo or their livelihoods.


Hell, Micheal Steele knows how to use race as motivation. Every last one of the Conservatives hate his guts and want to have him removed as RNC head but know they can't because this will appear that the party who's ideology propagates racism, that wants to attract Blacks fired the first Black RNC head. Funny how accusing the Democrats of using the race card prevents them from firing a Black republican.

...and Steele is laughing all the way to the bank!

According to your history of posts, you view everyone as either left, right, conservative, liberal, black, white etc. And I never read anything from you regarding principle. So Steele says this war is of "Obama's choosing" & the RNC gets mad, so what, Let the facists try to prove him wrong!

Regardless of ideology, to say Steele, or Obama, for this matter, doesn't have any experience or 'constructive' ideas to offer our community, is just an inefficient utilization of resources.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
According to your history of posts, you view everyone as either left, right, conservative, liberal, black, white etc. And I never read anything from you regarding principle. So Steele says this war is of "Obama's choosing" & the RNC gets mad, so what, Let the facists try to prove him wrong!

Regardless of ideology, to say Steele, or Obama, for this matter, doesn't have any experience or 'constructive' ideas to offer our community, is just an inefficient utilization of resources.

I didn't see thought saying that (he might be, I just didn't get that interpretation).
I was actually a fan of Steele's until he became head of the RNC and now seems to contradict pre-RNC Steele all the time.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Right wing republican wishes it would go away by ignoring it.

Actually we can talk about it seriously AFTER this election.

I'm just sick of talking about this when people in power are planning on raising taxes for programs I didn't support. To me, we can handle racism ONCE the common denominator is out of the way. That's getting rid of your favorite congressmen/women out of the hollow carpet of the capitol.

How I'm going to ignore racism when some chick just referred me as a "colored" today? Funny thing, she had a fucking Obama tag on her car.... :smh::smh::smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I didn't see thought saying that (he might be, I just didn't get that interpretation).
I was actually a fan of Steele's until he became head of the RNC and now seems to contradict pre-RNC Steele all the time.

So you quit liking him because he becomes a powerful player in the opposing party of Obama?

BTW, has there ever been a black chairman of the DNC? I'm not being funny, I'm really want to know...


I didn't see thought saying that (he might be, I just didn't get that interpretation).
I was actually a fan of Steele's until he became head of the RNC and now seems to contradict pre-RNC Steele all the time.

it was a general statement, I only want to prompt a conversation about issues, as opposed to how some may feel, or think.

For instance, the Tea party was supposedly started by individuals who feel they are taxed too much, Is that really a reason to oppose them?


Rising Star
Actually we can talk about it seriously AFTER this election.

I'm just sick of talking about this when people in power are planning on raising taxes for programs I didn't support. To me, we can handle racism ONCE the common denominator is out of the way. That's getting rid of your favorite congressmen/women out of the hollow carpet of the capitol.

How I'm going to ignore racism when some chick just referred me as a "colored" today? Funny thing, she had a fucking Obama tag on her car.... :smh::smh::smh:

I'm just sick of talking about this when people in power are planning on raising taxes for programs I didn't support

:lol:Good, I'm glad you are 'sick and tired.' Obama won., Mc lame loss. Elections have consequences. Remember that republican gloat? And I hope after this ruckus that those that we put in office with a 60 vote majority in the Senate realize that the majority of the people don't want bipartisanship with a party that wants no part of bipartisanship.



For instance, the Tea party was supposedly started by individuals who feel they are taxed too much, Is that really a reason to oppose them?

The Tea Party was prolly started by FOX news. They gave them coverage in the early days, prolly organized and funded rallies. Which brings me back to what I was saying about Morgan Freeman being part of the establishment. Pop culture, the media, movies, music are more influential in America than politicians. They shape opinions, create issues and keep people in line. Some media experts believe seeing a Black president on Jack Bauer's 24 made it possible for Obama to be elected and having Oprah's support didn't hurt. So politics is just one part of the equasion, behavior, opinions, perceptions are controlled by the media.