Netflix Official Discussion Thread: Daredevil - Born Again (Disney +)

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady
Now that the. Mcu is taking jt to the streets they should go ahead with that spiderman daredevil team up movie instead of more of that multiverse bs.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster


Rising Star
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Rising Star

Daredevil: Born Again will fix the showrunner's big issue with the Netflix series: "At its worst, it was two characters in a room talking about what a hero is"​

@raze @Day_Carver @blackbull1970
This show seems like it’s gonna go hard!! I’m betting it’s gonna be one of the best marvel tv shows ever!!


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member

Daredevil: Born Again will fix the showrunner's big issue with the Netflix series: "At its worst, it was two characters in a room talking about what a hero is"​

@raze @Day_Carver @blackbull1970



I’m almost done with Season 1 Netflix. I got 3 episodes left.

I will give my review on it this week.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Netflix Season 1
13 Episodes


I was originally gonna just read up on the original series to catch up. But then realized I haven’t seen the original series since it debuted back in 2015.

Reading a recap was not gonna get me up to speed on what happened before the new “Daredevil: Born Again” debuts in March.

I started watching season 1 on MLK day on Disney+, while on the road and finished last night on the road. When episode 1 started, I had no memory of what I was watching.

I will point this out, if you don’t remember the opening scene with Matt Murdock as a kid or that later, Det. Mahoney debuted as a NYPD Patrol Sergeant….it will be in your best interest to rewatch the original series to catch up. Cuz I as sure didn’t remember.

I’m not going to go into details but just point out some highlights.

The famous fight scene with Matt taking on 7 dudes in one take is in episode 2. Episode 5 has the fight scene filmed from the interior of a taxi cab. Episode 9 and 13 has Matt physically confronting Fisk. Every episode has a minimum of one fight scene involving Matt. Choreography for all fight sequences display different fight tactics between Matt and his opponents.

The season debuts Fisk, The Hand, and majority of the supporting characters for the series. Along with cameo introductions or a number of supporting characters that debut in the other Netflix series, who help connect the different series together.

A number of references are made to the Avengers “Battle of NY”. Some tongue in cheek references to various members of the Avengers thru out the season.

Fisk is given the idea early in the season of running for office/Mayor. This is played out eventually in “Echo” and what has been shown in the first trailer for “Daredevil: Born Again”.

Foggy/Matt’s backstory is told with them working for a law firm representing Roxxon and Foggy discovers Matt’s secret of being “The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen” in episode 10.

Matt meets Melvin the tailor who starts to design/make Matt’s protective suit in episode 11. Episode 13 debuts the new suit and upgraded batons that Stick gave Matt earlier in the season.

Matt is shown in civilian clothing running across and jumping along rooftops like Captain America in episode 12.

The season ends with Fisk being apprehended and sitting in jail waiting for his trial.

Overall, it’s a good season. The story develops well from start to the season finale and kept you interested and focused. No episodes came off as “filler”. Character development was done well without slowing down the pace of the main story.

Vincent D'Onofrio (Wilson Fisk/Kingpin) and Toby Leonard Moore (Wesley) were the standout characters of the season. Vincent stole the series with his performance and Toby played the Consigliere part perfectly.

I got some other stuff to catch up on. I plan on getting Season 2/3 completed before the end of February.

Looking forward to the next season.




The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Daredevil: Born Again Season 2 Gets Exciting Filming Update From Charlie Cox

Cox shared. "By the time we release [Born Again] on March 4th, we’ll already be shooting Season 2.

By Lee Freitag
Jan 20, 2025



Rising Star
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The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Netflix Season 2
13 Episodes

I started watching season 2 at home earlier this week and finished up on the road last night.

I’m not gonna go in details, just the highlights.

Frank Castle (The Punisher) is introduced in Episode 1.

Episode 3 has the fight scene with Murdock fighting over 20 men done in one shot.

Episode 4 introduced Elektra, I forgot she debuted in this series, hopefully she returns for the new series. There is also an intense fight scene with Murdock going against 5 men in one shot.

Jessica Jones is mentioned in Episode 5.

In Episode 8, Ninja’s are introduced with Murdock/Elektra fighting them. Fisk returns in Episode 8 meeting Frank in prison.

Episode 9 goes into Fisk achieving power in Rykers Island. He meets his new prison consigliere Stewart Finley. The episode has the scene with Frank taking on 9 prisoners and killing them all. Wisk refers to himself for the first time as “Kingpin”.

Episode 10 has Elektra obtaining her trademark Sai’s and episode 12 gave some of her backstory. Matt also gets from the tailor upgrades to his clubs.

Episode 13, has Matt revealing his identity to Karen.

The season ended setting it up for Season 1 of the Punisher and The Defenders. I plan on watching the Punisher next to follow the timeline of the series. Then watch the final season of Daredevil season 3 and then Punisher season 2. I haven’t decided yet to rewatch Echo, I will decide later.

I started season one watching it thru my iPhone connected to the 22” LCD TV in my truck. I started season 2 at home on my 4K UHD TV. What I noticed was that the series looked darker/grime on my TV. Disney+ streams everything in 4K UHD. Netflix filmed the series with HD cameras. The dark look actually fits well for the series.

I plan on getting started on the Punisher this weekend on the road. Looking forward to it.




The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
The Punisher
Netflix- Season 1
13 Episodes


I started watching this season last week on the road. I finished it last night on the road.

When it started, it was clear I completely forgot watching it cuz it came off immediately to me as being “New”.

Season 1 picks up after the events in “Daredevil” season 1, episode 12.

I’m not going to go into details, just the highlights.

The season starts out with Frank going around the country and taking out the mofos involved with killing his family. From there the series jumps 6 months with Frank living under a new identity, but still suffering from the loss of his family.

The season goes into service men suffering from PTSD and private military contractors. Karen, Turk and Detective Mahoney debut in the 1st season.

Episode 2 has Frank starting to investigate the conspiracy behind his family’s murders.

Episode 3 depicts what Frank went thru in Kandahar, Afghanistan that his former CO spoke about during his trial in “Daredevil” season 2.

Episode 10 is a stand out episode bringing majority of the characters somewhat together thru-out the episode in flashback scenes. This episode also fully displays Franks physical endurance.

Episode 11, the Punisher “Skull” is explained to Frank and we see him go into full Punisher mode.

The season ends with Frank closing out his personal war, with the people behind the conspiracy involving the deaths of his family. Russo becomes “Jigsaw” in the finale.

Overall, it’s a slow burn season. Lots of talking and minimal action with Frank. There isn’t big fight/shoot ‘em up scenes in each episode. It plays out more like a crime thriller series. Acting/casting was good and I had completely forgotten that C. Thomas Howell and Shohreh Aghdashloo had co-starred in this series.

For the Thirsty, Amber Rose Revah (DHS Agent Madani) has a few semi-nude scenes thru-out the season.

For the Militants, Amber’s sex scenes are with a White Boy.

For the Gay Agenda trackers, Rear WM nudity and partial frontal nudity of a WM in one scene.

I’m gonna start the final season of “”Daredevil” hopefully this weekend.

Looking forward to it.


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