NASA mars Landings are fake and actually filmed in the Gobi desert.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Give me one measurement or "evidence" of the earth being flat, and for the sake of god please be able to discern actual evidence and measurements from claims by ignorant flat earth retards.

Nope. Go look that shit up yourself.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
I've already have.
What you think I am going to make a positive claim about the shape of the Earth without having a shitload of falsifiable evidence I can spit out from the top of the dome?
Nah son, that's not how I gets down!

Well good for you.

What I'm not going to do is engage in endless arguments where I prove you wrong over and over again, yet you keep coming with more bullshit.

You just tried to tell me that levelling, which was described as an artform, has a basis in science, based off a non-existent curve. I'm not doing this. :smh: Absolutely not, because you have proven to me that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I'm good.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Well good for you.

What I'm not going to do is engage in endless arguments where I prove you wrong over and over again, yet you keep coming with more bullshit.

You just tried to tell me that levelling, which was described as an artform, has a basis in science, based off a non-existent curve. I'm not doing this. :smh: Absolutely not, because you have proven to me that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I'm good.
So give me the flat measurements that convinced you to become a flat earther. Do you have any that you wish to share?
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Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
BGOL’s favorite scientist

Though I disagree with his stance that we landed on the moon because as I said in an earlier post, white people don't go somewhere and then we don't have to go back anymore. We've done that.

I agree with his stance that if we can terraform Mars then we can terraform Earth to be a better Earth.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Though I disagree with his stance that we landed on the moon because as I said in an earlier post, white people don't go somewhere and then we don't have to go back anymore. We've done that.

I agree with his stance that if we can terraform Mars then we can terraform Earth to be a better Earth.
Cliff notes the shorthand version.

A- There wasn't any money to be made from going back to the moon, remember the economic turmoil America was in during the end of the Apollo missions

B- We aren't going to be terraforming Mars any time soon, to quote Degrasse Tyson, terraforming Earth would be much much easier and cheaper.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
You said it yourself!! It's the inverse square law. Not the inverse round law . That is all the evidence you need right there.
@14damoney school these fools.
Well if a square is nothing but a 2d four equally-sided flat shape then technically wouldn't the inverse or opposite of a square be non-flat, curved without sides, and in three dimensions? :dunno:
Even bullshit logic disagrees with flat earthers.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
How THE FUCK what Nixon able to make a phone call to the space station…


I'm staying out of this debate but this is relatively simple to do, even at the time.

Nixon spoke on a telephone which was routed through the wire and microwave links of the day until it reached a Manned Spaceflight Communications Network ground station where it was modulated onto s-band radio and transmitted to the moon. It wasn't a direct line like he just called their number. The delay is only to reach the station and the station transmitting the signal. About two seconds. Remember, space is a vacuum. It's why satellites are so effective.

Did you know there is spacecraft moving to the brink of our galaxy and we are still communicating with it?
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My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Kudos to the folks in this thread that are using their brains, being objective and grounded in reality.

The rest of all, I'm gonna pray for ya.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
Well if a square is nothing but a 2d four equally-sided flat shape then technically wouldn't the inverse or opposite of a square be non-flat, curved without sides, and in three dimensions? :dunno:
Even bullshit logic disagrees with flat earthers.
You said it again: flat shape. Opposite of a square. That's more evidence right there. And the inverse of a square is just a square upside down. But you can't do that with the flat Earth or we all fall into space.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
57 Proof of the flatness of the Earth

Physical and scientific evidence that the Earth is flat and stable:

1- Water level
2- There is no curvature (law of perspective)
3- Lack of gravity
4- The failure of the hypothesis that the Earth causes the eclipse.
5- Radio waves do not transmit in a curved path.
6- The impossibility of air (atmosphere) coming into contact with a vacuum.
7- The planes do not bend.
8- Airplanes are not affected by the movement of the ground between the north (0 km/h) and the equator (1666 km/h)
9- Proof that space agencies lied (fabricated videos and photos)
10- Railways.
11- The appearance of the stars does not change during the year.
12- Polaris’s location does not change despite the three movements.
13- The inability of the missile to launch in a vacuum.
14- Experiments have proven that there is water above us
15- Trigonometry proves the impossibility of the sun being 150 million kilometers away from the Earth
16- The horizon rises with you when you rise to your level of sight
17- There are many differences between the poles, while they are supposed to be similar in spherical shape
18- Not feeling the movement of the earth
19-There are no flights over Antarctica
20- Seeing the same stars after six months (presumably in the daylight direction)
21- The claim that the Earth is flattened in the equator due to rotation, but the seas are in place and the rotation has not affected them.
22- The retrograde movement of the planets destroys the solar system and the rotation of the planets around the sun.
23- Determining the size of the sun, the size of the planets, the moon, and distances, and setting large numbers without evidence or scientific proof to prove it
24- The width of the moon’s shadow at the time of the last solar eclipse in America was 100 kilometres, which means this is the width of the moon or smaller, because scientifically it is impossible for the shadow to be smaller than the body (abbreviate it yourself).
25-The direction of river flow violates the law of gravity
26- Flights and their routes are proven logical on the surface
27- The closer we are to the sun, the lower the temperature
28- The atmosphere is supposed to expand or contract due to its adhesion in a vacuum
29- The scientific community cannot establish a specific definition of “the sky” at all. This can only be achieved through the Qur’an.
30- The clouds do not curve to match the curvature of the earth (you will always find them straight at the bottom)
31- The difference in summer and winter between the north and south of the Earth contradicts the theory of the Earth’s tilted axis.
32- It has not been proven that the sun is made of fire and plasma, and the flames have not been photographed in a real way
33- The water cycle theory does not match hot, steamy areas
34- The weight of clouds loaded with water, snow, hail and ice, violates the law of gravity, (witness the last incident),
35-There are many doubts surrounding the reality of the existence of satellites and the space station
36- No logical explanation was given about the {Go Fast} missile colliding with water at an altitude of 116 km.
37- The impossibility of light traveling millions of kilometers without fading (you have a searchlight, does its light travel for several kilometers, even a laser does not do it for hundreds of kilometers)
38 - Refuting and contradicting the Big Bang theory and evolution, which definitely proves that the Western scientific community is full of lies.
39 - Gravity and what it is have not been proven and defined experimentally.
40- The media war, the gagging of mouths, and the policy followed against flat-footed people by international websites such as Google and YouTube suggest that there is something that terrifies them, while they spread absurdities every day such as asteroids and black holes.
41- The Michelson-Morley experiment of 1880 was suppressed, because it proved the stability of the Earth.
42- The Biddle Airy experiment, which proved the stability of the Earth, was suppressed and ignored by the scientific community.
43- Calculating the times of eclipses and eclipses has nothing to do with sphericality, just a calculation based on the Saros cycle, which was used at a time when everyone believed in the flatness of the Earth.
44 - There is no scientific research, peer reviewed publication, that experimentally proves the curvature and curvature of the Earth.
45 - Experiments are to prove hypotheses and theories that contradict reality! How can a flat-footed person conduct an experiment to prove, for example, that the Earth is stationary and does not rotate, or prove the opposite of what his eye sees! The footballer is the one who has to conduct experiments, not the other way around, to prove his hypothesis. So far, all of his experiments have failed and have been refuted by experience and proof.
46- The weights do not change as we move north or south of the equator, with gravity constant and centrifugation weak.
48- Neglecting density and pressure in the law of gravity and calculating acceleration
49 - The horizon is always straight and not curved, and it is always at eye level. The Chicago buildings that appear 80 km away are the greatest evidence of the absence of any curvature.
50 - Lines of longitude and latitude are identical on a flat surface, while they are not valid on a sphere! Because the ball is supposed to have circles of length and latitude! The ball has no straightness, all its sides are circles.
51-The sky is always above us and not around us!
52- Up and down have no meaning in the spherical Earth.
53- In order to calculate the speed of any body, you must be constant. How was the speed of the planets and stars calculated? The Earth is not constant, but nothing is constant in the solar system?! Has the speed of the Earth around the sun been calculated from anything fixed?!
54- Radio broadcasting first appeared in 1915 from Europe to America, before the invention of satellites. Broadcasting remains as it is and does not depend on satellites
55- The interruption of GPS, mobile networks, and Thuraya services in desert areas, mountains, seas, and tunnels indicates the use of radio waves.
56- Einstein acknowledged the impossibility of monitoring the Earth’s movement with any visual experiment
57- The current agreement of civilizations on sphericity does not indicate anything. Previously, civilizations also agreed that it was flat until the devils came and deprived them of their view of truth.