Fuck both of them
I kind of agree, but my reasoning may be different than yours. Thanks to both men and their differences, they have tarnished the lie of TEAM work of NBA's greatest team.
Jordan in the Last Dance showed his ruthlessness to his teammates AND Pippen showed how much HATE he had for the longest time against Jordan for being THE GOAT. HORRIBLE LOOK for the actual team!
10 second mark SAYS IT ALL!!! ENTERTAINMENT!!
Look Scottie Pippen has a right to his feelings of being snubbed and whatnot. If he wants to believe he was the real team leader and better than Jordan, that is his right.
HOWEVER, THIS IS A BUNCH OF BS with his book. He wants to sell books. Oh he is so angry at Jordan's comments from the documentary, but he waits to write and tell this story a year later in his book to sell books?

What is the problem with that?????
GO AT THE 10 SECOND MARK!!! He knows DAMN WELL how SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT works!! He is pulling a Vince Mcmahon by dragging Jordan to sell his book under the guise of being upset at his portrayal in the documentary.
Well, the problem I see with that is he clearly understands selling a book and telling a story on television especially the magnitude of the last season of the legendary Bulls will have heroes and villains. He must have understood as well working in television that selling the documentary with Jordan as lead is best for business just as he understood taking shots at Jordan would help generate interest for his book. Why not just call out Jordan on television in this manner when the documentary came out?
He wants to sell books and there is no longer any more investment with keeping up the Bulls charade anymore. Sorry, but this smells like WWF 1989 lol. Call up Vince Mcmahon and put them as headliners for next year's WrestleMania because this sound forced as hell. Pippen even threw in some reality based stuff like not sending condolences to Jordan and letting it be known. That was just cold blooded. I thought okay he made one wild promo for his book to sell the book, but the jumping from media outlet to media outlet ragging on Jordan gives me WWF in its prime vibes lol.
Get Dennis Rodman to be special referee lol.

It may be the biggest spectacle since Hogan vs Andre in 1987 lol.