New Orleans Mayor Speaks Out After Being Accused Of Having An Affair With Police Officer


Rising Star
Platinum Member

New Orleans Mayor Speaks Out After Being Accused Of Having An Affair With Police Officer

Tomas Kassahun
Sun, January 22, 2023 at 10:54 AM EST

New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell, who is defending herself after reports indicated that she’s having an affair with a police officer, described the accusations against her as sexist. Cantrell expressed her statement in a text message to
“By the time I complete my tenure as mayor I would have slept with half of the City of New Orleans based on false accusations that come my way sometimes daily,” Cantrell told Nola. “This is only one of them.”
The mayor continued to express her frustration, saying “If I were a MAN you would NOT be texting me about this bull***t.”
The accusations against Cantrell surfaced after news outlets reported on the divorce petition recently filed by the wife of New Orleans Police Officer Jeffrey Vappie.

The petition alleges that the mayor began an “ongoing sexual relationship” with Vappie in May 2021. According to the document, Vappie admitted to his wife that he was having an affair with the mayor, who is referred to as “Mrs. L.C” in the paper.
The petition states that Cantrell and Vappie had at least 10 dates together in August and September of 2022. The officer, according to the document, still went to work on seven of those days. Some of his shifts began as early as 7 a.m. and ran as late as 10 p.m.
The city’s policy does not explicitly ban sexual relationships between supervisors and subordinates. However, the policy statesthat “quid pro quo” sexual harassment occurs “when the rejection of sexual advances would result in adverse decisions affecting an employee’s job status.”
Chief Administrative Officer Gilbert Montaño didn’t clarify whether Cantrell or Vappie violated any laws.
Rafael Goyeneche, president of the watchdog Metropolitan Crime Commission, said Vappie would likely violate policies of professionalism if he had an affair while on the clock. Goyeneche told Nola that Vappie could also face criminal charges if he reported hours for time he didn’t actually spend working security.




Black Caligula
BGOL Investor
Not white.
Why are feds involved?
I was curious if fed money/city resources being used.

I can understand the wife being upset, but to sit outside hotel rooms for hours with a camera?

She didn't do that, the French Quarter has numerous surveillance cameras. That's where the footage is coming from.

The only thing Vappie's wife (below) did was accuse the mayor of having an affair with her husband in the divorce filings

The mayor is also accused of not being in city hall when she should be on the clock and Vappie was paid for hours he didn't work

More subpoenas issued in federal investigation into New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell

Federal investigators question Mayor Cantrell’s relationship with bodyguard


Black Caligula
BGOL Investor
Expected her to be a dimepiece, since it's N. Orleans.

No way this homie lost his marriage over this dude. 2 words...MUD DUCK!


She's from Los Angeles. She probably left that city because she wasn't cute enough to live there.

BTW this was her opponent in the 2017 election when she was first elected



Rising Star
She didn't do that, the French Quarter has numerous surveillance cameras. That's where the footage is coming from.

The only thing Vappie's wife (below) did was accuse the mayor of having an affair with her husband in the divorce filings

The mayor is also accused of not being in city hall when she should be on the clock and Vappie was paid for hours he didn't work

More subpoenas issued in federal investigation into New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell

Federal investigators question Mayor Cantrell’s relationship with bodyguard
Nigga…. As a husband that’s been married for 24yrs the rules are- YOU DO NOT DO A DOWNGRADE CHEAT! If his wife looks like that compared to the mayor? This strictly a Career upgrade move/ cause I would Neva! You cheat on the same level of your wife or better- Neva downgrade


Black Caligula
BGOL Investor
Nigga…. As a husband that’s been married for 24yrs the rules are- YOU DO NOT DO A DOWNGRADE CHEAT! If his wife looks like that compared to the mayor? This strictly a Career upgrade move/ cause I would Neva! You cheat on the same level of your wife or better- Neva downgrade

None of this shit is an upgrade...

The mayor is decidedly less attractive than his wife and the mayor older than his wife. He still has school-aged children and he and the mayor are probably going to be in a shit load of trouble once the mayor's term is over. Leaving his wife and kids in a precarious situation going forward.

This is a lose-lose situation.

I wouldn't have let Cantrell give me a boobflash, let alone ruin my family, my career, and my family name to have on-the-clock sex with her.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
None of this shit is an upgrade...

The mayor is decidedly less attractive than his wife and the mayor older than his wife. He still has school-aged children and he and the mayor are probably going to be in a shit load of trouble once the mayor's term is over. Leaving his wife and kids in a precarious situation going forward.

This is a lose-lose situation.

I wouldn't have let Cantrell give me a boobflash, let alone ruin my family, my career, and my family name to have on-the-clock sex with her.

Yeah, when she doesn’t win re-election, reality for him going to set in hard :lol:


Black Caligula
BGOL Investor
Yeah, when she doesn’t win re-election, reality for him going to set in hard :lol:

She's already termed out. She was re-elected in 2021, mostly on the strength of the fact that nobody wanted the job after COVID-19 (& no incumbent has been unseated in over 70 years) and was content to wait til 2025.

New Orleans city charter only allows a mayor to be re-elected once.

And the feds are snooping around and making it widely known that they are.


Black Caligula
BGOL Investor
When you look at LaToya Cantrell, love her, or hate her, her story is impressive.

She grew up in Los Angeles during the crack era with both her mother, father, and stepfather being drug addicts. She gets accepted into Xavier University and she starts to make a name for herself after Katrina with her organizing then her political career begins, and she jumps from councilmember to mayor beating a woman from an old and fairly prominent Creole family to become the first woman mayor.

She's ugly as hell facially but that is impressive and it's what you WANT to see from a Black girl who grew up in rough or shitty circumstances, to essentially break a vicious cycle.

But since she's become mayor, it really feels like a case of "You can take the girl out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the girl".

Her antics are wild, even by Louisiana politician standards.
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Black Caligula
BGOL Investor
Probably a big chunk of this. Add to that a high level of opportunity/convenience of access, and you got yourself a sticky situation in the making. People sometimes underestimate how being adjacent to someone can lead to bad decisions.

But what power was there to get?

LaToya Cantrell does not come from an old prominent family, she wasn't even born here, what could she have given him apart from influencing a promotion within NOPD (where he already makes 6 figures) or putting him on boards he's not qualified to be on which served to only capture the attention of the feds?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But what power was there to get?

LaToya Cantrell does not come from an old prominent family, she wasn't even born here, what could she have given him apart from influencing a promotion within NOPD (where he already makes 6 figures) or putting him on boards he's not qualified to be on which served to only capture the attention of the feds?
It's not so much an exchange for a share of power as just the basic allure of a powerful person. Power can be its own form of charisma, is all I'm saying. Especially perceived vs. real power. Dude might have just got off on hooking up with his "boss".


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
But what power was there to get?

LaToya Cantrell does not come from an old prominent family, she wasn't even born here, what could she have given him apart from influencing a promotion within NOPD (where he already makes 6 figures) or putting him on boards he's not qualified to be on which served to only capture the attention of the feds?
The mayor is the top official in the city so the police will kiss their ass and vice versa. Every cop wants to get on mayor detail, easy job with lots of OT. Also have you ever been to your local city hall, I bet half the people there are either spouses of or are former police/fire fighters.


Black Caligula
BGOL Investor
The mayor is the top official in the city so the police will kiss their ass and vice versa. Every cop wants to get on mayor detail, easy job with lots of OT. Also have you ever been to your local city hall, I bet half the people there are either spouses of or are former police/fire fighters.

You're correct but in this case, he had nothing to gain from a mayor with rapidly declining popularity and rapidly increasing federal attention. If he's that close to the mayor and that high up within NOPD (and coming from an LE family) he knows exactly what is going on with her and many other prominent figures in the city.

So is it exactly smart to start fucking her in $3,000 a month French Quarter apartment that she's living in for free, while she's estranged from her husband, who eventually died this past August and while he's there he's billing the city for hours he didn't work and the mayor is having her aids handle all of her morning meetings because she and Vappie is in that apartment fucking, when they both should be working and simple records requests from local news anchors spelled this out in black and white and you know the feds have more and will make people talk when the threat of time is on the line.

I get the point of getting access to power, hell that's what New Orleans is all about, if you're not in the streets but in this case, he made a stupid move and is paying for it by losing his family and probably his freedom in the coming years.