NBA urges players to upgrade their security systems ( Luka Doncic Dallas Home Robbed)


Rising Star
In this age of in your face wealth inequality this was bound to happen. You have all these celebs out here posting pics flaunting their wealth and location to the general public. Kim K's robbery should have been a wakeup call but celebs have only gotten worse. Posting picks of their babies with jewelry and things that cost more than an average salary. Anyway Better to have it stolen from your home than off of your person.
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Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Transnational Member
As for the crimes, they reportedly stem from a South American group that has developed a system of finding athletes' addresses, surveilling the places, and then hitting them when the occupants are gone.

This is foreign intelligence targeting political influencers.


This is the next step if fools keep slipping. They had access to what you eat and can adjust your air 'quality'.

Quit freely giving out your home address thinking the Keystone cops will protect you.
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Transnational Member
It's called reimagining, where they let you know there's something terrible could happen to you down the road if you continue. They don't harm you, but want you to know that they can bypass your security system with ease.

The Russian FSB does this to foreign reporters, where they break in and opened up their balcony that could allow their small child to fall to their death.

You need to quit shopping at Best Buy for security systems, something that Shaq was promoting and hire professionals like me.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend