National rent control

Rembrandt Brown

Bernie Sanders reveals national rent control plan in Las Vegas
By Rory Appleton
Las Vegas Review-Journal
September 14, 2019

Vermont senator and 2020 presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders returned to Las Vegas on Saturday to unveil his plan to tackle affordable housing through a $2.5 trillion national rent control initiative and major investment for building new homes and updating public housing.

“I don’t have to tell anyone here today that we have an affordable housing crisis in Nevada, Vermont and all over this country that must be addressed,” Sanders told about 100 people at Plumbers, Pipefitters and Service Technicians Local 525. “This is a national emergency.”

Sanders’ proposal is perhaps the most ambitious — and costly — plan to address homelessness, rising rent costs and housing shortages yet put forward by any of the 2020 Democratic hopefuls.

He predicted his critics would attack the cost, particularly of the rent control initiative. It requires $2.5 trillion over the next decade, which Sanders said he would raise by taxing the top one-tenth of 1 percent of earners. He stressed that 99.9 percent of taxpayers would not see any increase as a result of this plan.

Sanders’ prediction was correct.

Before Sanders had left the stage, Nevada GOP spokesman Keith Schipper tweeted: “I thought that tax was gonna pay for health care? And reducing carbon? And a multitude of other socialist wish list items? Bernie is the Mickey Mouse of politics.”

Rent control

Sanders noted that more than half of the states in the country limit or outlaw rent control initiatives, while only a handful have some sort of rent control laws on the books. Nevada has neither banned nor adapted a rent control law.

The proposal would cap rent increases at 3 percent or the current inflation rate, whichever is higher. He said this was necessary to stop the gentrification of low-income neighborhood and predatory rate increases from landlords and new developers.

There will be some flexibility, Sanders said, because he understands “Wyoming is not Seattle, West Virginia is not San Francisco.”

Sanders said that Nevadans have struggled as much as anyone during the housing crisis and in the rebuilding years since.

“Today, Nevada has the greatest shortage of affordable housing and the highest rate of homeless youth in the entire country,” Sanders said. “Last year, Las Vegas had just 10 affordable housing rental units available for every 100 low-income households. That has got to change.”

Sanders attacked President Donald Trump on the issue, saying the administration is not only failing to address affordable housing, it is working to cut federal housing programs by 18 percent.

A request for comment from Trump’s campaign was not successful.

In addition to rent control, Sanders is proposing $32 billion in investment over the next five years targeted at ending homelessness, and an additional $70 billion to repair and expand public housing. The plan would also bar landlords from denying housing to those on federal assistance programs.


Bernie Sanders, in Las Vegas, Previews Plan for Affordable Housing
Mr. Sanders invoked his own childhood growing up in a rent-controlled apartment, and contrasted it with the privilege of President Trump.
By Sydney Ember
New York Times
Sept. 14, 2019

LAS VEGAS — Senator Bernie Sanders introduced a $2.5 trillion housing policy plan on Saturday that would include ending homelessness and limiting rent increases across the country by imposing a national rent control standard.

Mr. Sanders said that over the next decade, his plan would expand public housing, increase the availability of affordable housing and cap annual rent increases nationally, regardless of income, at no more than one and a half times the rate of inflation or 3 percent, whichever is higher. His campaign said he would be releasing his full plan within the next month.

“We have an affordable housing crisis in Nevada, in Vermont and all over this country that must be addressed,” he told an audience of about 100 people at a union hall in Las Vegas, which was hit hard by the housing crisis a decade ago. “For too long, this is one of those issues that we just don’t talk about.” ...

Mr. Sanders has long advocated for affordable housing, even during his days as mayor of Burlington, Vt., in the 1980s. But though he suggested housing was not a front-burner topic for many politicians, other 2020 candidates have also introduced housing policies.

Mr. Warren and Julián Castro, the former housing secretary under President Barack Obama, have already released their own housing proposals. Senator Kamala Harris has also introduced a bill that would allow overburdened renters to access a sliding tax credit based on factors like income and cost of rent.

Mr. Sanders said he would pay for the plan by instituting a wealth tax on the top one-tenth of 1 percent of American households, or about 175,000 households, but provided little else in the way of specific details.

During his address, part of a weekend swing through Nevada that also featured a rally at the University of Nevada, Reno, on Friday, Mr. Sanders also attacked President Trump and attempted to draw a contrast between his childhood and the president’s more privileged upbringing.

“Unlike Donald Trump, I did not grow up in a wealthy family or live in some fancy house,” he said, a thought he has expressed before. In a rare occurrence, Mr. Sanders also mentioned his mother during his address, saying she had always wanted to move out of the three-and-a-half room rent-controlled apartment in Brooklyn, where they lived when he was a boy.

“My mother’s dream was that someday we would move out of that rent-controlled apartment in Brooklyn and we would own a home of our own,” he said. “My mother died young, and her dream was never fulfilled. But during her life, at least our family was always able to afford a roof over our heads, because we were living in a rent-controlled building, which meant that for our family and all the other families in our building, rents could not be arbitrarily raised.”

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
We don't have rent control in Ohio, but I agree that we should. Get these slumlords in check. They get over on those housing vouchers too.

Bernie wants to spend $70 billion to repair and expand public housing? Good luck with that. At least in Ohio, that's like pissing money away. They put up new shit and it's basically destroyed in a few years. Sometimes I wonder if these politicians ever walk around cities and see what's REALLY going on. Easy to spend money when it ain't yours. Then they come back and pillage for more. :smh:

I see he wants to stop landlords from being able to deny people on federal assistance programs(vouchers). Fucking clown ass. That's how these cacs been destroying the black middle class for decades. Black homeowners get their property values crushed when the government sponsors the hood to follow them. I can't think of one black middle-class area in Ohio that has survived that wickedness. :smh:

Rembrandt Brown

Anything except for reparations huh? Pass

Are you a plant or just shamefully small-minded?

There are a lot of policies that will help black people without that one fucking magic word.

People like you don't even care about helping black people, you just want to argue. It's fucking sickening.

African Americans make up more than 40 percent of the homeless population, but represent 13 percent of the general population.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Are you a plant or just shamefully small-minded?

There are a lot of policies that will help black people without that one fucking magic word.

People like you don't even care about helping black people, you just want to argue. It's fucking sickening.

African Americans make up more than 40% of the homeless population, but represent 13 percent of the general population.
No I think this is the most pressing things for black folks. Everything else he is proposing will be used to help other groups. I want something JUST for Us

Rembrandt Brown

We don't have rent control in Ohio, but I agree that we should. Get these slumlords in check. They get over on those housing vouchers too.

Bernie wants to spend $70 billion to repair and expand public housing? Good luck with that. At least in Ohio, that's like pissing money away. They put up new shit and it's basically destroyed in a few years. Sometimes I wonder if these politicians ever walk around cities and see what's REALLY going on. Easy to spend money when it ain't yours. Then they come back and pillage for more. :smh:

I see he wants to stop landlords from being able to deny people on federal assistance programs(vouchers). Fucking clown ass. That's how these cacs been destroying the black middle class for decades. Black homeowners get their property values crushed when the government sponsors the hood to follow them. I can't think of one black middle-class area in Ohio that has survived that wickedness. :smh:

What percentage of the black population do you flat-out hate? It seems high.

What's your answer for people in the hood? Just "fuck those savages"?

Rembrandt Brown

No I think this is the most pressing things for black folks. Everything else he is proposing will be used to help other groups. I want something JUST for Us

And so you're going to shut down every other conversation that's not about your fantasy hail mary?

Do you know what it means to be myopic? "Everything else he is proposing will be used to help other groups." You fucking idiot, nearly half the homeless people in this country are black when black people are a little over one out of ten Americans. This helps black people more than any other group!!! Pull your head out of your ass. :smh:

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Fuck rent control for small investors. Pops never really raised the rents and our shit is priced criminally under market value for LA. Glad this one fool is getting evicted, going to raise the rent by at least $500
As with everything, it needs balance. I know we could use it here because the slumlords come in and start raising rents and flooding places with voucher holders. The folks who have to pay their way the ones end up hurt.

At the same time, someone shouldn't be paying $350 when everyone else at $800.

A lot of this housing shit is just busted when you examine it closer.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And so you're going to shut down every other conversation that's not about your fantasy hail mary?

Do you know what it means to be myopic? "Everything else he is proposing will be used to help other groups." You fucking idiot, nearly half the homeless people in this country are black when black people are a little over one out of ten Americans. This helps black people more than any other group!!! Pull your head out of your ass. :smh:
Hispanics fight for legislation to help only them. They are not going to word this to help just black folks. It will be written so it they can use the funds for any group. You have to be specific when you ask for something.


Transnational Member
It is good to see housing being discussed. We have to look at the hard cold facts and realize that doctors may not be able to save everybody and being able to afford their services will not provide much benefit. Instead of spending a million dollars on medical treatment, you should be given the choice to support your family.

Places like DMV only 10 percent of the houses are paid off, you are under the illusion of owning your house. I am working on various initiatives to just paying rent in perpetuity, rather than writing gay rap love songs threatening another man.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hispanics fight for legislation to help only them. They are not going to word this to help just black folks. It will be written so it they can use the funds for any group. You have to be specific when you ask for something.
And didn't your bitch ass name used be peeno noir

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
What percentage of the black population do you flat-out hate? It seems high.

What's your answer for people in the hood? Just "fuck those savages"?
:confused: Fuck you get that from? Black wealth has been destroyed for decades by the government exporting the hood. They got blatant with it and started tearing down projects and handing vouchers out like candy. Black property values went to shit. Goodbye generational wealth.

And no, it's not fuck folks in the hood. It's allow them to save money and use those vouchers and assistance where they are at. Stop penalizing them for stacking assets so they can get out of the hood. Folks should be allowed to have special saving accounts that don't penalize them. That would make it easier for people to get their shit together. They'd be able to save a lot of money and eventually buy property in a good neighborhood.

Right now, good help you if you save some money and live in the projects or get assistance. They'll kick you off.

As it stands, just moving people to good neighborhoods ruins those neighborhoods. And they target communities with black homeowners.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And so you're going to shut down every other conversation that's not about your fantasy hail mary?

Do you know what it means to be myopic? "Everything else he is proposing will be used to help other groups." You fucking idiot, nearly half the homeless people in this country are black when black people are a little over one out of ten Americans. This helps black people more than any other group!!! Pull your head out of your ass. :smh:
And didn't your bitch ass used to be peeno noir

Rembrandt Brown

Hispanics fight for legislation to help only them. They are not going to word this to help just black folks. It will be written so it they can use the funds for any group. You have to be specific when you ask for something.

So you care more about rhetoric and games than actually helping black people. Nearly half of the homeless people in the country are black and you don't give a shit about helping them, you want to talk more about your misunderstanding of or intentional lies about what Hispanics supposedly fight for. Well, talk to someone else because I'm not wasting any more time on your bullshit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I didn't say that.Each group ask for specific legislation besides us. If it is not specific to black folks it will not garner my support. You are dumb to believe anything else peeno noir


Occasional Superstar **
At the same time, someone shouldn't be paying $350 when everyone else at $800.

A lot of this housing shit is just busted when you examine it closer.

I kinda feel you, but I would want to look at a $350 unit next to an $800 unit before I hung my hat on that discrepancy.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Rent Control is BS. The market (supply demand) directs housing prices, why change it for the rent? Rent Control only benefits people that are currently in a home and they don't plan on ever leaving. It forces landlords to raise rents as much as we can between tenants.

Rembrandt Brown

Rent Control is BS. The market (supply demand) directs housing prices, why change it for the rent? Rent Control only benefits people that are currently in a home and they don't plan on ever leaving. It forces landlords to raise rents as much as we can between tenants.

Supply and demand, if people don't have to move because of raising rents like a rat race, landlords can only raise so much between tenants. It also basically limits you to market value in that situation. And it allows for reasonable increases with inflation, so any landlord who has a problem with it needs to get off their lazy ass and go do some real work to actually earn some money.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Rent Control is BS. The market (supply demand) directs housing prices, why change it for the rent? Rent Control only benefits people that are currently in a home and they don't plan on ever leaving. It forces landlords to raise rents as much as we can between tenants.
Historically (and currently), rent hikes have been less about "rent".. and more a pretext for "race control" and discriminatory practices and policies. So checking the bullshit via rent control means checking housing discrimination and over gentrification.
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Rembrandt Brown

Historically (and currently), rent control has never really been about "rent".. Its always a pretext for "race control" and discriminatory practices and policies. So checking the bullshit means checking housing discrimination and over gentrification.
I don't understand your post. Are you saying rent control is a pretext for enabling discrimination or stopping it? I've read a lot about the issue, including many arguments against it, and never seen the former claimed.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Supply and demand, if people don't have to move because of raising rents like a rat race, landlords can only raise so much between tenants. It also basically limits you to market value in that situation. And it allows for reasonable increases with inflation, so any landlord who has a problem with it needs to get off their lazy ass and go do some real work to actually earn some money.

Are you a landlord?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I don't understand your post. Are you saying rent control is a pretext for enabling discrimination or stopping it? I've read a lot about the issue, including many arguments against it, and never seen the former claimed.
Wow. Just re-read what i wrote and that was all fucked up.. Poorly written indeed.. I was proofing a work document, watching that football play, and reading/listening to all the commentary at the same time while posting in here.. My bad.

I fixed the post. Thanks.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor shows.

If you think landlording is easy money you are likely misinformed and/or have no experience in the industry.

A lot of the other things you wrote are just your theories...real world experience would tell you otherwise.

It's late and I got a full day of work and travel tomorrow but hope to engage this topic further over the "weekend" (First rule of landlording: there are no days off).

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Transnational Member
I would study the Chinese and Indians on what changes took effect during their population boom. I know many people left the rural areas and moved to the city. I would create a housing policy that would not have any rent control for high density housing based on land usage in the city, while imposing rent control on low density housing in the city and the suburbs. This would reduce the supply of housing and commuters going into the city with traffic. What many cities do is sprawl out into the suburbs and use public transit into the city to their jobs or worse yet use their vehicles snarled in in traffic.

They should encourage the wealthy to get off gas guzzling cars and drive electrics to increase the supply for us poor folks and increase exports. Unless they have a plan to reduce the population, you have to be more efficient otherwise your standard of living will go down. This oil first policy based on corruption for 10 billion people will not work.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Supply and demand, if people don't have to move because of raising rents like a rat race, landlords can only raise so much between tenants. It also basically limits you to market value in that situation. And it allows for reasonable increases with inflation, so any landlord who has a problem with it needs to get off their lazy ass and go do some real work to actually earn some money.
Rent control is for existing tenants. Not for raising for vacancies. This basically forces a landlord to raise rents as much as he/she can get in between tenants.

Historically (and currently), rent hikes have been less about "rent".. and more a pretext for "race control" and discriminatory practices and policies. So checking the bullshit via rent control means checking housing discrimination and over gentrification.
This hasn’t been my experience as a landlord. Rent Control actually helps gentrification.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
This hasn’t been my experience as a landlord. Rent Control actually helps gentrification.
How would that be so? Gentrification is about the displacement of existing residents due to increased cost of living caused by influx of new tax base. Rent control allows existing residents the opportunity to maintain status by preventing significant housing increases.