Houston got to stop crying like females. Refs made it clear they are not calling those fouls. Crazy that they still bitching. Rockets act as of they good enough to give a game away
You trying to hurt me, I'm saying something
Houston got to stop crying like females. Refs made it clear they are not calling those fouls. Crazy that they still bitching. Rockets act as of they good enough to give a game away
Man refs not calling dribble, dribble, dribble step back 33 foot 3 flopThey have every right to bitch on obvious calls. The fuck you want them to do, keep silent & not say a word?
Man refs not calling dribble, dribble, dribble step back 33 foot 3 flop
The Warriors are good enough to throw a game away. Rockets can’t be bitching at the refs and jacking up contested shots flailing and hoping for calls. Then stand there and and fussing at the ref while the Warriors get easy bucketsand the warriors aren’t?
Man refs not calling dribble, dribble, dribble step back 33 foot 3 flop
The Warriors are good enough to throw a game away. Rockets can’t be bitching at the refs and jacking up contested shots flailing and hoping for calls. Then stand there and and fussing at the ref while the Warriors get easy buckets
You can try and get the foul but don’t bitch and not play defense.What about illegal screen, illegal screen 33 foot 3 flop, AKA Steph's entire career?
You gotta let a player land...refs on some bullshit
Edit: Paul kinda sold it
Man fuck CP3
If PJ put more emphasis on scoring, and less on his shoes, Houston would be better.
He score today?
Fuck these refs
Heat my team but my bandwagon team is WarriorsWhich team is your team again? Still the heat or did you bandwagon hop to the warriors?
Heat my team but my bandwagon team is Warriors
The Warriors are good enough to throw a game away. Rockets can’t be bitching at the refs and jacking up contested shots flailing and hoping for calls. Then stand there and and fussing at the ref while the Warriors get easy buckets
So you salty now?Good to know I can ignore your comments from here on out
Jeff Van Gundy is an idiot
It doesn't matter if he got it, it was a bad defensive play?
and I saw two straight fouls where there was no foul
Paul smeared his ass on the defender and wanted a foul called, GTFOH!
All these replies!
Dying at smeared his ass on defender!
Paul smeared his ass on the defender and wanted a foul called, GTFOH!
Golden State just plays that way. They will frustrate the hell out of you with how lose they are with the ball. But I guess if you play with the pace and wide open style they play with that comes with itI never seen a team with so many careless turnovers....
What's PJ stat line??
Yeah I know Tex I wated the game from beginning to end.You guys gave up 108 to Toronto.
Yeah man he can get any shot he wants with easeMissed 3s
Durant happy his tall ass can hit a j on Paul, what a fuckin clown