Netflix Film: THE PLATFORM (2020) Foreign Sci-Fi Horror film Drops 3/20 (looks fantastic)


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member

Also.. It's crazy that America can't come up with Original shit like this.

Inside a vertical prison system, inmates are assigned to a level and forced to ration food from a platform that moves between the floors. Directed by Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia, The Platform is a twisted social allegory about mankind at its darkest and hungriest.



BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
its hardly sci fi,

but a very interesting saw type horror, indeed.

The Platform (Spanish: El Hoyo) is a Spanish satirical science fiction film, directed by Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia and released in 2019.[1] The film is set in a large tower-style prison where the inmates are fed by means of a platform that gradually descends the levels of the tower, ostensibly a fair system if each inmate takes only their fair share of food, but deeply inequitable in practice as inmates at the top levels have the ability to take much more food and leave less for those below them.[1]

Seems like Science Fiction to me Sir..

This is Kind of like Snowpiercer


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Hopefully it has an actual ending and when the guy finally escapes he does not end up in another experiment and it starts all over again.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Aye man my 'flix has been fucked up for like 9 days.... I log in and it asks me to pick a plan....thing is the mfkrs took out the monthly payment like 15 days ago.... My kid's can't watch flix and their customer service # is a recorded message that hangs up eventually..... any thoughts?

This virus thing may last awhile....might just have to sign up again for the next 2 months and hope they credit the shit back to me


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Just finished watching it.

This is a pretty wild Sci-Fi psychological thriller.

The movie is pretty much explained in the first 6 minutes.

If you are a fan of the “Cube” movies, you will like this.


Rising Star
Ok this is a must watch. Especially considering what we all are currently dealing with in this country regarding the pandemic and the next few months ahead. Great movie displaying classism, poverty, capitalism, socialism, and how they are all tied together. I was blown away with this one.

Also, it's worth it to watch in it's original language (Spanish). The subtitles weren't that bad at all.