CBS NEWS: The man that cures all diseases
Dr Sebi was born Alfredo Bowman on November 26, 1933. He was born in Llanga which is located in the Honduras. When he came to America he was diagnosed with asthma, diabetes, impotency, and obesity. He went to many doctors who could not rid him of these diseases. Finally he was told to see a herbalist in Mexico. He went and was cured of all his diseases. He learned a lot about herbs, fruits, and vegetables. He learned that most of the vegetables people eat today aren’t even a product of natural creation, they’re man invented. So he asked himself where should he start. Being that no one has actually took the time to invest in the study and curing of the diseases in African Americans, he felt that was a great place to start. His journey led him into creating natural vegetation compounds that effect the body on a cellular level. He found that African Americans need to have foods in their body that benefit where they come from. So he began using natural herbs and ingredients from Africa. He makes a good point when explaing his reason for using compounds found in Africa. He said, if you were to take the polar bear out of the north pole, you would have to feed him the diet that he had in the cold. You would not try to feed him the diet of the gorilla. Just because something is labeled a animal (human) doesnt mean that what one animal (human) eats, has the same nutritional benefits for all (humans) animals. Once he created his nutritional compounds he began sharing them with people who had all sorts of diseases. He found that there is only 1 disease and that is the germ that is in your body causing dis ease. Get rid of the germ and you become cured. Germs need to grow just like plants do. If you take away the soil then the plant simply cannot grow and will die. He discovered that mucus is the soil that germs use to grow. So if you can get rid of the excess mucus in your body then these dis eases have nowhere to grow so it is flushed out of the body. With this discovery he began curing people with anything from Aids to Diabetes, even curing the blind! He started a healing center in a village in Laceiba, Honduras called the URSHA Research Institute. It is there that he has cured many people, including a few celebrities. The center has been there for over 30 years now and is known for curing diseases said to be incurable by modern medicine.
In 1985 Dr. Sebi placed an ad in The Amsterdam News, The New York Post, and The Village, the ad read…..
“Aids has been cured by the Usha Research Institute, and we specialize in cures for Sickle Cell, Lupus, Blindness, Herpes, Cancer and others.”
The ad ran for 2 years before he was attacked by the Attorney General of New York. Dr. Sebi was told to remove the ad, when he refused within days he was served with a arrest warrant. According to Dr. Sebi the Attorney General bragged that he was going to “put Dr. Sebi under the jail!” The charges read to the jury was as follows..
Mr. Alfred Bowman aka Dr. Sebi, you are hereby charged with practicing medicine without a license, selling products not approved by the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) and claiming to cure Aids, and other diseases which is a fraudulent claim.”
Dr Sebi was told to bring 1 person for each of the diseases he claimed to court with proof from a reputable doctor that the individual had the disease, then proof from another reputable doctor that the person was cured. Instead of bringing 1 for each disease, approx 70 people filled the court all with proof! The judge shook his head according to Dr. Sebi and said I did not ask for all of this. To make a long story short, the judge after seeing the proof and speaking with Dr. Sebi turned to the states attorney and asked, “Did you investigate the man?” She said, “No” The judge then said, “well, the answer he just gave me, he cures AIDS. You all are in trouble.” Dr. Sebi was then found NOT GUILTY on all charges by the state of New York and the supreme court because he was indeed curing people of the various diseases, including AIDS. Dr. Sebi had cured 5 AIDS patients before he put the Ad in the papers. The media asked Dr. Sebi, where are all the so called black leaders??? This is a historical moment! A African American that is curing AIDS in America! Yet none of them have come out to celebrate your victory and make the big announcement.
Disease is a multi billion dollar industry, there’s money to be made in sickness. So why would anybody publicly announce that these diseases are being cured? Do you know how much money sickel cell centers collect each year?!! Cancer Research Centers?? Diabete Centers?? and the list goes on! The prescription companies pay the television shows salary. So of course your not going to see this being announced on the television. Until today you the reader probably haven’t even heard of Dr. Sebi. Now that you have, research this man, support this man, and spread the word! He has tried to spread his cures to the world and none of your major countries want to support him until recently. China has stepped up and givin him millions of dollars to create a bigger center and organic herbal, fruit and vegetable gardens needed for his continued research. Lets help stop the senseless deaths in the African American community and even the world! Spread the word!! Link to another vid: